
A Prince on the Run

Blackpinkkk x malee readerr, because im obssesedd with blackpinkk

Xinne · Music & Bands
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Staying in Blackpink

Blackpink PoV

We just finish the concert but it was pretty weird we can see that many people are running around and checking out every

person here in the concert? Is there a problem? We got nervous because we thought maybe's there's a Criminal inside our concert right now.

We finish the Concert everyone of us sight then we go to the fan signing event, We still see many people running around and observing the line's we dont know why.

Jennie PoV

We are now signing authograph's and giving selfie's to our fans overall just spending time with them. That's when i see a suspicious looking person infront of me he has a sun glass on and face mask on, I asked him if he want's a authograph but he awckwardly laughed and said that it's not needed.

Then i ask him on if he want's a pic which he just nodded, so i asked him for his phone so that we can have a selfie.

Lee Pov

It's now my turn to meet this cute eye's cat girl she ask me if i want an authograph but i dont have anything that she can sign, She also asked me if i want a pic which i just nodded.

But i realize i dont have my phone with me, I left it in the Imperial Palace because it has a tracker installed, Damn now im gonna get embarassed infront of this pretty girl.

"Ah, im sorry but i also dont have a phone". I said while blushing damn im an Imperial Prince if someone know's what just happened here then my reputation is going down the drain.

"Ah, are you broke do you need a job?" The cat eye girl asked me, I just nodded and said "Yes, I am broke i was kick out by my parent's yesterday, I still have money but i was robbed on the way here to your concert.

He robbed me of everything i have, the only one thing that is left is the ticket to blackpink concert, Since i dont have anywhere to go to i just came her to atleast meet my idol's." I bullshitted im sorry to lie to a good girl but i need to do this so that i can be covered.

"Oh, im sorry to hear that but you can come with us to YG maybe YG will give you a job because we were inderictly the cause of you getting robbed." The cat eye girl said to me now i feel guilty this girl is to kind hearted.

"You can wait for us their just sit there in the backstage". She said to me which i just nodded i was leaded by their manager who has a menacing look to me, Damn if i was not hiding your eye's would have already been blind.

I sitted in the backstage with their manager then asked me on what happen, I repeated the story to that i just said to the Cat eyes girl.

He gave me look of pity which i just bedgrudly accepted well it's better than nothing right? I sat in the chair for about an hour when i see 4 gorgeous girl infront of me.

"Annyeongsayo Blackpink here" They said to me which i just nodded, Hello im Jennie kim i heard the cat eye's girl say.

Oh so she's Jennie ok i will remember that, i said to myself.

"Hello im Lalisa Manoban it's a pleasure to mee you and sorry about what just happened to you". The tall looking girl said

"Hello im jisoo and this is Rose we were sorry on what just happened to you but it's a pleasure to meet you." The two girls said in Unison i remembered their names because im gonna pay them back later when i finally come back from my mini vacation.

They said to follow them in the van that were going to YG to get me a job which i just nodded and thanked them for this oppurtunity. The girl's are having small talk's they asked on why was i kicked out.

I said that my step father kicked me out when my mother just died which gave them an angered look on their face and asked me if i want justice, I just shook my head and said to them that's it's not needed because if he didnt kicked me out.

How will i meet my idol's, I said to them with a joking manner which they just laughed. They asked on what it my name and i just told them that my name was Xavier Park, I answered them on why im still wearing a mask.

I said that im extremely ugly and that i have still have a sickness in my Body and i fear that it may spread if i take it off. They said that their are no people who are ugly, they are complementing me and even saying that im handsome just from my eye's which is technically true.

I just thanked them for the compliment now were in YG entertainment, I followed them to the building and then to the elevator, if i was a normal person i would have been amazed by the expensive looking building, I didnt know that a certain cat eye's girl obserbed me and was shocked that i didnt get amazed from my surrouding's that scream rich as fuck.

I followed them to the elevator till we reach the office of the boss of YG, He talked with the blackpink member's and asked them to wait for me outside they leave and YG asked me if i want to work here as a janitor.

I looked at him like he's crazy that's when i decided to take off my disguise, He was shocked he kneeled as fast as he can and ask for forgiveness.

I just said it's okay, I explained to him that i want to see that city and he say's that it's okay and you can be the manager of blackpink he said, I can go vacation whenever i want because im just a manager in name he said.

I can also go with the girl's if there is a vacation he also added, I just accepted because the deal is too good, I'm not suprise if this guy is honey trapping me to fell in love with one of the girl's what a story would have it been he probably think's.

"Ok girls you can comeback now". YG shouted then the 4 girls opened the office again they looked at me but i already have my mask and my sun glass on.

"I have some good new's i have decided to make Xavier here as one of your Manager's so please take care of him alright girl's". YG said to them with a demanding tone

I just laugh on the shock face's of the 4 girls, "Hi, Im Xavier Park your new manager it's a pleasure to meet you", I said and laugh which the 4 girls laughed them mimicked what i have just done.