
A strange new world. Markimus in minecraft

A man obsessed with a game, will know how hard his character has to survive. Mark, a loner of a man does nothing with his life besides play a video game named Minecraft. After a fall into a pile of crates, mark wakes up and everything is a little more......square then he is used to seeing outside of the screen, it would appear he is inside the world of minecraft, but! Would this be the video game he knows and loves or would this now be his life!

Marlan_Kimus · Games
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Undunka’s undoing

Screams and incoherent ranting filled the ears of those in the room, groans and growls spread across the outside path as a iron golem goes toe to toe with a ravager.

Ravagers where the creature of choice for the pale faced corrupted villagers known as pillagers, a ravager is like a gigantic bison, stronger and as fast as 10.

Pure evil was the easiest way to describe them, armed with steal axes and crossbows most of the raiding party slaughtered through the village.

It's a raid! Quickly get this man some gear miles!!! Exclaimed theodus.

At once Theo at once.

Peering out the window marks hands tremble as the village lay still, the pillagers had wiped undunka clean of life, all that stood was Markimus, Theodus and Miles.

A sword laid down in front of mark with a slight purple and orange glint.

Take this Markimus it will assist you in defeating these savages it was forged against my strongest book, my spell book aspect of fire.

Panicked miles whilst he equipped the rest of his gear.

Stood in full iron armour mark felt the power of his new found body laced in iron armour, he wore shield on his back with at first a strange looking combo, fire sword in one hand and fishing rod in the other.

In an adrenaline fuelled motion, mark kicked the door open!

With I flick of his left wrist the rod flung towards a pillagers ankles swiftly pulling it close, the pillager slid directly underneath marks sword pointing down at his face.

Before he could react he was gone, mark had thrusted the flame baring sword into the face of this axe wielding psycho.

Catching the attention of all the rest, the sound of multiple bow strings being pulled back made the veteran minecrafter spin holding onto miles and Theodus blocking all shots with the shield lain on his back, he then threw his sword into the chest of the closest pillager whilst picking up the already slain mans axe charging into the heat of it all re directing crossbow with the fishing rod and dodging each stray shot he could.

That's yours! He states as the axe enters another foe in the distance as he retrieved his sword from the body kindly holding it for him. And that's mine he finished.

After taking care of each remaining member of them, the adrenaline wears off and out of nowhere.....boom! The ravager survived smashing you head on, nocking your sword out of hand it landed in the head of the beast, finishing what the fallen golem had started.