

Please leave a review if you like the story. I'll also leave a review in your story! Uroya is a young girl who is bullied by a group of boys led by Zinra. However, she is saved by a magical bunny and begins to train hard in order to stand up to Zinra. Through her hard work and training, Uroya becomes much larger and faster than others her age and develops impressive muscles at just six years old. She finally gets the chance to give Zinra a lecture, humiliating him in front of the entire village. For the following years, Uroya continues to stand up to Zinra, causing him to stop growing and appearing as an adult. One day, a mysterious man arrives in the village and invites young people to attend The Witch Hunter Academy, where Uroya and Zinra begin a new chapter in their lives.

SefaAYNA · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Fearful Battle

As they entered the Witch Hunter Academy, Zinra and Uroya were struck by the grandeur of the sprawling complex. Located in a lush, green valley surrounded by rolling hills, the main building was a multi-tiered structure made of gleaming white marble. It was adorned with soaring columns, intricate carvings, and large, stained-glass windows. The grounds were well-manicured and dotted with fountains, gardens, and gazebos.

Students were wandering the grounds, laughing, studying, and practicing magic. As Zinra, Uroya, and Thamos passed by, some of the students couldn't help but stare, charmed by Uroya's beauty or giggling and gossiping about Zinra's small, girlish appearance.

Thamos led them down a path that led to the right side of the main building, stopping in front of a stable. On the roof of the stable was a gryphon, its wings spread wide as it slept. The stable was home to a variety of fantastical creatures, including giant frogs and a living lion made of iron. Zinra and Uroya were in awe at the sight of these magical beasts, their eyes wide with wonder.

"I never believed in magic before," Uroya said, shaking her head. "My mom always told me it was all just stories and lies. But now, seeing all of this... I don't know what to think."

Zinra felt a sense of pride wash over him. "I'm glad I could show you that magic is real," he said with a smile.

Thamos chuckled. "That's exactly what I want to know," he said. "I want to know you can use magic."

As they were talking, an older student approached them, smiling as he walked up. He was a blonde-haired boy, dressed in blue and white clothing that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. He looked at Thamos. "Thamos, the Professor wishes to welcome you all in his room, " he said.

Thamos had bad feelings about this invitation. Thamos asked why they were being sent to the Professor's room instead of their own, and the student replied with a smile, "The Professor requested to see you personally. He has some words for you."

Thamos looked surprised at this news, but he didn't say anything more, simply following the student as they made their way to the Professor's room.

The innerside of the academy was just as formidable, with dimly lit corridors, stone floors, and cold, drafty classrooms. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of witch hunts and battles against the forces of darkness. It was clear that this was a place of serious study and training for those who sought to become true witch hunters.

As they entered the Professor's room, they were greeted by a kind and gentle old man with a round, cheerful face and twinkling blue eyes. His skin was wrinkled and weathered, but his smile was always bright and welcoming. He was dressed in a flowing robe or gown, adorned with gold and silver embroidery, the perfect outfit for a man of his stature as the principal of the Witch Hunter Academy.

The Professor looked up as they entered, his eyes narrowing as he studied Thamos. "Thamos," he said, his voice deep and gravelly. "I've been expecting you. And you must be Uroya and Zinra. Welcome to the Witch Hunter Academy. I have a few questions for you."

Thamos shifted nervously under the Professor's gaze, clearly aware that he had done something wrong. "I'm sorry, Professor," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "I didn't mean to bring them here. They just... showed up in the cart. I didn't know what to do."

The Professor raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "You were given a specific task, Thamos," he said sternly. "Your duty was to bring three invited special students to the academy. And yet, here we have two additional students who are not even on the list. Explain yourself."

Thamos looked down at his feet, feeling embarrassed and guilty. "I'm sorry, Professor," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "I couldn't find the students. When I arrived at the location, there was no such place. There were no remnants of the village."

The Professor scratched his beard, his expression grave. "I see," he said. "I'm afraid we cannot accept these students, then. They are not on the list and we cannot make exceptions."

Zinra stepped forward, his face determined. "But how do you know our names, Professor?" he asked. "If we weren't invited, how did you know who we are?"

The Professor smiled, his eyes twinkling. "A professional witch hunter must have spies everywhere," he said. "We have ways of finding out about potential students, even if they are not on the official list."

Uroya, who had been leaning against the wall, bored and uninterested in the conversation, suddenly spoke up. "Do I look like 'such a commoner' to you?" she shouted, her voice filled with anger. She ripped off her shirt, revealing her ripped, muscular body. Zinra could hardly control himself, his eyes drawn to the tower-like body in front of him. His head was only at the same height as Uroya's chest. Thamos, meanwhile, was studiously avoiding looking at the scene, instead gazing out the window.

The Professor's eyes widened as he took in Uroya's impressive muscles. "My, my," he said, clearly impressed. "You certainly don't look like a commoner. Very well, then. I will give you both a chance. But you must prove yourselves in a fierce battle. If you can survive, you may stay. If not, you will be kicked out, with your memories erased." He looked at them both sternly, his expression serious. "Do you understand the stakes?"

Uroya and Zinra nodded, their determination clear on their faces. "We understand," they said in unison.

"Very well," the Professor said. "I will make the necessary arrangements. Be prepared for the battle. It will not be easy."

Zinra and Uroya stood in front of the imposing main entrance of the Witch Hunter Academy, their nerves and excitement palpable in the air. The grand, multi-tiered structure of gleaming white marble loomed above them, with soaring columns, intricate carvings, and large, stained-glass windows. The well-manicured grounds were dotted with fountains, gardens, and gazebos, and the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and the faint hum of magic.

As they waited, a muscular and tall man with a serious face approached them. His ash-colored hair was swept back, and his beard was well-trimmed, with the underside slightly longer. He wore a green-gray outfit adorned with flame-golden patterns and motifs, and a long, great copper-colored sword was strapped to his back.

"Welcome, young ones," the man said in a deep, commanding voice. "I am Vanfiel, your main teacher here at the Academy. This woman here," he gestured to a woman standing next to him, "will take you to your dormitory," said to Uroya. "Zinra, you will go with me to the male dormitory."

As they walked, Zinra couldn't shake the fear that lingered in his mind about the looming battle they were to face. He glanced over at Uroya, who seemed to be lost in thought as well.

The dormitories were located on opposite sides of the Academy, and as they walked, Zinra couldn't help but marvel at the dimly lit corridors, stone floors, and cold, drafty classrooms. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of witch hunts and battles against the forces of darkness, Zinra was hardly keeping himself from vomiting due to fear of tomorrow's battle.