
A series of Extraordinary events,characters and secrets.

Nick Alexander is a boy with a hidden past and has now come to live with his Aunt,Uncle and cousin in Atlanta,Georgia.All through this Journey he will meet many and discover a lot of things about himself,his past and the world while also dealing with high school and his new crush Violet.This is A series of Extraordinary Events,Characters and secrets:Nick Alexander.

Mik_Loh · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2.

As the birds were chittering and the sun was giving off humidity in the morning air,Nick woke up to the smell of the breakfast downstairs.He walked down and said"Good morning Uncle Tyler,Aunt Kendrick and Cousin Zhakari".His aunt looked towards him with a smile said"Oh please call me auntie."He saw what was for breakfast and licked his lips as he saw omelets,Pancakes with syrup,Brown bread,honey and tea.He sat down at the table and they all ate their breakfast quietly.After that Nick went back to his room,took a shower and brushed his teeth.When Zhakari told him that their school doesn't have a uniform,he was relieved because now he didn't have to wear some unpleasant outfit from Monday to Friday.

Zhakari and Nick were dropped at school by Zhakari's mom who said that she had enough time to drop them off as it was Nick's first day before her Culinary arts classes started.When Nick and Zhakari entered the school's hallway,Zhakari ditched Nick to go to his popular friends.Nick went to the principal's office as he was told to do by his auntie and knocked on the door"Knock,knock,knock."And he heard a male gentle voice say"Come in",the principal said as Nick then turned the doorknob and opened the door entering the principal's office.

It looked neat with drawers where the principal probably kept his files,shelves filled with education books,shutter windows,grey flooring and grey rooftops with a table where the principal's work computer was on and a spinny leather chair that he was sitting on as he used it while looking at some files on the table.

"Hello sir my name is Nick Alexander and i am the new transfer student from india",Nick said respectfully ending it with a bow.The Principal who was a light skinned man who looked like in his late 30s with A silver small mustache and silver well combed hair stood up from his seat and welcomed the newcomer by shaking his hand"Oh hello Nick my name is Howard Jamerson and i have seen all of your past reports and you are an excelling student always having an A average and i will be glad to have you here at my school",he said excitedly with a proud look on his face.

"Thank you Principal howard so what was i supposed to come here for?",Nick asked curiously."Oh so i could meet you and give you your curriculum",Principal howard said enthusiastically."And on top of that you have a full scholarship",he continued happily."Thank you sir i will always be grateful",Nick said gratefully with another bow.He then took the curriculum after being told by Principal Howard which classroom he was in and the way there then he left the principal's office and walked in the now empty hall as the bell had rung minutes ago.

As he walked to his classroom following the directions he had been given he heard crying and so he followed where it was coming from and saw that it was the janitor's room and opened the door to find a girl with straight shoulder length light blonde hair with dark roots and she was crying but when she noticed that it was now cold in the room she realised that somebody had entered and looked up which is when her cold but breathtaking violet eyes met Nick's navy blue eyes as she then got up after using tissues to clean her tears and walked out of the room and into her own classroom which was next to his.

After that he just walked into his classroom where he saw multiple students being taught by an angry looking man in his 40s with a bushy brown mustache,bald on the top of his head with brown hair on the back and circular glasses and found an empty sit in the back of the class.As he was going to his seat the teacher stopped him and said"You're new so why are you late?",he asked angeredly."I had an appointment with the principal sir it won't happen again",he said as the teacher then let him pass and he walked straight to his seat.

For the rest of that class the teacher taught them about the Laws of Motion then the next teachers after him taught Literature,Maths and Spanish then it was time for recess as the bell rang.As soon as the Spanish teacher left,some boys crowded around Nick and one of them with spiked blonde hair with a black streak in it and green emerald eyes said"Hey my name is Dickson and these are Ron,Oscar and Ned",he said as he pointed at a boy with a bored expression on his face with curly brown hair and brown eyes wearing black jeans with a white top with the words'Pop Off' on it and white vans,a chubby boy with shoulder length black hair and black eyes wearing a red buttoned shirt and green cargo pants and brown sandals who looked curious and another boy with a piercing on his eyebrow and left ear with a mischievous look in his cerulean blue eyes and short military cut hair wearing military pants and a green tight shirt with military styled black boots respectively.

"Hello like i said earlier my name is Nick and i am indian",he said unamusedly while looking at Dickson dead in the eyes."Okay so do you wanna do recess with us,we have a fun boardgame called Huntley's Castle and we'll teach you how to play if you want to learn",he said enthusiastically.Nick then spent the whole of recess learning and playing the boardgame Huntley's Castle so basically it was played by four players each with their own character in teams of two and there was a purple board with margins and a castle in the middle of it and there were random traps,items and entry points and basically the first one to reach the castle and accomplish the Queen's quest wins.

He then went to class and learnt Geography,Business and Biology then he went to the school cafeteria.They were serving French fries with mayonaise and ketchup dipping,salads,sausages,chicken burgers and pudding.Nick put each of those things on his tray and looked for a table to sit on then Ned waved at him to sit with him,Oscar,Ron and Dickson then he sat down with them on the table.

"So Nick do you want a tour of the school?",Ned asked with a goofy smile and Nick replied"Actually my cousin Zhakari said he'd give me a tour of the school after classes"."Wait,wait hold up do you mean Zhakari Maire as in him?",Oscar asked with a shocked expression on his face while pointing at Nick's cousin Zhakari who was at a table with some boys in blazers while talking to some girls with revealing clothes making them laugh.

"Uhhh yeah is there a problem?",Nick asked and Ned calmly replied"Well dude Zhakari is the most popular boy in this school plus a charmer of girls and very rich."

Nick was shocked that his cousin was so popular but they continued eating their lunch while talking about trivial things like the shape of their food then they went back to class and learnt History,English and Music theory.When classes were over Nick,Ned,Ron,Oscar and Dickson bid eachother goodbye then left with Nick the last in the class and when he walked out there was Zhakari with a sazing smile on his face and he said"Well let's go cousin so i can show you around the school,our private driver will get here in 30 minutes." "Okay let's go and also thanks",Nick said as Zhakari said"Yeah" then showed him around the school which was quite big and explains to him every thing he needed to know including the clubs to join then finally when they were done the private driver was waiting for them and they got in the car and were driven home.