
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Leaving Paradise Haven

I got back and packed some of my favorite outfits I found in the closet of my temporary room. I left old clothes in my pack laying on the floor of the closet and replacing them with ones with the Rare Blood Guard symbol. I placed the clothes inside my pack. I decided to change the clothes I was wearing into something even better. I picked shiny black leather pants that fit and complemented all my curves. The inside of the pants were so soft and light just like leggings, even though the outside of the pants looked super uncomfortable. They had the symbol made from flexible rubber and sewn to the pants on both sides of my thighs.

I found a to die for black latex leather sleeveless crop top that criss crossed my back and wrapped around my waist. The Guard symbol was huge and was located between my breasts and was also made out of flexible rubber. Then I traded my other booties with black, lace up, high topped, high heeled military combat ankle boots. There was no symbol on the boots for some reason and I didn't mind at all.

I walked out in complete leather feeling as light as air, my backpack was light despite what was in it. Over all, I felt as if, I, myself was made of air.

I came out of the house and found Kara with a totally sexy criss crossed, wrapped around, and cut out, black leather body suit. Her body suit was cut out and criss crossed instead of classical sleeves. It also criss crossed around her waist revealing flawless mocha skin. Her legs were barely even clothed only a strip of cloth curled around each leg and the only thing that covered her bare legs was see through mesh that looked like it wasn't even there. The Symbol was on her breast area like mine and it was on only one of her thighs which was the only indication that she had mesh cloth to cover her legs. She too wore her Guard Symbol on her necklace and wrist band. She had on regular ankle boots that were like mine but hers had the symbol on it. Somehow she looked younger than she was.

Then Sozo walked up to me and I noticed she was wearing black ripped high waisted denim shorts and the same type of crop top I had on except it wasn't a crop top and it showed skin through the criss crosses.. We almost matched and then I looked at her boots and they too were the same as mine. She was so cute and looked older than eight years old. She jumped up and I held her for a while. She jumped down whenever Hokai and the other guys came out all matching. They all wore jeans with losts of zippers and chains that dangled. They all wore the same leather vests and wore a plain black tank top underneath. Their arms were all very muscular, well, minus little Hokai.

Hokai had tiny muscles which made him look puny compared to the others. Kaku winked at Kara and Kara walked over to him and let him hiss her. The sight made me feel lonely but not for long. Out of nowhere Tenki taps my shoulder and I whirled around startled. He smiles a crooked grin as I glare daggers at him.

" Sorry, did I startle you? " He teased.

" No, you just caught me off guard, thats all. " I huffed.

He came to my side and I looked back at Kara and Kaku who seemed to be in a very deep and probably intimate conversation. To my horror Tenki took note on my face and bumped my shoulder.

" Did you like, Kaku? Yeah, he's sorta got a girlfriend. Such a Bummer. " He sighed.

" No, I don't. Why did you say that? " I asked turning to look him in the eyes.

I crossed my arms as if I could keep the loneliness at bay.

" You're lonely? " He asked, not really a question but a statement.

" What? " I asked, shocked.

" Crossing your arms won't keep the loneliness away. It will only allow it to grow until the invisible dam breaks and it floods every part of yourself until you become lonely. " He said a hint of pain in his voice.

" How in the hell do you know what I am thinking? " I asked horrified.

" I don't it was just a guess. You looked sad and you were holding onto yourself really tightly so I just made an inference. " He shrugged.

" Yeah, well stop. You don't know anything about me. It's better that way, anyway. " I said walking away this time with no spunk and no flirting. I liked him, I really liked him. I won't let him find out either. Liking him is damaged enough. I strode over to Sozo and Hokai. They both looked up and smiled at me and despite the empty feeling in my chest I smiled back and we headed out of the Secret heaven and into the city streets again. They told me that the villagers were going to keep my bike safe until I returned to it. We walked out of the city and into the unknown again.

We walked on and on and on for what seemed like eternity and at one point Hokai and Sozo got too tired to walk. I let Sozo onto my shoulders and Tenki did the same with Hokai. Finally we stopped walking and set up camp. I had Sozo clinging to me with her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She was fast asleep and so was Hokai so when we lay them down in their sleeping packs and pillow they didn't even move.

Everyone had already laid their sleeping bags out and Kaku and Kara went to gather fire wood. I sat out my sleeping bag and sifted through my bag to pull out my dinner. Of course it wasn't very much but it kept me from starving. Today it was white rice and gravy and I took one bite of it and almost threw it away. Though I thought better of it because rations like this were hard to come by so I had to endure the terrible taste.

As we all settled down and the sun faded over the horizon I really wished we hadn't left Paradise Haven. I tried my best to fall asleep and by midnight I finally drifted to sleep.