
A strange square

Layla_Lux · Eastern
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A weird looking thing

Three man and two women dressed in classy clothes look at a square that has a silver like colored texture and an ink like face and a bitten apple on the back.

The man that holds the square (we'll call him Thomas):-"What weird thing this is I never saw something like this before" The man with the crossed arms looking a little bewildered (Higgins):-"I agree from all the journeys that I went to and place that I visited this is the most unusual thing that I ever saw."

The man with the monocle (Ainsworth):-"I also agree in all my 30 years of owning an auction house I have seen many strange objects and sold but such a thing it's a first for me too."

The woman looking scared (Mary):-"Coul...could this be som..somet....something for attracting gho...ghos...ghosts?"her hand clutching on Thomas back." "I don...don't think can be something good just look at that black face that has our reflection may...maybe they're our souls!!!! Thomas:-"Miss Mary please don't be afraid.I don't think this is that dangerous plus what if the owner is looking for it?I think that this is something precious for someone out there.

The woman holding the umbrella (Annabelle):-"Mister Thomas there are some round spheres that looks like little buttons maybe you should press them"says Annabelle while pointing on the right side of the square. Mary:-"I really don't think that's a great idea may...maybe th...that's a bom...bomb and will exp..expl...explode"Mary says in a panicked soft voice trembling slightly.

Thomas trying to comfort Mary:-"Miss Mary I know how a bomb looks like and I assure you that this is not one plus if we don't try we won't know who this belongs to right? Mary saying in an almost whisper tone:-"Well if it's some...something that everyone agr..agrees on th..then I will follow".

Everyone looked at each other and nodded their heads Thomas while slightly trembling pressed the button.After that ink like face became with a flash white and some strange words appeared on it and in the next second they were greeted by a beautiful image of a sunrise in a deep forest and in the distant image there was a field full of colored flowers.Evereyone was shocked by this change until Higgins broke the silence.

Higgins:-"What a beautiful forest not even Paris has such a beautiful forests and look it's even colored almost as if we are in the forest ourselves."

Ainsworth took his monocle off and his right hand out of the pocket to clean the monocle while staring at he mesmerizing picture and said with a hint of nostalgia:-"This looks like a painting that my grandparents had in their house such memories"

Mary that loosened her grip a little regaining composure and said:-"Oh my!!!I never have seen such beauty before not even in the countries I went for official meetings"

Annabelle:-"What an exquisite place!!!I wonder where was this taken?And how the one who photographed it to have colors in it?" Thomas:"-I think the same this place is beyond comparison."while he said that Thomans fingers sliding across the screen by accident made the beautiful forest disappear and instead appeared a hazy blue ocean with a sky that was close to being night and decorated with stars here and there and there were squares on it.

Annabelle:-"What happened?What kind of sorcery is this?" Higgins looking with a great interest at the change in the little square:-"This beautiful ocean it has been a while since I've seen it....was my daughter favorite view...."he said while smiling bitterly.

Ainsworth saw this and he tried to change the subject to not make Higgins more sad:"-Look Mister Thomas there are some little scribbles underneath the little squares"

Mary while bending a little closer to the square to get a better view said:"My!!You're right Mister Ainsworth"and her slim and white finger pressed by accident one of the squares that had a red color."Ah!"she exclaimed as she retracted her finger.

And then after a few seconds the beautiful ocean was changer by a white image that has big words written in the left corner and little windows that showed people. Annabelle:'-We..well this is something unexpected"

Higgins:-"Try to touch one of those little windows Mister Thomas maybe it can help us find something about this weird situation" Thomas while looking a bit flustered:-"Right!"he pressed one of the little windows and a man in an unusual clothing stood beside something that appeared to be a canvas and a voice came out. -"Good day ladies and gentleman's my name is------"

Before the little man could continue Thomas dropped the square making Marry stagger and she fell on Higgins and his left elbow hit the vase next to him dropped on the ground where the square has landed and all the water in it spilled on the square.

And then some sparks flew from the square then made a high pitched noise and then it went blank. Everyone:-"Oh no is everyone okay?". Annabelle:-"Now we won't know who the owner is....." Ainsworth:-"That's truly unfortunate not only that but we also broken this thing but at least no one was hurt" Mary:-"You're right Mister Ainsworth,anyway we need to clean up this mess" she said while sighing.

Thomas:-"I'm sorry everyone it was my fault for dropping it..."

Higgins:-"Don't worry Mister Thomas it was also my fault plus everyone makes mistakes" Everyone nodding their heads.

Thomas:-"Thank you everyone".And then everyone cleaned up the mess and this later turned into a funny memory.

I'm sorry if it's bad or too long and maybe doesn't fits Jazza's request but once this idea came I couldn't help it.Also I really enjoyed the video and again sorry for bring a bad and horrible story (can't even call it that) (>人<;)

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