
Chapter 31

We sit down there in total silence for a good moment, a good moment which she uses to order some food, and then ask the cooks to eat the food themselves.

I've seen three people die since then, and four others beg for mercy, when asked for the names of who ordered them to do such, they would rub their hands over thier eyes and a few moments later would be foaming at the mouth.

In the few moments that I'd been with this girl, I'd seen her efficiently and adequately make chefs who poisoned the food she's ordered for herself, for both of us, she's successfully shown me the level of brutality and treachery that goes on in this place.

I could see a few tears fall down her face as she tries to blink them back. I can't hold my tears. I literally scream and shake as the terror that courses through me makes me shiver. My sobs ring through out the place  as she continues giving me an annoyed and sympathetic glare, like she's afraid of me showing everyone here just how afraid of death I am.

The faces of the people crumpled on the floor beside me, suddenly morphs into that of my father and mother and I'm back there again, staring at thier empty corpses, that only contained a few things of theirs. The people who officiated the ceremony said their most memorable objects, were placed in the coffins as a reminder that we honoured them, I'd asked why they didn't put me in there.

I was by far the most memorable thing they had in this planet. The way these people left the world without even a second thought makes me feel there's something more on the line worth more than thier lives. I saw the love of a mother as she willingly tasted food that she poisoned, wearing a grateful look that we didn't eat it and yet wearing a remorseful look, like she was silently asking us to take care of her son or daughter who she's doing all this for.

I saw the love a father held in his eyes, as he inhaled the scent on the base of his palm and started foaming at the mouth a few minutes later.

I saw love in these people's eyes as they all gave up thier lives without any hesitation. The girl in front of me shakes with the sheer effort of keeping her tears back in. She isn't going to grieve, she isn't going to show whoever did this that they'd managed to cause her some pain, that they'd struck a raw chord in her heart, that they'd discovered a weakness.

I calm myself as the shock relents and refuses to abandon me. I put in more determination as the words escape my mouth in a warble. I try again and I can also hear my faint whisper of a question "Why?" I ask and I can see the steel in her eyes "Because this place is full of monsters" She says and my heart sink.