
A Sad Dream

Gasping, my eyes snap open. My body was covered in cold sweat, the blanket kicked to the edge of the bed, I touch my face, only to be surprised that there were no tears. I look next to me, to be reassured after seeing my mom sleeping peacefully. I took slow, deep breathes to calm my pounding heart. After a few minutes of calm breathing, I look at my ceiling, sorting my thoughts. 'It was just a dream Kahley, calm down', I think to myself. My eyes soften, thinking about the girl. 'A sad dream..'

Notroxirl · Fantasy
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This is my first time ok? If you want something, like a pro, you came to the wrong place😭. I just started today logging in... I made this for fun, TT-TT and this is not a horror book although all my friends look at me weirdly when I say that.

AND I REPEAT, IF YOU WANT SOME REALLY GOOD SCARY NOVEL... then you came to the wrong place... leave now if that's what you want.

Why are you still here. Go now, shoo, find another book to spend time on, while your browsing through this on your phone.

You're still here? Aww, you got me tearing up man... So why are you here. Seriously. Shoo now. Can't you hear your guardian calling you for help? Shoo, go be a good child and help them.

Hey. If you're a good person, there's a lot of foul language ahead! Run away now!

Well... If you insist. Have a nice pity party with me while your here, and when your done done forget the feedback. ;< (oh, and I censored anything bad ;>)