
A Slice Of DNA Ben 10 Fanfiction (Dropped)

Took concept from Ben 10,000 You know I wasn't expecting to have my DNA all scrambled in one day and then getting captured by the space police. Than it all ending with talking to a small grey man. My life is about to get freaky and about to see a whole new version of Earth and the universe. Hope you enjoy I don't own anything except my oc all rights to the owner.

Count_Daath · Others
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This is why I hate camping pt.1

You know I wasn't expecting to have my DNA all scrambled in one day and then getting captured by the space police. Than it all ending with talking to a small grey man.


"So Dad you going to tell me why we are going camping again" I said. "Well for one thing Donald it's not healthy for a fifteen year old boy to stay inside all summer long, second you used to love camping." said Chuck. "Yeah when we brought friends but, were going alone this time I don't see anything exciting about that. I love spending time with you dad but, I hate camping." I said exasperated. "Not my problem I'll leave you to packing." Chuck said as he shut my bedroom door.

(Authors thoughts: the main character's thoughts shall be represented as [ ] )

[Hugh this sucks don't really want to go but, I might have fun, well hopefully] I start to to finish packing after I'm finished packing I head down stairs, as I head down stairs I see a picture of my dead mother. She was a beautiful woman with black hair and soft brown eyes with a small nose and full lips and a round face with a lavish body. Sometimes I wonder how my dad scored her I'm also extremely happy I take after her in looks with black hair but, with brown highlights and a lean body with a little bit of fat, not the ugly fat but the cute fat.

I walk the rest of the way down and tell my Dad I'm ready. We walk outside the front door and go to our van and start packing up the supplies in the trunk. I go to the very back of the van cause you can lower the seat all the way back like a makeshift bed. I fall asleep in the back and before I know it we where there. We had arrived at Jefferson park. I remember that this place had a forest fire around six years ago by, no one knows what caused it to this day. My dad drives up to a small clearing were the fire supposedly started I get out of the car stretch for a little bit and start up a conversation with my dad. "So do you want to set up the tents and I'll gather the fire wood... yawwn... or do you want me to do it?" I said while yawning. "I'll set up the tents you go ahead and just get an arm full of fire wood" Chuck said as he hands me a hatchet. I walk for about hundred meters south when I come across some good dry fire wood it takes me about five minutes to gather almost all the wood when the hatchet falls out of my hands. As I was getting down for the hatchet something catches my eye from the side I leave the hatchet on the ground and walk to a glowing green liquid. [ Now do I really want to touch that or not... you know what fuck it I'll probably regret it but I love screwing with stuff I'm not supposed to touch.]

I crouch down and try scoop up a tiny bit of the glowing green liquid but the moment I touch it it jumps up at me and stabs through my entire hand and starts flowing into my whole body...and then I start screaming like like a women giving birth. I start to see darkness closing in on my eyes I then pass out.

_____2 months later unknown location______

"Hugh I feel like someone shoved a pole through my head"I said while rubbing the sides of my head. I start looking around the room and I was genuinely surprised at what I saw. It was if I was transported thousands of years in the future everything around my looked like something out of a sci-fi film. I then noticed my Dad sleeping right next to me in a chair dozing of. I then proceed to clap my hands at his face startling him awake. " Ahh who woke me up I swear on my name I'll beat his or hers ass" Chuck said as he was turning around wildly he then faces me and his eyes start to well up. I then wisely recited my mother's creed later becoming the family creed to this day don't know why that was her creed but I'm happy I found a way to use it. " A real man or woman never cries unless you lost a leg or whatever it was." I say to my Dad as his water works would have started unless I had said anything.

"Shut up you ass you've been in a coma for two months and this is how I'm greeted while I've painstakingly watched over you so ungrateful." Chuck says sarcastically with some wetness around his eyes which he quickly wipes away. "Wait I've been in a coma for two months, what happened!" I yelled.

"Yes you idiot and what happened when I heard you scream I ran to you and I found you all red over you body I thought you had a fever

so I picked you up and ran to the van but when I got there there was a small grey man and a frog like humanoid that was all I remember before they knocked me out and brought us here I have been in this hospital the entire time but, they said that when you wake up that you will have an appointment with a man named Azmuth. [ What the hell happened to me it must of been that green stuff I knew I was going to regret touching it ]

"So we've been kidnapped by aliens. WAIT ARE GOING TO GET ANAL PROBED!?" I said scared. "No you're not." said an unknown voice. "Wait whose that?" I said questioningly. I then see a small grey man with wrinkles in green and black men skirt and shirt. "So how's our favorite living weapon?"said the small grey man. "Wait what?" I said confused.


Hey guys I'm a new author I hope you enjoy my novel I'm doing this fan-fic because I want to do my own original novel later on I'd very much appreciate constructive criticism it'll help me to improve my writing style later on. ✌

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