
A Sad Dream

Gasping, my eyes snap open. My body was covered in cold sweat, the blanket kicked to the edge of the bed, I touch my face, only to be surprised that there were no tears. I look next to me, to be reassured after seeing my mom sleeping peacefully. I took slow, deep breathes to calm my pounding heart. After a few minutes of calm breathing, I look at my ceiling, sorting my thoughts. 'It was just a dream Kahley, calm down', I think to myself. My eyes soften, thinking about the girl. 'A sad dream..'

Notroxirl · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Her - Part 1

It was almost night, in a meadow far away, was a dark and eerie mansion, covered in vines, walls cracked, curtains ripped to shreds, if you looked away for a second you could swear you saw fleeting shadows in the corner of the house, most had no face, but some had a wide, cracked smile, excited to see you.

Not that far away was a group of friends, 3 girls and 2 boys. One girl stood out to me. It wasn't that she was some sort of remarkable beauty that instantly catches your attention, but I instantly knew she was the main character of this dream. I was watching everything from the 3rd perspective. I didn't like how this dream was going so far. The teenagers were walking with flashlights in their hands, making me even more scared and getting ready to force myself to change the dream.

When they stopped in front of the mansion, they gasped in excitement. The girl, I don't remember her name anymore, shivered and it was not a cold night. She tried to warn the others that it's not a good idea but they told her to stay outside if she wanted to. She opened her mouth to speak but before any words could come out they went in. Reluctantly, she followed them in and without a choice I had to follow the main character.

The inside of the mansion was darker than outside. It was as if light did not exist there. Everything was on the floor or torn to pieces as if a tornado happened. The stupid people just talked about how exciting this is and it was a good thing they believed the rumors about the haunted house. I cursed at them and how dumb they are. I cannot control nor predict my dreams but I know this is not going to be a happy one.

They walked down a long, quiet corridor, their steps echoing. The girl was in the back, anxious, and so was I. Suddenly, their steps halted. Their flashlights pointed at the wall. A portrait was hanging on the wall with ripped red curtains barely holding on, but more intact than any of the other objects they've seen in the mansion. The girl felt compelled to move the curtains, to see who it was. Before she knew it she was in front of the portrait, hands lifting to move the curtains.

The portrait was of a pretty woman in a medieval-like dark green dress. Black hair tied in a bun, dark brown eyes, and a pretty smile. Her posture was proper and regal. The group of teens were mesmerized. Suddenly, a harsh gust of wind came out of nowhere, causing them to cover their faces with their arms. The girl's dark brown hair whipped around her face. Her hazel brown eyes watering against the relentless wind. When she saw what was in the midst of the wind, her eyes widened in terror. Even though I do not wish to see what was there, I had to, as the girl looked. I instantly wished I hadn't. Why, you ask? Well, that was because my dreams were a b-tch.

A tall woman in a loose white dress stood in the middle of the wind. Long, sleek black hair covering her face. Her skin, so pale it was a transparent white. Bones stuck out of her body that looked so painful the girl winced. The girl wondered how she was even standing. When she looked down, her mouth opened to scream yet no word came out. One foot was twisted backwards, facing the opposite direction, being dragged behind the other foot. Her right eye peeked through her long black hair, her eye is bloodshot but a shot of horror and familiarity went through the girl. It was the woman from the portrait.

The woman spoke, her voice raspy, as though she hadn't spoken in years. Or as if she screamed and screamed until her throat had no words to spare.

"Who are you?" she asked.