
A Samurai in Twilight

Warnings, it's a Twilight Romance, the MC is called Paul and will appear in the story in 1970, but it won't be a story of the past, in less than 30 chapters the story arrives at the events of the film. As it's a fan story, it won't be like the events of the movie and the books, so don't blame me that it's like the original, the people of the Cullen family will be mentioned and appear before the initial 30 chapters. The characters involved in the story besides the MC are not my property. Synopsis now. The MC was found by a Samurai in Japan in 1970, but he was American, the Samurai adopts the MC and begins to teach him how to be a samurai master to face supernatural forces, like the vampires we know.

fake_lion · Movies
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33 Chs

Irina 2

Everyone looked at Eleazar and he knew what they wanted him to do. Eleazar looked at Paul and saw that he didn't mind if Eleazar used his powers, but Eleazar thinks that was because Paul didn't know that his powers were to assess the abilities of other vampires.

It was a power that had some restrictions and was more difficult to use within those restrictions, but if the target was a vampire and was next to him, Eleazar would surely succeed, so Eleazar used his ability on Paul and was shocked again.

Eleazar couldn't identify Paul's abilities. To Eleazar, it seemed like Paul didn't have any abilities, which was different from when he encountered people who had the ability to shield in the past.

"What's wrong, Eleazar? What did you see?" Carmen asked, seeing Eleazar's concern.

"I couldn't see anything. It's different from the vampires I've seen who have shield abilities. I think either Paul doesn't have abilities or he's immune to some vampires' abilities," said Eleazar.

"Paul, you said you had a special ability? Can you show us? We promise never to tell anyone if you don't want to," said Tanya.

"Okay, I know I can trust you," said Paul.

Paul knew he couldn't hide his abilities forever. He hoped he could trust the Denali coven and the Cullens and that's why he approached them. If he prevented Irina from going to the Volturi, he knew he would be safe.

After all, one day he would encounter Edward and Edythe, and the siblings would try to read his mind and know that he was immune to their powers when they did, so it was better to tell the Denali coven vampires first.

"My special ability is that I can move some things with my mind. I think I can create shields too," said Paul.

Soon he demonstrated his powers by lifting some furniture in the house and keeping them in the air for a while before putting them back in place. Paul was already able to levitate for some time, but he didn't want to show it yet.

The other vampires were impressed by Paul's ability, and Eleazar could only think that the shield ability Paul could create prevented any power from other vampires from reaching him.

"The Volturi cannot know that Paul has this ability. We will help you hide it, or else Aro will want you to join the Volturi, even if it means attacking us," said Eleazar.

All the vampires of the Denali coven agreed with Eleazar, and Paul was relieved to see that he could trust them. Paul created a shield around Eleazar, and Kate tried to shock him, but Eleazar didn't feel anything. They believed that Paul was a different type of shield too.

"I can also use this power to the maximum by stopping some vampires for a while," said Paul.

Soon, Paul demonstrated his powers by making Irina, Tanya, and Carmen unable to move. The other vampires were more impressed with this than with his ability to create shields.

After all, vampires could easily kill another vampire if they could approach and cut off their heads. If Paul could prevent vampires from moving, the allies only had to approach and remove their heads.

Irina, who knew about Paul's ability to use Katanas, knew that this ability with Paul would be even more powerful. Paul still thought that if he had this ability against vampires from other legends, he could move dozens of stakes and kill several vampires.

Eleazar understood that if Paul had this ability, they would not have to fear the Volturi so much if a fight had to happen. Of course, Eleazar knew that the Volturi had hundreds of vampires.

But if the worst happened they could just run away and Aro wouldn't have the courage to make hundreds of vampires move together so as not to alert humans, so if they faced up to 20 vampires, they could survive.

Paul didn't know what Eleazar and the other vampires from the Denali coven were thinking, but he knew they wouldn't abandon him if the worst happened even though it might be the easiest thing for them to do.

Despite this, Irina still thought Paul was hiding more secrets from them, but she was satisfied with what she already knew about Paul. After spending a few years together, Irina realized that Paul was getting bored again.

Irina didn't quite understand how it was to be so bored, vampires normally didn't get bored like Paul. Contrary to what Tanya said to Paul, after all, in the first few decades they always had to move around the world and had fun drinking human blood.

Paul became a vegetarian soon after he was turned and traveled for a few years before joining the Denali coven, so he was bored. Irina felt that maybe this time Paul would leave their house to find something to do.

But Paul surprised her when he said he intended to enroll in a university near their house. Paul even invited Irina to go to the university, but Irina wasn't so bored and also thought the university was dangerous for normal vampires and didn't go.

Vampires were very beautiful and attractive and always drew attention. In a university where everyone was an adult, it was common for a vampire to be the center of attention for a while and dozens of people would call them to date or do other things.

In addition, many people got hurt in universities and blood could be everywhere, which was different from schools where teachers and other people took care of the students because they were underage.

But Irina knew that Paul wouldn't have a problem with self-control and for a man, it was easier to go unnoticed than for a woman like her. Irina was glad that Paul would still stay with them for a few more years, but she started to think that maybe Paul was much more suitable to stay with the Cullens.

Irina knew that she and Paul wouldn't be together forever, Paul could find his soulmate and Irina hoped to find her companion, so if Paul wanted to go with the Cullens, she would understand.

The other vampires from the Denali coven were thinking the same thing, they already found it surprising that Paul hadn't left their house because he felt bored. Surely with the Cullens, Paul wouldn't have time to feel bored and might even tire of having to move so many times.

Paul didn't know that the vampires from the Denali coven were already thinking of getting another house for him. Paul was too busy trying to go unnoticed in a university while attending as many classes as possible.

Here's today's chapter as promised.

Thanks for all the power stones and the comments, I'm very happy with all the support.

If this chapter has a lot of comments and power stones, tomorrow there will be another chapter.

Hope you enjoyed this part of the story from Irina's point of view, in the next few chapters, it returns from Paul's perspective only.

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