
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs

Secret's Out

-----Yui's POV

Fabian: "Ellen?"

I can feel the numerous gazes of everyone in the training area piercing me from behind, but I don't take my eyes off of my brother. His gaze was filled with anger moments ago, but is now showing concern, questioning what had just happened.

I can hear the whispers and chatter from people all around us prickling the back of my neck, but I remain calm, slowly sheathing my rapier. The sound of the hilt colliding with the scabbard was like a gun going off, causing all the whispers and chatter to disappear in it's place.

Kendal: "Ellen!"

Teacher1: "Just what was that just now?"

It'd be hard to weasel my way out of this. It's slowly become public knowledge that I'm able to use wind and water magic, due to the rumors, but if I try and say that the fireball just now was mine, then that'd make me the very first 3 elemental mage; completely unheard of. The whole situation makes me sigh as I try and figure out what's the best move here.

Fabian: "S-she just... Flung my magic in the air..."

But before I could explain myself, my brother did it for me. In situations like these, I wish I could lie seamlessly like Kaede does... And thanks to my brother's remark, the chatter from the students around us began to increase.

Teacher1: "What? Fabian. What do you mean?"

Yui: "It's like my brother said."

I don't want my brother to speak for me. I tried to think of an excuse, but it seems as though I'm going to have to spill my secret thanks to my brother.

Yui: "I threw his magic into the air."

Teacher2: "Is that something you do with wind magic? For something small, I can believe. But something like that-"

Teacher3: "Right. I thought I made it clear to use low-tier magic, Fabian."

Fabian: "Y-yes! I'm sorry, sir."

Kendal: "So then, how did you do it, Ellen?"

Everyone now kept quiet, but I could still feel their piercing gazes. My anxiety quickly build from the silence, so with a long exhale, I prepare myself.

Yui: "I took control of his magic."

Luna: "Ellen!"

Not even a split second after I confessed, Luna ran up to me in a hurried fashion. I could see that she's frightened, probably even more so than I am. I mean, it was her idea to keep this all a secret, and I just went and broke that plan... I'm sorry Luna. She stood next to me as we both face the teachers, with many of the students behind them. In kind of feels like it's me and Luna versus everyone in a way.

Teacher1: "Took control?"

Yui: "Yes."

Teacher: "That's not possible."

Fabian: "Uhm, actually... I thought it was weird at the time, back in the beginning of the year. But something like this happened before. But it happened so fast that I wasn't sure."

That's right. That was the day when I first discovered my ability to control other's magic. At the time, even I was puzzled, unsure of whether someone else interfered with Fabian's magic, or if he just messed up.

Teacher1: "Really?"

Luna: "Hey! I don't know what you plan on doing with this, but don't hurt Ellen."

Teacher2: "But if what he said is true, then this could be groundbreaking for mankind."

I could see Luna becoming even more worried at the teacher's remark. This was exactly what she feared, wanting to keep this a secret as much as possible. I still stand by her stance of me not becoming some kind of lab rat. Also since I already know exactly what's wrong with me thanks to Mai. There's no point in researching me.

Teacher2: "Ellen could be vital in expanding our understanding of magic."

Teacher1: "Not to mention a valuable asset for the military if more monsters invade the kingdom."

Yup, I knew this was coming. I might've been more open to becoming a powerful weapon for the kingdom, but after learning that we're leaving for Yarene, I have zero interest now.

Yui: "I'm sorry, but I don't want to participate in this matter."

Teacher2: "Huh? If you say that, then why did you enroll in this academy? You and everyone here are the next generation of soldiers, are you not?"

Luna: "Don't force that on-"

Teacher1: "Silence!"

Luna: "No. She has the right to decide what she want to-"

Teacher1: "Tsk, I said silence!"

