
A Saiyan in the Multiverse

Dead tired. Literally. Our protagonist finds himself talking to God and ready to go into a different world of his choosing with some perks. Into the Naruto-verse as a Saiyan.

Kintaro1210 · Anime & Comics
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203 Chs

174: Class Continues

The students were quieted down as I finished my little lesson. I let them ponder what I said for some time until Aizawa clapped his hands to get their attention.

Aizawa: Alright, since my assistant has given you something to think about, do it when you go home. For now, put on the school gym uniform and let's head to the training grounds so we can test your quirks. Those who don't do well will be expelled.

I went to the training grounds with Aizawa. As we waited for the kids to return, Aizawa turned to me…

Aizawa: You know, you didn't have to be so harsh with them.

Sage: (While chuckling) Says the guy who is trying to expel them. I'm guessing my scenario didn't apply to your career.

Aizawa: It might have, but that doesn't mean you had to dash their aspirations.

Sage: You are not much of a teacher if you don't at least teach them the reality of the profession they have chosen. Even if you downplay my scenario it still applies to a common profession such as law enforcement. For them taking a life is much easier. If you are met with deadly force you reply with deadly force, death is one of the main results. They are a step down from heroes but if you, a teacher, can't acknowledge that sacrifice comes with the job description, whether they are heroes or law enforcement, then you were or are not much of a hero either.

Aizawa had no rebuttal. The students were coming out of the building while still discussing what I have said to them.

Ida: I still can't think of a possibility for a way for me to get around that problem.

Midoriya: I know. I never thought far enough to consider that situation.

Bakugou: Hah! He only gave you a scenario of what can happen if you are too weak to handle the consequences.

Todoroki Shoto: The scenario Sage-sensei gave us is not necessarily what will happen but what can happen, like Bakugou said. I think it has a higher probablitiy of occurring if we, the heroes, are either there on scene or if we have the strength to subdue the villain.

Tsuyu Asui: So you're saying that the possibility is higher if you are a hero with real strength or situational?

Shoto: Exactly.

Mineta: Sounds like sidekicks and support heroes have the lowest chances of getting into that situation.

Koji Koda: I'm glad.

Aizawa: Since everyone is here we will now start by numerical order.

The testing was the same as the original so nothing special occurred except for Midoriya fucking up his finger. I knew how his power worked but for some reason, All Might himself knew little on how to properly coach Midoriya, even though he had the power for years. I can help both Midoriya and All Might but that is only if they accept my help.

Like in the original, Bakugou lost his shit when he saw Midoriya use One-for-All, since Bakugou knew Midoriya since they were smaller he knew Midoriya had no quirk. Aizawa used his quirk to stop Bakugou's explosion from reaching Midoriya and wrapped Bakugou with his scarf. When Midoriya saw Aizawa's scarf and goggles he immediately recognized Aizawa as the underground Erasing Hero: Eraserhead. Aizawa then faced the class…

Aizawa: Oh yeah, the whole "Expulsion" thing was a lie. It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performance.

The students who didn't understand what Aizawa was trying to do screamed out. The face Midoriya made was ridiculous as portrayed in the original but not as distorted as I remember. I laughed at the whole scene. I understand how people were mad that Mineta made the cut to be in class 1-A when there so many better students. I now believe that his acceptance was due to his mom blowing the right person, was an extremely drunk decision, was a debt owed to his family, a clerical error, a lucky draw or an extreme pity choice. Simply because he can actually utilize his quirk, since he was born with it, he was only slightly better than Midoriya. I shook my head at the results. Seeing this, Bakugou lost his shit and got angry again thinking I was looking down at his results…


Sage: HAHAHA!!! (In a condescending baby talk) Awww, did I hurt the exploding turd nuggets feelings?

Bakugou: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!!

Sage: Listen little guy, if you wanna get your spirit crushed all you have to do is ask, I will even give you a handicap.


Sage: Hahaha, that's the only way I can look at you. So, how about it? We will do all 5 Trials that you went through but I will either do them harder or barely try and, by some mircle or act of a god, IF you beat me in any of them, I will personally ask the principle to make you a full fledged hero. How does that sound?

Bakugou: What if I lose?

Sage: (With a giant grin) You, will go about your normal school activities but when it comes to your hero name you will be called Exploding Turd Nugget. And no, you cannot change it later unless theres a way to change my mind.

Bakugou: YOU'RE ON!!!!

Sage: For the first trail, the 50 meter dash, you will run it normally while I run the opposite direction.

Aizawa: Oy oy, that's literally around the world, you can't be serious?!

Sage: Dead serious. Now I will wear this tracking bracelet and Aizawa-sensei will track if I went around the world to the finishline before you, ok?

Bakugou: HA!! My Hero license is in the bag!

Some of the Students: Bakugou got lucky, wish I got that handicap for a Hero License.

Aizawa: On your mark, get set and…GO!!

By the time it took Bakugou to almost finish the 50 meter dash I went around the world 10 times casually. Fast enough to complete the feat and slow enough so that the computers can track my movements. I picked up some food around the world and was eating it while I waited for Bakugou to finish.

Sage: Man those calzones were good. So, Aizawa-sensei, what did the tracker say.

Aizawa: At first I thought that the principle and All Might were joking about you but…this much is insane.

All the Students: What did Sage-sensei get?

Aizawa: By the time Bakugou finished the 50 meter dash, Sage went around the world 10 times and ate food while he saw him finish the dash.

Sage: Also I picked up this nice sleeping bag from the United States. Full sleeping relaxation.

Aizawa: Is that the new "Cloud in the Woods" sleeping bag?! I can't even order these I have to buy it in the store.

Sage: I even brought All Might some snacks. I didn't know what he liked.

I knew that All Might was watching Aizawa during the trials because he was worried about Midoriya hurting himself and not performing well. I moved along and got the grip strength testers.

Sage: So, would you like to continue?

Midoriya: Kac-chan back out! Don't go against Sage-sensei!

My grin widened as I knew that Midoriya's interference would just ignite more flames in Bakugou, my grin and condescending look just egged him on further.

Sage: I will let you choose how I apply the pressure.

Calming down from his anger, Bakugou's eyes brightened and put on a giant smile.

Bakugou: You will use your mind to apply pressure!

Momo: That's actually a smart choice if you look at the variables. Sage-sensei can erase his presence and as far as we know has insane speeds. By process of elimination, Sage-sensei should be a physical power type hero like All Might-sensei.