
A shade of love

I have a one side crush on him since 5 years but I'm afraid because we are really close friends. I'm going to gather up all my courage one day and tell him since i don't want to waste time . I hope everything goes smoothly . He is a famous singer while I'm not famous , yea but pretty influential person . "I want our relation to be more than friends".

_akshh_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs

At my House

Wow such a big house . I can't believe i bought this . Finally i can have my own place and enjoy my free life .

(Ding dong) Who is it at this hour? it's nearly 12.00 am . Ohh my god !!! Tae . What are you doing here ? No one saw you right? How can you pop up here suddenly? Don't you know you are such a big celebrity now , what if someone sees you? Come inside fast.

(Tae sits on sofa while drinking some water) Did i bother you ? Actually i missed you quite a while. I even went to your old house yesterday, but i heard that you moved out so i came today . I had a favour to ask you. Will you help me ?

(Actually i was really happy to see tae after so many months of his busy schedule and now that he's asking for a favour , i obviously won't say no)

Yea of course , what is it ?

'I want to move in with you' .

Whatttt? Lol stop joking ,why would you want to move in with me . I mean you have such a big house so.....

(Tae kept staring at me while i was busy flustered all over )

(He smiled and said) . I can't live in that house anymore because of some stalkers . I hope you can help me , pretty please .

(I gave in at last) Yeah I'll help you for now , but make sure you don't cause any trouble ( I will have to keep a cool face around him so that he doesn't notice that I'm going crazy inside) .

   You should call your manager,let him know that you have to shift your bags he might help you .

(Tae smirks) I actually bought my bags along with me .


It's near your door .

      I couldn't help but laugh at him . I was glad to see the Tae i always knew being himself .