
A shade of love

I have a one side crush on him since 5 years but I'm afraid because we are really close friends. I'm going to gather up all my courage one day and tell him since i don't want to waste time . I hope everything goes smoothly . He is a famous singer while I'm not famous , yea but pretty influential person . "I want our relation to be more than friends".

_akshh_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Can't believe

(When i heard him say that , i went into total shock. I coundn't move at all and had no idea what i should do)

Did you finish joking around? Now remove your arms , we have a lot of work to do .

(Tae kept hugging me tightly)

I'm not joking. I'm serious. I always held back whenever i saw you. I wanted to kiss you , hold you tightly , i wanted to be inside you . I wanted our world to be together , going on dates , dancing and creating happy memories. I....

(Tae starts crying suddenly , he let's go of me )

Dude, don't cry . Come here

( I hug him tightly while patting on his back until he calms down)

Are you ok now?

Yea...I'm good

(Tae kept staring at me and suddenly leaned closer to me to give a kiss . I closed my eyes , when his soft lips touched mine)

Tae wait....how long are we going to stand here ?

I don't want to waste even a bit of time

( He keeps kissing me . A gentle and deep kiss . Our tounge intertwined with each other )

Mmm ..ahh

(Tae starts unbuttoning clothes while kissing ...i do the same . We are both naked . Our naked bodies touching each other created more romantic vibe . I wrapped my hands around him.....we shared a deep kiss . I could feel tae's hard dick rubbing against me . It was so big and thick . I was really wet down there , tae inserted his fingers inside me )

Ahhh ..ahh tae

Mm ...you are so wet here , i bet you were waiting for this .

( He gently picks me up into his arms , i wrap my legs around him . He grabs his dick and inserts it inside me while thrusting it up and down ....i was unable to hold back back my moans)

Mmm..ahh ..aaa....ahh

Don't hold back at all ....mm i want to hear more of your voice . Let's go to my bedroom. I don't want you to be uncomfortable for too long .

( I coundn't belive that this was actually happening. I want this moment to last forever)