
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs

Teacher x Student

-----Kaede's POV

I didn't know what I was expecting, but when we finally arrived at the training area, the entire place was filled up with many classes. All their gazes were focused on one thing only, the battle between Yui and another teacher. From what I can tell, the teacher is using their height to their advantage, not letting Yui get close.

Leon: "Kaede!"

Kaede: "Leon? You're here too?"

Gabriella: "Come on, Olivia."

The 3 of them notice me before joining up with me, Violet and Collin.

Kaede: "What's going on?"

Leon: "I'm not sure, we just got here as well."

Gabriella: "T-this doesn't look like a normal match though."

Olivia: "..."

Olivia seems to be frightened as she watches Yui fight against the teacher. Gabriella is right though, this does seem more like a proper fight, and not a simple sparring match.

Fabian: "That teacher-"

Suddenly, Yui's brother comes up from behind us, cutting into the conversation.

Fabian: "He slapped Luna. Ellen demanded for an apology, but he refused."

Now that he mentions it, Luna also seems to be in the inner most ring of people watching the fight.

Gabriella: "Why would a teacher slap a student?"

Fabian: "...He's quite strict. Luna simply spoke against him which prompted him to discipline her."

Kaede: "What?"

Leon: "It's actually quite common. Although I doubt he could get away with it if he slapped Ellen instead of Luna."

Kaede: "What? So it's a nobility thing?"

Fabian: "Yes. In my opinion, Luna was in the wrong, but my teacher isn't aware of how close Luna is to Ellen."

Gabriella: "St-still... Ellen sure looks strong... I mean, she's holding her own against a teacher."

Leon: "True. But I do wonder why they're not using magic."

Fabian: "Ah- That'd be because of what we discovered moments ago."

Gabriella: "Hmm? What is it?"

Both Olivia and I turn towards Fabian as if we both have a hunch of what Fabian is talking about. And sure enough-

Fabian: "Ellen can take control of other people's magic."

Gabriella: "Huh?!"

Leon: "What do you mean?"

Fabian: "..."

Both Olivia and I remained silent, focusing back on the battle that's taking place. Yui does seem to be in a different mood than usual. It's almost like I can feel her bloodlust from here, causing my heart to race.

-----Yui's POV

This bastard is getting quite annoying. Compared to when I was fighting against the other students in the tournament, I could at least spot their weaknesses and slip in to disarm them. But this man, he's taller than any opponent I've fought, and he's making use of his height incredibly well. Even if I try to take a stab towards him, my reach won't be enough, and it will just place me in a dangerous position for a counter-attack.

Teacher: "It's no use. Just lay down your sword. This is getting tedious."

So this is a teacher of the third years. His form is magnificent, I'll give him that, but hearing him run his mouth is only getting me even more frustrated as I begin to pick up the pace.

Yui: "I'll lay down my sword if you apolog-"

Teacher: "And why would I do that?"

Our swords clash with each other at an even faster pace, but he still shows no sign of faltering. If only he was using magic then I could use it against him to get the upper hand, but he's choosing to only use his sword? How annoying. I have to think of something else... Maybe if I try and bait him into a false sense of victory like the time I fought Marcus a second time? During that time, I simply followed through and let him win, but I don't plan on repeating that here.

With his next attack, I block it head on, faking how powerful it actually felt as I stumble back. Almost immediately, he closed the distance once again before continuing his attack. I block his second strike in the same manner, only this time, I drop to a knee before immediately picking up a handful of dirt with my off-hand behind me before kicking off the ground, creating some distance between us before he immediately closes it once again. "Perfect."

Teacher: "Give up already. You can't even maintain your balance at this point."

Yui: "Says the one who hasn't even landed a hit on me."

Teacher: "You think I'm that much of a bad person? Like hell I'd injure one of our students."

We exchange swords again, but hearing him contradict himself just now only pissed me off even more than I already am. So he thinks that Luna isn't a student?

Yui: "Bullshit."

I deflect one of his blows, opening up his defenses for a split second before swiftly throwing the dirt I held in my other hand straight into his face.

Teacher: "Gh!"

It was a direct blow, but he did manage to block some of it with his other arm. But that only left him open even more. Not wasting a single moment, I close some distance needed for my rapier to finally get in reach before immediately slicing past him. My rapier cleanly cutting through the side of his body as I position myself behind him. Seizing the opportunity of his exposed back, I slash diagonally down his back. A thought did cross my mind to just stab him, but I'd rather not risk killing someone, so this much should do. Blood drips from my rapier as the teacher finally turns around. I honestly thought he'd turn around earlier, I'm surprised he let me get away with that second strike.

Teacher: "You-"

Finally. The look on his face was pure hatred, completely different to his smug attitude from earlier.

Yui: "Apologize."

Teacher: "Now you've done it."

