
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Razorgolem Graveyard

It has been a week since we had left Paradise Haven and I began to grow fond of every one. Not to mention that I failed at keeping myself distanced. Sozo and Hokai have started to cling to me and I began to form a strong and emotional bond with the twins. I have already started to open up to the group and my feelings towards Tenki have gotten a little stronger. If I was being honest the thought of letting him get close was terrifying at the time but now I have come to terms with it. I no longer pushed him away, I saw no point in running from him. To be honest I kinda liked having him around so much. I should be afraid of getting close to him but strangely I'm not anymore.

We now walked through a large wasteland that was filled with giant carcasses that stuck out of the ground and stood a good twenty feet above us. This place had a terrible aura and a shiver shot up my spine and filled every vein and nerve with dread. This was a bone grave yard, the skeletons of huge creature that I never knew was real.

" What is this place? " I shuddered.

Sozo clung to my leg hiding her head against my leg and letting her long hair fall into her place like a veil.

" This is The forgotten Wasteland. Its a grave yard for the Razorgolem who used to roam this earth preying on the weak and sucking the souls out of human slaves. The Almighty as you call them would get along great with these creatures. " Kaku explained.

" Are they all dead? " I said a lump forming in my throat as we walked across a carcass thats rib cages caved inward making it look like a cage of bone.

" Sadly, no. They still roam this part of the wasteland but they never bother with us they know what we are and as much as they would love to erase our kind they know they are no match. " Tenki added.

" Great " I sighed.

" But don't think you are safe, you are a new creature disrupting their family's graves. " Teiden said grimly.

" I hope not. " I shuddered.

" I don't think they'll even notice that you are.... " Kaen said before the ground shook beneath our feet.

" Shit, why did you have to say that! " Kara shreaked.

" What's happening? " I said holding tightly to a crying and screaming Sozo.

" It's coming. Hand Sozo over to me. NOW! " Kara yelled.

If only I would have known they would leave me to fend for myself.

I handed her over to Kara and everyone ran away into the woods on the other side of the graveyard.

I tried to run to them but the ground shook more violently and the sound of thunder made my ears ring. When it bounded towards me I realized it wasn't thunder and it wasn't an earthquake. It was the Giant Razorgolem.

Its face was shaped like a wolf. Its eyes were crimson red and its teeth were big and sharp . Its body was both wolf-like and cat-like. Its fur was pitch black and dark red strips cut along its back side Cruel and Sharp towering horns spiraled up towards the sky and Along its spine were razor sharp spikes that could easily kill without barely any pressure. Its claws were just like the spikes that climbed across its spine. The Razorgolem was slightly taller than a mammoth. As it barreled towards me I began to tap into my gravity power and my hands were glowing and ready to fight.

" Angel! " Sozo screamed trying to wriggle out of Kara's arms.

Hokai too tried to get out of Kaen's grip but to no avail. My eyes wandered until I found Tenki's tortured eyes. Tenki tried to run towards me but was frozen in place before he could even reach the forest's edge. I had no doubt it was Teidens doing.

" It's Okay, I'll be fine ! " I yelled, not for my sake but for the twins and Tenki.

Before I could look back at the beast it lunged its teeth bare, ready to shred me right where I stood.

I stepped sideways but not in time to avoid one of its teeth grazing my shoulder. I hissed but had no time to look at the damage because the thing was up and charging again.

I jumped back as it swiped at my stomach and had to move quickly to dodge all of its attacks. With a shock I remembered that I could use intangibility and it would go right through me.

I willed myself to be transparent but as I looked into its eyes and all fighting ended there. The red of his eyes glowed and searing pain shot through my body and I collapsed, screaming in agony. It stopped hurting as I lost eyes contact with it and I recovered just in time to roll over and dodge its teeth.

The Razorgolem face planted where I was seconds ago and yelped. Its nose was bleeding and it looked at me with so much rage it took me aback.

What took me off guard was that instead of attacking again it backed slowly away and a second later turned around and ran off.

I was angry, though I wasn't angry with Sozo, Hokai, or Tenki. I was mad at the others for leaving me alone to fight a beast that nearly killed me.

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, HUH? " I screamed, control be damned.

I stalked towards them fury radiating off me like sound waves.

" EASY! " Kaku said with his hands up.

I laughed bitterly and sneered at them.


I reached the forests edge and I stalked towards the cowards that hid safely behind a wall of trees.


Now I was all in Kara's face and to my satisfaction she turned pale.


She took a step back and I made sure to knock my shoulder against hers as I walked past her. I didn't care if I wasn't going the right way. I was too angry to care where I wandered off. I walked deeper into the forest thinking I was alone but then I heard a single set of footsteps behind me.

" Hey! Slow down. " Tenki called out grabbing my wrist and spinning me around to face him.

" What do you want, Tenki. " I said feeling drained and bruised.

" I tried to get to you but Teiden made me stay. You have to believe that. " he said his eyes pleading.

" I know I could tell. I ain't made at you nor the twins. The others left me to die and hide like cowards. " I said balling my hands into fists.

" They knew you would win, and you did just that. So, maybe not be so mean to them about it? " He replied.

His eyes turned soft and without thinking I ran my fingers through his blonde hair and giggled.

" That's that face I love so much! " he smiled.

I hugged him and savored the feeling of his arms around me and the warmth that enveloped me. All too soon he let me go but pulled me by my hand and we walked side by side, hand in hand. I would still distance myself a little so when something happens to him it won't hurt so much.

He let my hand go as we neared the group and Sozo and Hokai ran towards me and I bent on one knee and hugged them tightly closing my eyes and thanking fate for sending me to Paradise Haven.

" You're bleeding! " Sozo squeaked.

I looked down and sure enough a deep gash marred my shoulder and was dripping my multi-colored blood.

" It's nothing really. " I said trying to avoid the extra attention.

Sozo grabbed my arm anyways and put her hand on it I hissed at the pressure. Her hand began to glow and the strangest sensation filled my body. Every part of me was tingling and warmth filled me in the most pleasant way.

" There you go, all better! " Sozo chirped. I looked down and the gash was gone and so was the blood.

" We should keep going! " Kaku said over his shoulder.

We all followed and I took one glance back at the Razorgolem Graveyard and kept moving.