
A Song Of Spells, Ice and Fire

Hermione Granger lives to be 150 years old. When her eyes close for her last time she is surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She thought it would be the end, that she would finally be reunited with her best friends. But in a ninety-degree turn, she is reincarnated in the body of Daena Targaryen. On a planet very different from Earth. Fem Jon Snow/Viserys/Male Daenerys

Ada_Queen_5771 · Book&Literature
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Up To the Next Adventure

Potter Manor Wiltshire, UK.

Hermione looked around her, fixing her brown eyes on the faces that were present. Her beloved sons, daughters, grandsons and great-granddaughters were all gathered around her bed. Hermione knew that her last breath would soon be approaching. She didn't have the strength to move. For some reason she wasn't afraid. These last few years had been very lonely despite having been surrounded by family. She missed her best friends and husbands. Ron had passed away first at the age of 103. Harry soon followed. Leaving her alone and saddened. Despite how much people had criticized the trio's decision to get married. Hermione didn't regret anything. She had beautiful sons with black hair and brown and green eyes and red-haired daughters with blue eyes.

Looking into the tear filled eyes of her family. Hermione gathered the last of her strength and whispered, "Don't miss me. Be strong. Have courage and know that I love you very much. Your parents are waiting for me."

That night at the hour of the wolf Hermione Weasley-Potter took her last breath. 

Tower Of Joy, Dorne, Westeros 283 AC

Darkness and Shadows and a voice whispering in an ancient and lost language. But for some reason she could understand the raspy and dark voice. Hermione tried to turn her head and open her eyes but she couldn't. The only thing she could make out were the words that were repeated over and over again and a sensation of cold and heat at the same time.

From fire and ice a princess full of magic will be born.

Blessed with distant knowledge.

Blessed by Magic, Ice and Fire will bring the dawn.

Souls from another world will be reborn.

The dragon has three heads and the ice transforms into fertile lands.

Mother of dragons, mother of a dynasty.

Darkness, light or a path in gray.

Acceptance of old evils will bring peace and prosperity.

From death you will receive gifts.

From life suffering and sadness.

She didn't know how long she had been in this infinite darkness but the words seemed to repeat themselves one after another, sometimes in no chronological order. How much time had passed? Minutes? Hours? Days? Months? Hermione had always been bright so when she heard the words for the first time it took her no time to deduce that she was in a mother's womb. She had just gotten reincarnated. With such knowledge came a wave of sadness. She had been waiting to see her husbands again. But with time came acceptance.

She had no idea why she had been reincarnated with her memories. But she had the feeling that the answers were in the words that the raspy voice kept repeating. The words implied that she would be born a princess with magic, which was a relief to keep. But she didn't understand what they meant by fire and ice. Perhaps the voice referred to two noble Houses? One of them had to be the kings of a nation. Which pointed to a medieval nation.

Hermione wondered how far into the past she would be reborn. And mother of dragons? What did that mean? Every time she thought more and more she came to the conclusion that she would be reborn in a place very far from home.

Hermione was brought out of her thoughts when she felt her body begin to be compressed, filling her with discomfort. It was not painful but very uncomfortable. The first thing she heard after the same words repeated one after another was a woman's scream. After feeling a breeze cool her sticky body full of blood and fluids.

"She's a girl, your grace"

She tried to open her eyes and see what was happening. She received a slap on the backside, Making her eyes open instinctively and letting out a scream that echoed in the medieval style room. The first thing Hermione saw was the maid's brown eyes, the second was a room decorated with purple lace curtains. In the middle of the room there was a bed on it was the most beautiful young woman Hermione had ever seen. With raven hair and gray eyes. She had the beauty of a wild flower. Hermione immediately knew that this was the woman who brought her into this world. Her mother. She seemed to be fighting the fatigue and exhaustion of having given birth.

"She has the eyes and the hair of the Prince my lady, she is going to be difficult to hide from the usurper"

The woman who gave birth to her sighed. "The dragon is strong in her." "Let me hold her before the old gods take me away." Hermione was wrapped in a blanket and placed in the arms of her parent. Knowing that her mother didn't have much time to live, Hermione tried to direct her magic to heal her mother but she knew immediately that the price would be lethal for a newborn baby's magic.

She looked into the tired eyes of her new mother realizing that it would be the last time she would feel a mother's love. When suddenly screams were heard outside and the door of the tower was opened wide.


A man very similar to her mother in appearance was at the entrance of the tower. He was wrapped from head to toe in armor that had blood splatters on it. Gray eyes and black hair. To Hermione's relief, the man dropped his sword and approached the bed where Lilyana was holding Hermione in her arms. "Ned, you're alive, I thought the worst"

"Lilyana I" His words were silenced when he noticed Hermione in his Sister's arms. The man's gaze turned dark. "Please tell me, he did not rape you?" Lilyana's eyes grew big and then she hurriedly said,

"WHAT? No! I sent letters to Winterfell. Rhaegar and I got married. I thought you knew."

But apparently Lilyana's last strength had abandoned her because she let herself lie on the bed and whispered, "Promise me, Ned. Promise me that you will take care of her from the usurper's wrath." Ned looked at the little copy of Lilyana with platinum hair and violet eyes and knew that he would take this secret to his grave.

With a last breath "Her name is Daena Targaryen, Promise me Ned"

"I promise you sweet sister, may you rest in peace" Ned took Hermione in his arms and observed how the baby seemed to have eyes that were too alert for her age. Tears slid down Eddward Stark's eyes as he looked at Lilyana's body. It's not fair, he thought. He had lost a lot of family and gained a new niece. The gods are cruel. Ned had no idea what to do. Passing her off as his bastard daughter was not an option. Her hair and eye color would attract too much attention in the North. The only city where she probably wouldn't attract attention would be Volantis. Maybe Benjen would be willing to take care of her. Decision made Ned headed towards the maid who was in one of the corners of the room sadly observing Lilyana's body. "What's your name?" The maid looked Ned in the eyes before bowing. "My name is Nymesia my Lord."

"Nymesia you have two options: You come with us to the north where my brother, my niece and you will take a ship to Volantis where you can begin to live a life far away from Robert. Or option number two I pass my sword through your heart and your life ends as well as the secrets you know. To give the maid credit she didn't hesitate for a second "Option number one my Lord"

"It's the least I can do for the princess" say Nymesia. 

 "Aye, we're leaving at dawn.

Hermione had been following the conversation and fighting tiredness and before she could hear anything else her eyes closed and sleep overtook her.