
A Pokemon in BNHA?!

Author is reborn as male Asui Tsuyu, Asui Tozen... with powers of all frog/toad pokemons. This is a BNHA x Pokemon crossover done right!! I'm going all out with this one. Additional Tags: AU, Orgy, MILF, Cougar, Dark skin, anal sex, vaginal sex, creampie, fetish, femdom, footjob, blowjob, cunnilingus, birth control... Brutal, gore, dark, drugs, alcoholism, human trafficking, crime.

manny0101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 36

'How the fuck did I end up here?' I thought as I looked around, surrounded by eighteen year olds with brains no more mature than eight year old kids.

Especially Ashido and Kaminari.

Somehow, Momo convinced me to join the study sessions as I was the best at the sciences in my batch. Perhaps it was how sincere she was in her request, or, I was too much of a sucker to say no.

... It was the latter.

I had already done my patrol for the evening and was at the Yaoyorozu estate.

"Asui! I don't get this! How can an air bubble in a syringe kill someone?! It's a bubble!" Asked Kaminari with a dumb expression. I could see Mina looking towards me as well.

I sighed and resigned to my fate.

"Imagine a thin tube. If it's blocked, water can't pass through, right?"

The two bobbed their heads.

"The bubble will act as that blockage in small aterioles, which are a type of blood vessels. Once an arteriole is blocked, the organ that was getting blood from it won't get the blood and will undergo ischemia.. Suffocate! It will suffocate. And what happens when you suffocate for long enough?"

Kaminari swallowed his saliva and said, "I-I die?"

Like talking to a kid, I said, "Yeeees. You die. Like the vessels that supply blood to organs, there are small vessels that supply blood to the heart as well. If the air bubble blocks those vessels, the heart will die."

While Kaminari recovered from his shock that he could die from a bubble, Mina bounced in her chair and asked, "Hey! Heart pumps blood to the body, right?! So, it gives blood to itself as well?!"

My eye was twitching at that point as I thought, 'I'm not going to sit here and teach them fucking coronary circulation just so they understand air bubbles in a syringe are dangerous.'

"Yes, heart gives blood to itself and the rest of the body."

"Wow! How do you know all that stuff?"

'I was a medical student in my last life.'

"... I killed some people and ripped their hearts out to see what made it beat."

Kaminari's face became pale and both scurried away from me in fright.

"You fucking boneheads! I know because I fucking read!! How old are you?! That was clearly sarcasm!!"

They had the decency to look embarrassed.

... While the rest laughed at my misery.

I spent the rest of my time making them understand how they were supposed to manage a situation that involved poisoning. It was in the syllabus and most of them were sleeping in the class when the topic was covered.

Momo brought expensive tea with a blissful smile and everyone just swarmed her. The girl simply loved to be a host and because she lacked friends, having so many colleagues who took interest in her was a blessing for her.

"Oi! Take the cups one by one! You'll spill that tea!! It's more expensive than your phones!!" I uelled as they clamored around Momo.

"What?!" x5

"And in your case, your brain. I'm looking at you Kaminari and Ashido."

"Hey! That's rude!!" x2

"Ooooh.. Did I hurt your feelings?"

"Yes!" x2

"Well, tough shit."


It ultimately became a sleepover because the dunderheads couldn't get the english through their heads. Momo and I spent hours explaining it all. By the time they knew enough to pass, it was past 12 am.

The Yaoyorozu estate was simply ginormous, spread across acres of land. I had a map.. A map!! Of the the estate to navigate my way through the maze.

I finally reached my room and breathed a sigh of relief. Stretching my joints, I opened the door and entered. The lights were already on and I was greeted by a very... Enticing sight.

It was Momo lying on her stomach on the bed, dressed in tight, red crop top, a red bikini panty and white stockings. She was reading a book while her phone was lying beside her. There were LED lights on the wall next to the bed.

She looked over towards me and made no sound. There wasn't even an expression of surprise on her face. Instead, her eyes were smoldering with emotion. I swallowed my saliva as I heard her breath heavily while she looked at me.

'Well... This is happening... I'm not one to say no...'


