

Please leave a review if you like the story. I'll also leave a review in your story! Uroya is a young girl who is bullied by a group of boys led by Zinra. However, she is saved by a magical bunny and begins to train hard in order to stand up to Zinra. Through her hard work and training, Uroya becomes much larger and faster than others her age and develops impressive muscles at just six years old. She finally gets the chance to give Zinra a lecture, humiliating him in front of the entire village. For the following years, Uroya continues to stand up to Zinra, causing him to stop growing and appearing as an adult. One day, a mysterious man arrives in the village and invites young people to attend The Witch Hunter Academy, where Uroya and Zinra begin a new chapter in their lives.

SefaAYNA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Zinra Recovered, Let's Exchange Some Emeralds

Zinra opened his eyes to a room filled with opulence. The bed he was lying in was covered in soft, silken sheets and a plush comforter. The walls were adorned with gold-framed paintings and there was a fireplace with a warm fire crackling in the corner. The floors were made of gleaming hardwood and there was a plush rug beneath his feet.

As he sat up, he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him and he clutched at his head, wincing at the headache that pounded in his temples. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, but he had no idea where he was. This room certainly didn't look like his small, cramped bedroom back in the village. It was clear that he was in a place meant for the wealthy.

Feeling thirsty and hungry, Zinra slowly stood up and made his way towards the door. He remembered leaving the village in a hurry, without any time to prepare. He had been an unexpected guest for Thamos and Uroya, and he had left without thinking about his own needs.

As he walked out into the corridor, he was struck by the grandeur of the space. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and there were doors lining either side, each one leading to a different room. The floor was made of gleaming marble and there was a sense of quiet, calm luxury in the air.

As he walked down the corridor, he could hear a faint cheer coming from below. He followed the sound and found a set of stairs leading down to the ground floor. As he made his way down, he was struck by the bustling scene that greeted him.

The inn was filled with people of all shapes and sizes, all engaged in various activities. Some were eating and drinking at the tables, while others were playing games or chatting with friends. The floor of the inn was made entirely of glass, and below it was a giant aquarium filled with colorful fish and other sea creatures. Zinra saw two giant fish, each the size of a whale, swimming slowly through the water. They had long, antenna-like mustaches that waved gently in the current. It was an amazing sight, and Zinra couldn't help but stare in awe.

As he looked around the room, he saw Uroya sitting at a table, locked in an arm-wrestling match with a burly man. The man was tall and muscular, with a thick beard and a scowl on his face. Uroya, on the other hand, was a towering figure with long, blonde hair and a muscular build. She was focused on the task at hand, her powerful arm locked in a struggle with her opponent's.

As Zinra watched, Uroya finally managed to overpower the man, slamming his arm down onto the table with a triumphant grin. She took the silver coins he had wagered and checked them carefully, making sure they were real. With a satisfied nod, she stood up on the table, her massive, muscular body towering over the other patrons of the inn. She scanned the room, looking for any other challengers who might want to lose their money against her.

It was then that she noticed Zinra standing at the edge of the room, watching the scene with a mixture of amazement and confusion. Uroya grinned and beckoned him over, motioning for him to come and join her at the table. Zinra hesitated for a moment, but eventually made his way over, still unsure of what was happening.

As Zinra approached the table, Uroya looked at him in surprise. "Zinra, you look completely healthy!" she exclaimed, reaching out to touch his face and body. Zinra glanced down at himself and saw that she was right - there were no burn marks or injuries on his skin. He had been so focused on using his magic to protect Uroya that he had managed to avoid getting hurt himself.

As Zinra approached the table, Uroya introduced him to her new friend, the man she had just defeated in an arm-wrestling match. "This is my little pet boy, Zinra," she said with a grin, patting him on the head. Zinra blushed at the label, feeling embarrassed at being treated like a pet. The man, however, seemed unfazed by the introduction, shaking Zinra's hand and chatting with him as if he were just any other person. His name was Manngor, and he was a human slaver who was in the inn to sell some slaves. As Manngor shook Zinra's hand, the young boy was struck by the size of the man's hands - they completely engulfed his own small, girlish fingers. Manngor's breath was hot on Zinra's face, and it smelled of garlic and rotten food.

Zinra was an introvert by nature and wasn't used to talking to strangers, so he didn't have much to say. Manngor, however, seemed more than happy to talk, boasting about his high-famed knight status and trying to impress Uroya with his tales of adventure. Zinra couldn't help but think that this man was dangerous, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to be on his guard around him.

Uroya, on the other hand, seemed completely at ease. She laughed loudly as Manngor spoke, her booming voice shaking the table. "Oh, Manngor, you're such a liar," she said, rolling her eyes. "Come on, let's go show Zinra the slaves you're trying to sell."

As they walked over to where Manngor had his slaves on display, Zinra couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in his stomach. He kept glancing around, looking for Thamos, and eventually he saw the rogue-like man sitting at a table with a mysterious stranger. Thamos was surrounded by armored and sworded bodyguards, and he was busy exchanging large emerald pieces while he talked to the stranger.

"Wow, look at all those emeralds," Zinra said, his eyes wide with amazement. "I can't even guess how rich Thamos is going to be after this."

Uroya chuckled and reached under the table, pulling out a giant emerald piece. "Well, I'm pretty sure I'll be rich too," she said with a smirk, placing the emerald on the table in front of Zinra.

Zinra's eyes widened in surprise. "Uroya, did you steal that?" he asked, not quite sure what to think.

Uroya laughed and shook her head. "No, I didn't steal it. I earned it. I saved Thamos's life, and we agreed to split the emeralds evenly. And with all this money, I'll finally be able to afford some proper training. I'm going to become even stronger and more muscular than I already am." She flexed her massive biceps and grinned, clearly looking forward to the future.

Zinra felt his stomach growl with hunger, and he realized that he only had a few coppers left in his pocket. He knew it wouldn't be enough to buy a proper meal, but he couldn't help feeling desperate for something to eat. As he considered his options, Uroya spoke up. "I'll order for you, Zinra," she said, reaching for her purse. "You're my little pet boy, and it's my job to feed you."

The innkeeper, a woman with long, curled white hair and smooth, black skin, came over to take their order. She was athletic and strong, despite her age, thanks to the hard work of running the inn and carrying heavy items. She took their order and soon returned with a steaming hot pot of turtle soup. The aroma was mouthwatering, and Zinra couldn't wait to dig in.

As he reached for his spoon, however, Uroya stopped him. "I'll feed you, Zinra," she said with a wicked grin. She picked up the pot and drank the soup straight from it, rinsing her mouth with it before pouring it into Zinra's mouth. Zinra felt a wave of embarrassment and shame wash over him as he realized just how insignificant he was in the face of Uroya's domination.

Thamos returned to the table just as they were finishing their meal. He looked surprised to see Zinra fully recovered, and he asked a series of questions about how the young boy had managed to enter the cart secretly, why he was able to use magic, and how he had recovered so quickly. Uroya answered some of the questions, but she often cut Zinra off or bullied him into silence, enjoying the power she had over him.

Finally, Zinra managed to explain that he had been taught how to use magic by a girl named Kvaen, who had appeared suddenly in his room. He had focused on using his magic to protect Uroya, which was why he didn't have any burn marks on his body. Uroya laughed at this detail, and she continued to bully and dominate Zinra as they traveled to the Witch Hunter Academy.

As they drew closer to the academy, they saw the huge, metal gates that marked the entrance. The gates were marked with fire, and they seemed to be guarded by a group of heavily armed men. Zinra couldn't help feeling a sense of trepidation as they approached, wondering what kind of dangers lay ahead.