
A Story of Love of The Sun and The Moon

A story of a sad love

DeVulCan · Urban
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The Sun and The Moon

Long ago, before the world could have light during the time of the night. There was a dull, small celest that only has grey to color her entire being. She was filled nothing but rocks and no life in her entire being. The small celest was made fun by all other celest that surrounded her.

There was this one time, the little celest tried to turn around so that she would no longer have to face the mockery they make her face for being herself. There, she saw the sun, beautiful and burning with passion, the sun was the light for everyone. The two had a chat and the sun pointed out every flaws that the moon has but, because of this, the little celest was able to accept herself and thanks to the sun, she was able to radiate light. The sun was the light to find that part of herself. She fell in love with him.

One time, the sun was burning up out of fear, what caused this is the fear to be replaced away. But... who would replace him?... and why?... The surrounding celests discovered that there are more than one of his kind. He was started to be compared to others and that made his flames grow weaker by every passing days.

The young celest didn't want to see her beloved sun in such a state but, she was so afraid to reach out to him. The young celest was afraid that she'd melt away in the flames that surrounded sun, before she could ever reach his side. She was afraid of losing herself so, she distanced herself more than ever, tried to feign ignorance with sun.

Millenias have passed and the young celest missed the sun so much, she tried to meet up with him and there, she was happy to see that the sun is burning up brightly, more than ever. From the goodness, comes a news that shook her still. She saw her beloved sun, with such a beautiful star, and she could tell this star must be the reason that sun looks more happy and better now. The young celest could not stay for too long, there are now two celest burning out of love. The longer the young celest stays, the faster she would crumble and die so, she had to go.

"Wait... what is your name?" The sun asked before the celest could go away, completely.

"It is moon." She smiled happily but, her tears tasted bitter.

"I shall watch you from here, for no matter what, you shall be the cause of my light."