It happened so fast, but right when my eyes finally caught up, I could see that the back of the teacher's hand smashed into Luna's face. It felt like time stood still as I watched Luna's face contort in pain before she falls to her knees. Did I just see that correctly? A teacher assaulting a student? This would never happen in my past life. Is it because Luna's a commoner that he can get away with it? I know for a fact if he laid hands on a noble, he'd be in a hell of a lot of trouble. Knowing that nothing will come of this, I draw my sword against the teacher. If he's not going to get punished, then-

Luna: "E-Ellen! Don't-"

Teacher1: "Oh?"

Kendal: "Ellen! Put your sword down!"

Yui: "No, sir."

There's no way I'm letting this man get away with this. I'm already holding myself back as is from cutting this man down where he stands. It was when the teacher in question draws his sword that everyone around us made space, leaving just Luna to my side and the teacher in front of me.

Yui: "Apologize."

Teacher1: "To a commoner? She's clearly in the wrong for speaking against the teachers. We teach her, and this is how she treats us?"

Yui: "I don't care. Apologize."

Teacher1: "Are you that blinded by your friend? You may think you're tough because you placed third in the tournament, yet you want to fight me?"

Yui: "Yes. But if you apologize sincerely, I'll be sure to leave you with just a few cuts."

Maybe it was how he talked, but I just don't feel happy if he just apologized. Glancing at Luna, I could already see the side of her face becoming a little swollen, with one of her eyes barely managing to stay open. Seeing her like that only fills me with more determination to put this man in his place.

Teacher1: "So be it."

-----Kaede's POV

Julius: "This part here, be sure to-"

Currently, the teacher is going over the bird summoning crest again with the class, detailing a somewhat tricky part of the crest. I understand why it's difficult since that part sort of branches, similar to like a T-intersection. I had no problems with it though so I've been basically twiddling my fingers at my desk.

Violet: "Hey, did you manage to summon your bird?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

I don't know why, but Violet and Collin began to sit with me ever since the visit to their mansion. I wasn't really talking to the person who was next to me before, and they also didn't seem to mind Violet and Collin taking their seat.

Violet: "I just noticed you weren't taking any notes."

Kaede: "Well, yeah. I did mange to summon the bird."

Collin: "Ooo~ What was it like?"

Kaede: "Just... a "normal" bird, hehe."

They shot me questioning stares, almost like they suspect me of lying; of course they're correct in assuming that, but I'm not going to tell them about the Cloud Weaver.

Violet: "Hmmm~ Then why not come over some time? Ulma is also curious to see what you're summoning magic is like."

I never did show it back then, due to my fear of summoning something crazy. But after my little talk about Mai when I summoned the Cloud Weaver, maybe it's not that bad.

Kaede: "Sure."

Violet: "Yay~"

Suddenly, the door to out classroom slams open, disturbing everyone in the classroom, leaving the only sound being the lingering echo of the door.

Julius: "H-hey! We're in the middle of-"

Student1: "Ellen von Leinhart is fighting a teacher!"

The news made the class erupt in chatter. There's no way I wasn't hearing that correctly. Yui is fighting a teacher? What?! From the time when I tried the knight class with Yui, it was common to see students sparring with their teacher. But this feels different... Why would this student from another class come rushing over here to announce a sparring match?

Julius: "Where?"

Student: "In training area 3."

Without saying anything more, everyone in our class got out of their seats and began rushing out of the class, including our teacher.

Violet: "Kaede? You coming?"

Kaede: "Y-yeah..."

What on earth is happening...

Julius: "Notify the headmaster immediately."

Student: "Yes, sir!"

The student that burst into our class now leaves, heading into another direction as the rest of us runs through the halls, making sure to stay behind our teacher.

Julius: "You guys, stay together."

Classmate1: "This isn't a sparring match?"

Julius: "I don't know."

Seems like the teacher is thinking the same thing as me. I know Yui can be quite stoic when she wants to be, but fighting with a teacher? Even in our past life, she was never a delinquent like this. Something must've happened for her to do this, which already makes me think that whatever happened, Yui's in the right.

Running through the halls, I could see many other classes now coming out of their rooms, heading in the same direction as us. Yui... What the hell is going on?