
Chapter 32

I know she sees the shock in my eyes as she suddenly scoffs. She looks at something behind me, and I look back almost hesitantly afraid to see another horror that this place might have in store for me.

I see Adrian walking towards us instead with his face as hard as concrete. He looks at the bodies on the floor and steps over them carefully. "Can I see the both of you please?" He asks, voice suprisingly calm.

The woman, I have to give respect where respect is due, the epitome of a dangerous woman, stands up effortlessly as she walks out the place I'd thought was magnificent before.

I walk behind her not sparing Adrian a look. I realize immidiately if I'm ever going to leave this place alive, then I'm going to have to be exactly like the lady of iron who stands In front of me. We wait a few minutes outside, before Adrain comes out to meet us but instead of stopping, he simply walks past us and as if on cue she follows, and as if on cue, I also trail behind like the lost puppy that all this horror has left unable to breathe.

We walk into a garden just outside and my eyes open wide as a crisp slap rings through the air. I realise that from far out here there's probably no one else that can hear it.

I open my eyes shocked at the action that this woman has taken "Don't you ever make me do something lie that again!!" She says, and I can't help but wonder if she's referring to what happened in the house, or the fact that she'd just given Adrian a very dirty slap.

He looks at her with something like disgrace in his eyes, disgrace and incomparable hurt. Her facade melts and she crumples on the floor and let's the tears that she's been trying so hard to hold in, out. She cries her heart out as I find myself crumple on the floor beside her, and she rests her head on my shoulder as I stroke sea dark hair.

In the moonlight her hair looks like a storm on the oceans surface. She openly grieves now, and I can see Adrain is also shedding some tears. "Are you going to tell her exactly what you've gotten her into or should I?" She asks Adrian, and I can see the way he silently looks at her, pleading with her to please meet his eyes.

"Fine then" she say and turns to fully face me. "If Adrian has told you whatever you guys have planned is going to be easy, then he's lied terribly, what is at stake here is much more than the case of a simple inheritance. It concerns millions of dollars in cash and assets, It concerns the fate of homeless children In insurgent nations. It concerns the fate of his parents, if they'll still be allowed to live or not after all this".

The weight of her words make me feel I crumple lower into the ground, as I feel the load I've unwittingly placed on my own head "What do you mean?" I ask.