
A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon

A middle aged white collar worker dies from exhaustion in the modern world and meets ROB. ROB judges the man, only to receive a good karmic value, giving the man a chance to reincarnate. ROB also gives the man the choice to choose a few wishes, but the man declines, not wanting any outside help. Seeing his honesty, ROB decided to let the man choose the world he wanted to go to instead, along with a healthy body, and a soon-to-be partner he didn't ask for. Is there romance? Yes! This is very much a slice of life journey through the Pokemon World. Current standing, MC works for the Aether Foundation, but has a high enough rank to enjoy his own freedom. Also decides to take the Professor route while going out on a journey with his friends. Current region: Kanto. Future regions remain unexplored. Three love interests. No more, no less. This is my second fanfic. *Cover art is not mine. I do not own Pokémon besides my own OC.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Chapter 32 : A Rainbow

Kanto Route 1 and a rainbow, what does that mean?


Tall grass. Rolling hills. More tall grass. A single paved stone path going through these hills. Short cliffs could be seen more on the left side, which prevents normal Trainers from walking through it unless they were skilled in rock climbing. People can jump down from the other end as they weren't tall at all, but people often just walk around it as the main path leads around it.

Not to mention, not a single Trainer in sight.

Well that is to be expected, this is Route 1. While it is technically considered a Route, it really was just a simple road that connects Pallet Town to Viridian City. Yet that didn't stop wild Pokemon making their nests here.

Only in Kanto Trainers didn't exist on Route 1, in other regions Trainers do roam about.

There is probably a good reason for that too. Other Route 1s have more of a diversity, and they are longer and wider, whereas Kanto's Route 1 simply does not have much to it.

It was January 7th, 2010. We went to Oak's lab at 9am, and left at 10am. 3 hours later, we traversed about half of Route 1.

The only Pokemon we came across were Pidgey and Rattata, and an occasional Bellsprout.

Not to mention the infamous Spearow and Fearow flock. This was only shown in the anime but I saw with my own eyes some Spearow flying in the distance. So that meant that rowdy Spearow leader is there too.

Is that a Pokemon worthy of catching? It depends if you can fix that Spearow's attitude problem or not. And in the anime, it lead that flock to attack Ash. Though it was Ash's fault to begin with for choosing the wrong Spearow to unleash his frustration on by throwing a rock, since at the time he hadn't caught a single Pokemon yet.

As for me...Maybe it will be a first good test to test my friendliness ability god gave me. Will this Spearow just look at curiously like most of the Pokemon being looked after at the ranch? Or will Spearow immediately put up a fight? If it's the latter it can make a good challenge for Squirtle too.

'Yosh. We got a plan of attack before we reach Viridian City and go to the Pokemon Center. Gramps did say he will have a package for me to deliver after the Kanto Conference, but thankfully this isn't like the games to where we have to retrieve a parcel for Gramps. Perhaps that parcel there was the one he currently has now....who knows', I thought to myself.

Yet, there was one slight problem causing us to delay our current travelling.

"Well this sucks.", I started to speak aloud, only to let out a sigh.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

"Itsuki?", A gentle voice called out to me as a figure leaned her shoulder across mine. She felt quite warm to counter this unexpected cold we were currently experiencing.

"Out of all days, why did it have to rain just three hours into our journey..."

"Hehe, that's the fun though, isn't it? We have to be ready for the unexpected, and the same goes for the weather. However, I do say Serena is having a bit too much fun right now, isn't she?"

"Mmm. That sure is a fine ass she as there.", I grinned, looking at the third figure who could be seen frolicking in the rain outside in front of us.

As for me, I could be seen in a pretty large tent with a beautiful pearly white figure leaning on my shoulders. A fluffy blanket could be seen over her front, as did mine, we were sharing a large blanket, with the feeling of a warm kotatsu.

The pearly white figure was Lillie of course. She could be seen striped naked of her clothes, as did I. Though that didn't seem to bother Lillie one bit.

"You're thinking of something naughty again, aren't you?", Lillie giggled back at me.