Our fight continued, as the impact of our swords cause the blood on my rapier to splash off onto the ground. His attacks had a lot more weight behind them than before, making me think he's now truly fighting for real. But I don't falter, deflecting his blows effortlessly just like Alice taught me. And it was now that I could see him leaving gaps in his defense as I immediately get inside, increasing the speed of my attacks. He might be a bit sluggish, but he's still managing to keep up, however he's no longer counter-attacking like he was before. I felt it was strange so I remained on guard, and it was then that I noticed his other hand had began to generate some kind of fire magic. With me this close, It'd be risky to take this on, or even dodge it. So I immediately take control of his magic just before he was about to fire it before using it against him, blasting the fire into the side of his body where I cut before.

Teacher: "Hnng!"

I don't waste a single second, taking the opportunity to slice his wrist that was holding his sword while he was still processing what just happened. Almost immediately, his sword dropped to the floor as I point my rapier to his face. It was then that I noticed just how much blood was pouring out of the teacher as it began to pool from where he's standing while he holds his wrist before dropping to his knees. I don't remove my rapier from his face, staring at him as I wait for an apology.

Headmaster: "Stop!"

A voice called out, but I don't move one bit. I'm still not happy with this outcome.

Teacher: "Heh."

Dispute bleeding profusely from his side, back and wrist, he still manages to laugh at me, which only made me want to sink the tip of my rapier into that disgusting face.

Headmaster: "What's the meaning of this?"

Teacher: "She-"

I stick my rapier into his cheek, causing him to swallow his own words. The only words that I want to hear from him is "I'm sorry."

Headmaster: "Ellen!"

Yui: "He won't apologize."

Headmaster: "Remove your blade, now!"

My grip around my rapier tightens at his words. I really don't want to leave it at this. but if I make an even bigger scene as it is, I might make things harder for mom... After a few moments of frustration, I begrudgingly lower my weapon off of the teacher's cheek. It was there that I could see that I had actually stabbed into his cheek a bit as blood slowly began to drip from his face. This sucks...

Some time passed as nurses began to treat the teacher for his wounds. They also checked to see if I was alright, but soon left after seeing that there was no cuts or bruises on me. The ground was bathed in blood, but thankfully I couldn't smell it, putting me at ease knowing that I'm still human... Somewhat.

Headmaster: "Now... What happened here, Kendal?"

Kendal: "Huh? Erm. We were in the middle of our shared class training until something happened with-"

Yui: "He slapped Luna."

I feel bad for cutting off Kendal since he's an amazing teacher. But I also want to give my end of the story as well. Headmaster Lucien looked at Kendal as if seeking confirmation, which Kendal nods in approval.

Kendal: "Yes. Luna spoke up against the teacher in Ellen's defense. That was when he slapped Luna, causing Ellen to retaliate."

Headmaster: "Hah~"

The Headmaster shook his head in disapproval. 

Headmaster: "Ellen... You can't just go and fight teachers."

Yui: "But sir. He refused to apologize even when I asked."

Headmaster: "That doesn't mean that you can just cut up the teachers."

He's right. I shouldn't have reacted impulsively like that, but I just couldn't stand just standing there after seeing Luna fall to the ground like that.

Yui: "But-"

Headmaster: "No buts. I'll deal with Paltor-"

So that's his name?

Headmaster: "As for you, you'll be suspended until further notice."

Yeah... I sort of saw this coming. Not that I really care about my reputation here anymore, but it'll still cause problems for others; especially Kaede.

Luna: "Wait! She was just protecting me. Isn't that what knights are supposed to do?"

But surprisingly, Luna stepped up and spoke up against the headmaster himself. I'm honestly shocked to see her do such a thing, especially since she just got slapped pretty hard earlier for doing just that.

Headmaster: "And that is why she isn't expelled, Luna."

Luna: "But suspension is too much, I'm the one that caused it in the first place, so at least punish me instead, headmaster."

Headmaster: "I commend your loyalty, Luna. But you're not the one who almost killed a teacher."

Luna: "...But."

Yui: "Luna. It's okay."

Luna: "...Then... Then if Ellen's suspended, then I am too!"

Even with the side of her face still swollen from the slap, she still looked determined, staring at the headmaster like she isn't backing down. I was about to tell her that's a stupid idea, but after seeing her like this, I just can't seem to make any words.

Headmaster: "If that's what you want, then by all means. But do know that you can come back at anytime."

Luna: "I'm only coming back when Ellen's back."

Headmaster: "Hah. Spoken like a true knight. I like it."

Surprisingly, the headmaster seems impressed with Luna, smiling at her words, making my worries for her to dissipate. I let out a soft sigh at the situation. To think that I'm being suspended... That's never happened before, even in my past life. People are definitely going to think I'm a delinquent now...