
A Prince on the Run

Blackpinkkk x malee readerr, because im obssesedd with blackpinkk

Xinne · Music & Bands
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Now im in a concert of a k pop idol which i dont know who, I just came here to lost those guard's which worked because there are too many people here. They cant locate me right?

But you guys are probably wondering how the hell did this guys escape? The Imperial Palace should have thousand's of people monitoring and guaring the Imperial Family, Well long story short i escaped with a rope then jump down from the balcony of the palace then proceeded to go to one of my relative's in the palace which is i am close to who is my Grandfather i asked him for helped in getting out which he did.

Grandpa is really the best i said to myself he even gave me a card which have Millions of dollar's because he know's that my parent's are gonna freeze my card. But the Imperial Guard is no joke they managed to track me just 30 minutes of me being here in the city.

Now im in a blackpink concert which i just known from the guy beside me when i asked him he even look like im an idiot which is the very first time i have ever gotten a look like that.

Yes, i know i lack common sense but when you grow up in a Palace and you get everything you want but all of your movement get monitored always by the Imperial Guard or the common people. It's eventually gonna happen.

A song start's playing, probably the concert is gonna start which made the people around me hype and they started shouting which im really not a fan of.

I can see four girls dancing and singing doing some sexy move's which make's me think are all of my people this slutty? If somebody heard what Lee just said he would have been by all the people here which would have made his face unrecognizable even to his mother.

I was shocked the Imperial Guard's are already onto me why should i say? Because i can see that there are hundered's of people running around the concernt and checking out all of the people here, The people are confuse even the idol's are confuse on what is going on.

I can see that someone is getting very close to my position so i decided to move, they cant see me because it's too dark but i think i just gained attention from a guard when he saw me leaving because he's following me very closely he's just right behind me.

On this point i know that i cant escape from this so i decided to just make a run for it, While running i can hear the idol's sing which just gave me a good background music to outrun this people here so credit's to them.

While i was trying to lose my pursuer's the concert suddenly end's while im not noticing it, I saw that there is a fan signing which many people are going which i just followed so that i can be mix with the people, it will be very difficult now to track me.

So i just followed the people and even entered the line so that i can be seen as normal as possible, One even just ran right passed me which i just secretly smiled behind my mask.

I was wearing a face mask with sun glasses, Which is pretty obvious that im hiding from something but this morons cant see it because it's too dark.

I waited for about 20 minuted and i can see that all the Imperial Guard's here finish in checking everything out, they even checked me multiple time's but they still didnt caught me damn i need to report this to Uncle Jin when i finish my mini Vacation.

I cant have people whose lacking as Imperial Guard's, I didnt notice that im just behind the guy whose already talking to the idol's, when i see them upclose i can only say wow,they are so beautifull that's when i remembered this is the first time im talking with girl's who are this beautifull beside's my mom.

Fuck what should i say? Wait fuck kalm down Lee your an Imperial Prince dont do something stupid you always attend high class event's and now you get nervous in meeting girls? Yah their beautifull but your an Imperial Prince i said to myself they should be the one whose nervous when they talked to you.