"There's nothing wrong with admiring a fine ass like that, is there?", I grinned back.

Hearing that, Lillie shifted her eyes back to the figure outside trying to catch rain with her hands, except she too was stripped of her clothes, pure naked. Every so often her breasts jiggle up and down. This was Serena of course. Seeing this after a few moments passed, Itsuki spoke out to her.

"Oi, Serena! It's time you come back, don't be catching a cold now! And make sure no one is looking!", I yelled out to her. As for Lillie, she took another sip of the hot chocolate she had in her hands. We typically brew tea but we changed it up today with hot chocolate.

Hearing my voice, Serena finally stopped moving about, and this let more rain pour down on her. Flipping her hair backwards, she looked at us.

"Don't worry! There isn't a single soul around! Even the Pokemon are hiding away from the rain. Itsuki, Lillie, you two should join me. It's like I'm taking a shower right now. It's so refreshing!"

After Serena said that with a smile, she revealed her peachy skin to us, it was glistening in the rain.

"Hmm, that actually isn't bad idea. Taking a nude shower outside, and Pallet Town isn't in sight anymore. What do you think, Lillie?"

Asking her that, I saw Lillie blush red.

"It would probably feel good...And we wouldn't have to worry about freshening up again until we arrive at Viridian City."

"Shall we?", I said, slowly standing up, placing my own cup onto our kotatsu table behind us. I then stood up, which dropped the blanket, revealing our bodies. Lillie saw this and glanced at my member down below. Taking her cup, she wouldn't stop looking at me. In the next moment I saw Lillie place her hands over her face, only revealing her eyes. She could feel the heat on her cheeks.

As for Lillie, it looked like she was currently recalling the vivid event that took place two nights ago, recalling his member that splurted all over her breasts as she used them.

'D-did we really do such a thing two nights ago? Itsuki's was so hard then, but it's normal now, I didn't even know it could get that hard...', Lillie thought to herself.

'And Serena even used her mouth...It looks like she enjoyed it. Itsuki did say it felt good too...', Lillie continued.

"Lillie?", I called out to her, enjoying her current shyness. She was very cute right now, and my voice seemed to pull her out of her thoughts.

"C-Coming!", Lillie said, ending her thoughts.

I took Lillie's hand, we exited the tent. Amber, who could be seen nestled together with our other Pokemon further inside who were currently sleeping, raised her head at me and watched for a moment as we left. Amber then lowered her head, going back to sleep.

The moment we exited, we started to feel the cool rain drip onto our bodies, and sure enough it felt pleasant.

Seeing us two arrive, Serena smiled at me and extended her hand out. We held onto it and cuddled together, enjoying the rain fall. Our hair became really wet in no time.

'So you two decided to join in after all. It feels nice, doesn't it?"

"It sure does. And seriously there really isn't anyone. Looks like we were the only trainers to leave Pallet Town today."

"Mmm, that does seem to be the case.", Lillie said, looking around us. There wasn't even a single car on the main road far off in the distance.

"Right? So let's take advantage of this while we can. Better than staring at my butt, isn't it? Hehe.", Serena responded with a giggle.

"So you saw that, eh?"

"Of course I did. Your eyes were glued on it. You know you don't have to just look at it. We're dating, so you can touch it~", Serena replied with a teasing tone. She then guided my hand, and placed it on her butt. A soft yet firm sensation spread on my hand. It felt really nice, tempting me to squeeze it, so I did.

This earned a cute yelp from Serena while Lillie just stared at us. Serena then giggled, and leaned in, planting a kiss on my lips. She quickly retracted her head and spoke out.

"That's all you'll get for now, Itsuki. Like you said, I probably should head back in, or I really will catch a cold. So I'm going to go warm up and dry off.", Serena said, separating herself.

"Haha, sounds good. We got the kotatsu all ready."

"Yay! You be good and wash Lillie carefully okay? Her skin is a lot more delicate than mine is."

"Of course. Who do you think you're talking to? I've been doing that for far longer.", I smiled back at Serena, which earned another blush from Lillie.

Serena waved at us before shaking off the rain on her body and went to go pick up a nearby towel in the tent to dry off.

"I'll be in your care again, Itsuki. ", Lillie smiled at me.

And like that, the two of us enjoyed a cold shower outside as Serena cleaned up inside. We only stayed out around a half hour so before deciding to go back in, so we wouldn't get sick ourselves.

After we cleaned up we out on our clothes and I was able to dry the two's hair. Another hour so so was spent like that and the rain didn't seem to be letting up. It was approaching 4pm now and the sun was on its second crescent, getting ready to descend.

The three of us could be seen lazing inside of the kotatsu with the tent closed up. We could see what it was still like outside though. Serena slouched over the table, letting out a sigh.

"Hah...this storm is quite the fierce one, ain't it? It's been like three hours since it's started. I mean since we're already half way to Viridian City, why don't we rush the rest of the way?"

"And risk getting drenched in our clothes and becoming sick? Not one of you're brighter ideas, Serena.", I retorted. "It did say a storm would pass today, but it didn't mention it would get this heavy though."

"I guess weather can be really unpredictable.", Lillie replied with a giggle, taking in another sip.

Another hour or so passed, and it became 5pm. Dark clouds were all around us and the rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. It almost acted as if it was nighttime now. And with the increase of the wind, our large tent started to flap.

"This isn't looking so good any more...", Serena said, becoming a bit worried.

"Don't you two worry,, our tent has gone through a few upgrades since it was last used. It's almost like a mini living room now, and it's quite sturdy--?", I began to say.

Yet before I could finish speaking, all of us were distracted by a large noise sounding off in the distance.

Crack. Boom!

All of a sudden, a loud boom struck our ears, and a few seconds later a blue flash streaked across the sky, only for a second boom to echo not long after.

Lillie frozen up hearing this sudden thunder and clung onto me. Seeing this caused me to laugh.

"Haha, afraid of a little lightning, Lillie?"

"Not exactly, I was just a bit startled by the loud sudden noise.", Lillie answered.

I ruffled her hair and spoke out.

"Nothing should happen to us inside here, but it is surprising this would develop into a thunderstorm. Pallet Town doesn't get too many of 'em.", I replied, calming Lillie down. She then nestled into my arms as Serena sat across from us.

"Well look at you two. Seeing this makes me want to join in~"

"Not afraid of thunder, Serena?", Lillie asked as she leaned into my chest.

"Not really. I enjoy rain. But seeing it not stop like this, we may be stuck here for the night."

"It does seem likely that is the case. Why don't we clock out early then? I can make some hot pot."

"That sounds really good! Since we started our journey today we can start to test your cooking skills. It's almost like having our own butler. You really lucked out Lillie, you got to experience things like this for ten years?"

"Yes...But Itsuki was my caretaker, not a butler. But he's our boyfriend now. We'll be alongside each other during this journey."

"You're right about that, heh.", I replied with a s laugh.

"You're right, Lillie, haha! Then let's get started. I'll help chop the veggies.", Serena replied happily.

"Please do.", I answered her.

We then had our cooking underway, and by the time it was 6pm, our hot pot was ready. We dug in and our bodies warmed up greatly as a result.

Seeing the rain persist with lightning cracking in the distance every so often, we just decided to chat an our or two before getting into our sleeping bags and cuddled. We didn't forget to feed our Pokemon either, as they woke up during our meal time. I found out what berries Squirtle likes to eat too and that made me happy.

And you guys seriously didn't we would bring our own beds, would we? This is a journey. If we were in the constant luxury of our home it wouldn't feel like one. We didn't leave unprepared unlike a certain hat wearing friend of mine and packed several things like this tent. It has gone through a few upgrades, but it is still a tent at the end if the day.

And as such, we would cook our dinner over a fire inside. There weren't many appliances, just mainly the kotatsu table in the middle of the tent. We would have to shop for food at the cities we would go to. Thankfully the ingredients we brought with us from Pallet Town lasted tonight. We brought enough to last us a couple days just like something like this did happen.

It was only a day trip on foot to Viridian City

And as for how we went to bed after chatting, we used sleeping bags. Three lined up sleeping bags appeared further inside, and we each ventured off to dream land.

January 8th, the next day. 7am.

During the night I felt something warm crawl into my sleeping bag which clung onto to me. Just that alone gave me a sense of comfort and I shrugged it off, quickly falling back asleep.

And what do I see the moment I wake up thanks to the sun peering into our tent? Lillie sleeping peacefully and happily as she hugged my body. Turning over a bit, I saw her sleeping bag empty, as well as Serena's. Looks like Serena already woke up.

The pitter-patter of rain and thunderous booms seemed to have ended too. Looking outside it looks like there are just some rolling clouds now with the sun peering in.

"Good morning Lillie. Looks like storm is over.", I said, leaning in and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning...", Lillie responded, slowly raising her body, rubbing her eyes.

Seeing her white pajamas ruffled somewhat, she felt rather warm, only to realize she was next to me. Her eyes saw me smiling.

"Oh no...did I do it again?", Lillie said feeling apologetic.

"It's alright, Lillie. Looks like you made your way into mine during the night. Though I wouldn't mind if you did this more often~", I teased back at her.

"Geez, there you go again.", Lillie replied with a smile as well.

"Well well what do I see here?", A third voice asked with a teasing tone as well. Serena came back in still wearing her pink pajamas, and grinned at Lillie. Lillie didn't respond and just blushed a bit.

Serena shook those thoughts away from us though as she got excited and yelled out.

"Never mind that, Itsuki, Lillie come look outside. There's a huge rainbow stretching far beyond into the forest off in the distance that had just formed!"

"A rainbow?", Lillie asked, becoming interested.

"A rainbow huh? Why I am I getting deja vu all of a sudden..." I also retorted to myself. 'It couldn't be, could it? I mean the now I think about it, the place is the same but the timing is different...', I thought to myself.

Yet I suddenly found my hand tugged as Serena pulled us out of our sleeping bag. In just the next moment we arrived outside onto the wet grass that glistened from the previous storm. Looking up above the three of us saw a huge majestic rainbow, far bigger than what a normal one would look like. Its ends couldn't been at each side either. The sun peered across it, making this rainbow very picturesque.

It was then a felt my blood started to pump a bit, and was swarmed by this weird feeling. This feeling started to get stronger, and soon became majestic. It caused me to turn quiet, standing still.

Seeing this, Serena became confused as she looked at me.

"Itsuki?", Serena tried to call out, only for her to get interrupted by my next words.

"No way...", I suddenly said, attracting Serena's and Lillie's attention.

I then got an urge to look up into the sky in a different direction, far more left than where the rainbow was. Curious, the two followed my sight, and we soon saw a big shadow start flapping high up in the sky. It slowly made its way over the rainbow, flying majestically onward toward the sun.

"Is that a Pokemon...?", Lillie asked with a bit of hesitation. It was far up, but I could make the figure out a bit.

A huge fiery red phoenix-like bird.

"Ho-Oh...", I uttered quietly, continuing to watch the bird vanish into the skies, leaving just as quick as it came.

Hearing me utter that name, the two's eyes turned wide in shock. But before they could say anything, we heard one large flapping noise, before Ho-Oh vanished completely.

Before long, a single feather descended from the sky. It flew down as majestically as Ho-Oh flapped its wings a moment ago.

The feather was landing directly down at me, as if it had already found its target. I opened my palms out, and the feather landed on them. It felt pretty warm to the touch.

"Such a pretty feather...", Serena couldn't help but retort, seeing the feather in my hand.

That's right, this was the famous Rainbow Wing!

The very same Rainbow Wing was now placed in my palms, courtesy of a passing Ho-Oh!

What does that mean?


Expect a battle next chapter!

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

Hi guys Aht here. Here is the next chapter!

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

Ahtcreators' thoughts