
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs


Eventually the ceremony ended as we make our way to the dorms, led by one of the teachers that were taking the first year girls. The dormitory was a 3 storied building, with the first years at the top, second year in the middle and the third years at the bottom. Classes start tomorrow as today was only an introduction to the academy, going with teachers to help show us around. Making our way up the stairs, the teacher stops us.

Teacher: "Each room is for 2 people. And there will be a 10pm curfew, so be sure to be in the dorms before that time. With that, welcome to Inasdale Academy. You may pick your rooms.

Luna and I were near the front, as we quickly dipped inside the nearest room, claiming it as ours. It was a room not too far from the staircase. The room was bigger than I thought, with 2 beds in a shared bedroom, each having separate closets and drawers, a small kitchen with a fridge, and a bathroom. Knowing that we have our own bathroom gives me a breath of fresh air, as I was worried we would be having to use a communal bathing system.

Heading into the open bedroom, I took the left side of the room, claiming the left bed as Luna took the right side. Looking at all her bags makes me think I should of brought more stuff, but really this one suitcase and backpack was all I needed.

Luna: "We're finally here~"

Slumping herself onto the bed, letting out a sigh of relief.

Ellen: "Did you really need that much? You should of accepted my offer to carry some if you're that exhausted haha"

Luna: "Nope~ I need to catch up to you remember? I have to get strong!"

We sat up on our beds as we look around the room, familiarizing ourselves with the room. It certainly was spacious, giving Luna plenty of room to organize her stuff. After some time of taking it all in, I start to unpack my clothes and other necessities into the closet and drawers.

Luna: "So, when did you want to do that experiment you said earlier?"

Ellen: "Well, we have today to do what we like so we can do it after we finish unpacking?"

Luna: "Kay~"

Following my lead, Luna starts to unpack, opening up all 4 of her bags. I notice that she did end up bringing the gifts she got from her birthday last year, with her longsword I got her now resting up against her drawer. Seeing her with my present for her puts a smile on my face as I continue to unpack, putting up clothes on the hangers in the closet.

Heading into the bathroom, I saw a shower and a bath, along with a toilet and sink, before putting my things into one of the drawers next to the sink.

Ellen: "You can have the top drawers in the bathroom!"

Luna: "Okay!"

Luna was still unpacking in the bedroom so we had to raise our voices a little, not like we would wake anyone up as it only just became the afternoon.

Moving into the kitchen, I had nothing to unpack here so I decided to check out the cupboards and fridge, and to my surprise, there was food, milk, coffee, all sorts of things already here for us. Quite generous for an academy, but maybe in our second and third years it won't be this generous.

Eventually, Luna and I finished unpacking, mainly Luna as I ended up helping her in the end as we make our way to the practice field not too far away from the dorms.

Ellen: "Right, could you send a small water ball at me? Nothing too crazy"

Luna: "At you?"

Ellen: "Yes, Like you're trying to hit me"

We were starting the experiment, trying to replicate what happened when I deflected and changed that fire whip my brother used. Luna successfully shot a water bullet at my direction. I move my hand the same way I did before, trying to swipe the water bullet away from me before it hits me. Unfortunately, nothing happened as the water smacked straight at my face.

Luna: "Sorry!"

Ellen: "It's fine haha. It didn't hurt. