
A Stern Mistress from the Ancient Past Becomes the Cannon-Fodder in a Wealthy Family

Yuan Shu died on the most glorious day of her life. She came from a family of generals and was the mistress of a wealthy family in the ancient past. She was responsible for a family with several hundred family members. Before she died, the emperor even awarded her the Imperial Mandate Mrs. Yuan title. Her life was full of glamor.However, after waking up one day, she realized she had transmigrated into a book. She became the cannon fodder who used cunning means to get married to the male lead. She was also destined to get a divorce and die young! Moreover, as soon as she transmigrated, she was faced with the problems left behind by the male lead after he disappeared. These included his rumored mistress, who showed up pregnant, his second brother, who often went missing in search of excitement, his third sister, who was an idiot, his fouth brother, who often got into fights and could never hold down a job, and his fifth brother who was a man of duplicity and had a twisted personality. The male lead also had many enemies who were waiting for their next prey.While Yuan Shu wasn't quite bothered by the other stuff, she felt an itch in her hand, which happened to have a whip, while she looked at the male lead's four problematic siblings. Before she transmigrated, all the children in her family were people who contributed to society. She could not tolerate losers like those in front of her.She didn't mind discussing the matter of divorce later. The most important thing before she got a divorce was bringing these four kids back on track! Hence, when the missing male lead returned, he realized everything had changed!His second brother, who had just won the best actor award and stood on stage while receiving his award, said, "I would like to thank my sister-in-law. Without her, I wouldn't be standing here today."His third sister got into a prestigious university in the country. "I would like to thank my sister-in-law..."His fourth brother stood on stage at a diplomatic event. "I would like to thank my sister-in-law..."His fifth brother brought glory to the country. "I would like to thank my sister-in-law..."Even his past enemies openly showed their admiration for his wife.'What happened to this world?' Shi Xiao thought to himself. He went missing, but he didn't die. So why was everyone waiting in line to marry his wife?

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360 Chs

Madam Xiao

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Madam, we're at the mall." The driver went to deliver food to Shi Binshi, so Zhou Yan took over the driver's role and sent Yuan Shu to the mall.

While waiting for Madam Xiao to arrive, Zhou Yan asked, "Madam, do you need me to follow you? I can help carry your bag."

"There's no need. You can take a walk yourself or wait for me in the car. I'm shopping with Madam Xiao. How can you follow me?" Yuan Shu rejected Zhou Yan's good intentions and saw that the Xiao family's car wasn't far away.

Shi Bin, who had just finished class, took the lunch box from the maid. The classmate beside him couldn't help but tease him, "Did Young Master Shi receive a gift? Which family's young lady sent you this food? Hurry up and open it for us to see what delicious food is there!"

Shi Bin opened the lunch box. On the upper layer, there were two small and beautiful lotus cakes. On the lower layer, there were some seasonal fruits with water droplets. They looked very delicious.

Shi Bin picked up a blueberry and put it in his mouth.

"It's not from a suitor. It's from… my family." Shi Bin was still unable to say the word 'sister-in-law' and could only gloss over it.

As he looked at the exquisite and beautiful lotus cake, a strange feeling of warmth suddenly welled up in his heart. It was as if a seed that had been sealed for a long time had suddenly sprouted and bloomed into a budding lotus flower.

This small lunch box was the warmth he had yearned for since he was young.

"Madam, you didn't agree to come out shopping with me just to shop, right?" Madam Xiao and Yuan Shu sat in the cafe ad they waited for the drinks to be delivered.

Madam Xiao's name was Liu Lan, and she was born into a scholarly family.

After Mr. Xiao took over the family's company, he opened a law firm. The couple was an exception in the upper-class circle. The two of them were childhood sweethearts and were very loving.

Moreover, they were not like other aristocratic families who were eager to curry favor with the Shi family when they were at their peak but when Shi Xiao disappeared, they wished they could cut off all ties and see the Shi family fall. Back then, the two of them had asked the Host if she needed help, but they were scolded by the ungrateful Host.

When she recalled these memories yesterday, Yuan Shu even got someone to prepare a gift for the Xiao couple to apologize for the Host.

"I was in the wrong for what happened before. At that time, I was muddle-headed and said harsh words to you and your wife. I want to apologize for this. This is a small gift that I hope you can accept." Yuan Shu handed over the carefully selected teacup.

She found out from Shi Lu that the Xiao couple liked to collect antiques, calligraphy, and paintings, so she brought Zhou Yan to choose one personally.

"Madam, you're too polite. That matter is already in the past. Why mention it again?" Liu Lan accepted the gift while smiling at Yuan Shu.

"Madam, there should be many people inviting you out during this period of time. You didn't just ask me out to shop, right?"

Yuan Shu smiled as well. She liked interacting with smart people.

"You can call me Yuan Shu. There's no need for us to be so formal. I didn't call you out just to shop. I wonder if you've heard of the company 'Yuan An'?"

As the two of them chatted, the coffee was served. Yuan Shu picked up the cup and took a sip before putting it down without changing her expression.

So the people of this era called the medicine they drank coffee.

She didn't know what coffee treated, but all medicine was slightly poisonous, so she shouldn't drink it.

Liu Lan seemed to know what Yuan Shu wanted to do. When she was in university, she majored in law, and this company called Yuan An was currently in danger. Although it wasn't serious, it would pose a huge threat in the future.

Liu Lan wanted to refuse, but when she looked up, she met Yuan Shu's sparkling eyes.

"Madam Xiao, are you willing to believe me this once and cooperate with me?"

Shi Lu, who was still filming, watched as the assistant took the lunch box from the maid. He was speechless.

What was Yuan Shu trying to do?! Did she treat him as a three-year-old child? She even asked someone to send food over. Those who didn't know better would think that the Shi family was so loving that even his sister-in-law cared so much about him.

"Cut! This scene is over!" Director Chen stared at the monitor and shouted.

"His performance is really good! Especially the twitch at the corner of his mouth. It perfectly portrays his disdain and speechlessness when he heard the news." Chen Sheng was still praising Shi Lu when he saw him take a lunch box from his assistant and stuff it into his arms.

"Yuan Shu sent it over. I'm on a diet. You can eat it instead."