"I've been waiting for you." She said with a husky voice.

She slowly began to get up, lifting her butt before she climbed down the bed. Then she walked towards me on her toes as she swayed her hips.

"I just couldn't miss upon this opportunity. I've found you to be very attractive and exotic. Usually, I don't act upon my feelings. I suppress them, but, with you.. I want to explore."

She walked to where I stood and and caressed my arm. She encircled her arms around me and lifted her leg to rub it against mine.

With her mouth inches away from mine and her breasts pressing into my chest, she said, "I know you don't have a girlfriend. I don't know if you've done it with another girl before, but..."

She brought her lips to my ear and kissed it before saying, "... I want you to be my first."

I didn't let my voice waver as I asked, "There will be no turning back. Are you sure?"

She moved her mouth away from my ear and brought it to my lips. She kissed me gently, her lips soft and moist from the lip gloss. She let the kiss linger and I held myself back from devouring her mouth.

"I want this. I want you."

Her hand snaked to my groin and she gently rubbed my hardened penis through the layers of cloth over it. I grabbed her chin and looked at her. Her eyes oozed lust and anticipation, her face flushed with perspiration and excitement. Slowly, I brought my lips down hers and engulfed them in a breathtaking kiss filled with passion.

Her breasts heaved against me as we kissed. She smelled of raspberries.

Her small tongue peaked through and I grabbed it with mine. She all but melted into me as she lost all power in her legs. We kissed passionately for minutes before her breath was ragged and her lips were slightly swollen.

I picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying her down, I kissed her again while her arms remained locked behind my neck. My hand snaked into her panty and found her clitoris. She jumped and squeaked into the kiss as I began to rub against it. Using my quirk, I sent vibrations through my arm and she moaned and gasped against me. With my other hand, I caressed her nipples and her breasts through her top.

She was contorting and shaking within minutes as the stimulation was simply too much. After she settled from her orgasm, I undressed her fully while she helped my remove my clothes.

"You're beautiful, Momo." I said as I looked at her form.

She smiled and blushed which only made her look prettier.

Unable to hold back any longer, I rubbed the glans of my penis against her soaking vagina and gently pushed in her. There was a small amount of resistance. I knew that she was going to feel the pain, so, I kissed her again as I broke through.

She hissed and squeaked into my mouth and I stayed still for some time, letting her pain fade. Her arms held on to my back as I began to move.

Moans and gasps filled the room as we lost ourselves to pleasure and lust. Her hands were against the wall behind her as she tried to pushed herself towards me while I went deeper and deeper into her.

I was patient with her and it made for a very different experience. Sex with my school nurse, with Hagakure and with Tempest was kinky, aggressive and lustful. But, with Momo, there was more emotion and it was more delicate.

I could feel myself reach my limit after what seemed like tens of minutes. Momo shook again and I felt her fluids slosh against my penis while it was still inside her.

She was completely out of breath.

"Momo.." I said while I continued to move.

"I'm.. about to.. cum.."

Her face began glowing with a terrible blush as she panted and said, "I.. I want.. to taste.. it."

I kissed her again before I pulled out for her vagina. Then, I leaned back and helped her to get up. Trembling, she leaned between my legs and licked the tip of my glans like a deer. The stimulation was simply amazing.

Slowly, she took my glans into her mouth and began to bob her head. It wasn't rhythmic like that of my school nurse, but, the fact that she wanted to do it, made it all the more better.

"G-Get ready!"

She bobbed her head a little faster and I shot my cum into her mouth. She took my penis a little deeper and kept it in for a while as my penis became limp. With a pop, she released my penis and poked her tongue out, allowing the fluids in her mouth to flow out.

'She's making the ahego face! Hot fucking damn!!!'

... My penis was immediately ready for the second round.


A/N: Sex should be wholesome. Maybe a little kinky. Do you agree?

I doubt there are any haters around. Well, not anymore and not after so many chapters. The starting few chapters are always the hardest. Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. If you get bored of all those smut fics filled with shit sex scenes taken right from hentai, you can read my fics. I try to make them palatable.