
A shade of love

I have a one side crush on him since 5 years but I'm afraid because we are really close friends. I'm going to gather up all my courage one day and tell him since i don't want to waste time . I hope everything goes smoothly . He is a famous singer while I'm not famous , yea but pretty influential person . "I want our relation to be more than friends".

_akshh_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs


(Tae starts driving as soon as we get in . I wonder what the surprise is ? ...i kind of feel something but I'm not sure if i should expect it or not)

Tae , drive slow . We are going too fast .

Sorry, did i scare you? I was so excited that i didn't notice the speed .

(Just what is he going to show me?)

Are we here? Is this the place ?

Yea...do you like it ? I booked the whole amusement park just for us . I know you loved coming here ever since we were kids.

I didn't ever think that i would get such a big surprise. Thank you so much Tae.

( i was at loss of words ..)

Let's go fast and enjoy every ride

Yeaa let's go..... haha

(We sat on every single ride and had fun . The lights surrounding us , the food we ate after a long time , the small talks we had and running over everywhere made me feel as if we were kids again )

Babe let's go ride the ferris wheel ..it looks so beautiful. We can't miss this at all .

Will you be ok? You look kind of tried after playing so much...

Don't worry , I'm all good ...come onnn let's get it .

Haha okk , let's go.

(We were both enjoying the ferris wheel ...it was night time , almost 11.45 pm . The city lights looked amazing , people looked so tiny..it was adorable but suddenly....The ferris wheel stopped at the top, sharp at 12.00am ..and suddenly )

*Boom ..crackle...*

What is thissssssss????????


Woww ...just how many surprises did you prepare?

Not telling you ..haha

( The fireworks continued for a while , I had never seen something so beautiful ever in my life . I was fascinated by it . Tae took my hands in his hand and looked at me lovingly . We came down after the fireworks stopped. )

Did you enjoy?

( I didn't say anything and just hugged him tightly )

Thank you for everything ....