
A Slice Of DNA Ben 10 Fanfiction (Dropped)

Took concept from Ben 10,000 You know I wasn't expecting to have my DNA all scrambled in one day and then getting captured by the space police. Than it all ending with talking to a small grey man. My life is about to get freaky and about to see a whole new version of Earth and the universe. Hope you enjoy I don't own anything except my oc all rights to the owner.

Count_Daath · Others
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7 Chs


"So how do you think you will access your powers?" Ben asked me. "I don't know I was thinking it would work like code I don't have the actual DNA it's more like a sequence that can can change my body to that alien." I said while thinking. "We could have Gwen help you put your consciousness in your body that may help?" Ben said while looking over at his cousin talking with Kevin and Eunice. We came here today after we went home from yesterday. "Gwen Ben has a idea!" I said with mock horror. "That's not good what happened?" Gwen stated with mock worry with a smile on her face. "Ah come on all I said is have his consciousness in his body to figure out his body and his powers!" Ben yelled at Gwen from from across the lake. We were at grandpa Max's secret fishing place. "Hmm that might work let me go over there." Stated Gwen as she materialized some pink platforms to walk over with Eunice and Kevin in tow. "Now Donald I'm going to need you to relax and get into meditative stance or into a Indian sitting position." Gwen tells me calmly. I get down and sit down in a meditative sitting position and close my eyes. When suddenly there a great flash in front of and all I see are a whole bunch a of stars. "Ahh look Sirius he's finally here." Said a feminine voice full of love that also had a motherly feel to it. "I can see that Danica." Said a gruff but somehow gentle voice of a man. I turn around and see two people, we'll two humanoid star people. Both of them look like their bodies are made of stars. The female had a curvy body while wearing romanish looking clothes that covered her feminine parts and had only whites for eyes and one horn protruding out if her head with hair all the way to her butt. The male was buff but not overly buff and had a flowing beard to the bottom of his neck and only had a romanish male skirt and same with the women's eyes it was all white and instead of one horn had three one in front and two to the side diagonally and had hair that went to his back. "Ahh hello." I said in confusion. Danica starts to walk to me and scoops me into her arms and hugs me gently. For some reason I felt safe in her arms and and I hugged her back gently. "So how's my son been doing." Said Danica with love. "Wait son?" I asked.

"Yes son, me and your mother have watched over you since your birth." Said Sirius said while still gruffly but with a tinge of a love in it. "Wait since birth why?" I said in even more confusion. "You see in the original timeline we meet you and you seemed like the ideal son but you were dying since the celestial sapiens DNA code was killing you and you only had a few years left, so we decided after only fifty years to go back in time and put some of our DNA in you before your birth and so when the codon stream entered your body you wouldn't die." Said Sirius like he was explaining 1+1=2. "Wait fifty years why did it takes so long." I asked with even more confusion. "We celestial sapiens are the most powerful race in the universe because we are omnipotent but we also have to have long discussions with our selves and with others before we do anything since we have split personalities and at the time we were deciding if you were to be born a natural celestial sapiens or let you live your life with your friends and we decided that it was also your friends who made you who you are so that's why it took so long." Danica said with a embarrassed voice. "It's okay now I know why at least why it took so long so it seems I have another set of parents now and very powerful ones at that also." I stated with a smile. "Now I need you to now we won't help you in life or your friends life okay but we will spend time with you and if you die we will bring you back but a few hundred years in the future and then train you to master your abilities and then you can fix your own mistakes once you go back in time." Said Sirius with serious tone. "Okay father." I said with ease. I felt like I have known them for centuries but I had only meet them today but I am happy to have meet them today. "Can you help me unlock my DNA powers at least though?" I asked. "Sure thing honey you were goinh to figure it out anyways." Said Danica lovingly. "Just go to the Shiny white dot after this and it'll all makes since on how to us your powers then." Sirius told me. "Thanks Mom and Dad." I said thankfully. As the star started to fade away Danica and Sirius came forward and gave me a tight hug. They faded from around me and I saw a bright shiny dot and went to it. I touched it sent me surge of information into my consciousness. [Ahh So that's how it works but it's limited but still very powerful but, it's good I just need to have seen the alien before then I can turn into it but, I won't be able to get new aliens unless Azmuth engraved the aliens data DNA into my own after all that then just look inside myself and find it since my DNA has its self in like files too find the ones if unlocked easier.] I start to open my eyes and I say "That was exciting what did I miss?" I asked I then noticed It was dark outside and everyone was asleep except Eunice who was leaning on my body looked up at me and asked jokingly "Your wake now sleeping beauty?". "Aww you just missed me" I say but, then pass out asleep onto her.


I might be able able to do second chapter of this one after my other if I have time.✌

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