
A strange new world. Markimus in minecraft

A man obsessed with a game, will know how hard his character has to survive. Mark, a loner of a man does nothing with his life besides play a video game named Minecraft. After a fall into a pile of crates, mark wakes up and everything is a little more......square then he is used to seeing outside of the screen, it would appear he is inside the world of minecraft, but! Would this be the video game he knows and loves or would this now be his life!

Marlan_Kimus · Games
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Awakening.....village of undunka

Wher...where am I? Markimus asked in a daze.

WAIT! What happened?! Shooting up staright onto his feet in a panick he shouted, the last thing to his memory was slipping and falling, a blink later and he's led in a bed.

What's happened where am...oh my good gosh! !Swoosh! everything around him was squares slabs stairs and, a villager? His world had started to spin as he looked at his blocky hands wearing pixelated gloves, the world around him becoming more and more blurry and his words soured into one until !THUD! he passed out again.

Coming to again he hears a deep voice. Markimus, you made it! I wasn't sure you could hear me through the rift as it was closing, a strange being has entered from your world and we had no one else to turn to he explained, I am the village cleric theodus and I brought you here.

Sitting up, Markimus scratched his now cube head with the corner of his left rectangular hand. This....this can't be real, I was in an accident, I must be in a coma, I've gotta get the 'jekan' out, wait!? What? Confused at the word he just said, he meant to say something a little more, offensive, a curse word in fact.

What the 'jekan' is...what happened again! He asked.

Please reframe from such language your a hero and the rest of undunka might hear you, Theodus whispered frantically, now I know this is weird for you, but we have a lot to get on with.

Hero?! Markimus enquired, you think I'm a hero? Pfffft. I am a lazy 'jek' sorry apologies for the language, I am no hero theodus, I'm a lazy fat man who does nothing but play games.

Sorry, you've got the wrong guy.

You think that now, but I assure you, in this world you are a hero, able of many great feats.

And I'm confident you will survive and save us from the certain threat that this entity has put upon undunka and other villages around the world.

The door busts open and a librarian looking villager stumbles through the doorway, Theo! Theo! He says in a panicked state.

What is it miles? theodus asks with a slight crankiness to his voice.

Word from the dark oak city! Reports of, and with a gulp the size of a golf ball he finished the sentence. A Wither has been summoned by the dark stranger! And he is In search for a strong hold.

Okay, okay, the city is maybe a ten day hike?

That gives Markimus a few days to get ready for It's arrival.

Umm! Me? Get ready for a wither? In ten days? Are you joking, he exclaimed.

It is okay Markimus, said Theodus shortly before being interrupted.

It isn't okay! Yelled Markimus. I never asked to be here! I haven't any gear! Panicking, pacing back n forth through the village house. This can't be real, I AM in a coma it's. Just a dream, Yh that's right! I'll wake up before I know it! Breath mark breath!

A moment of silence floods the village of undunka, huh? What's that noise? Asked Markimus...and a horn begins to blow....oh no!!!!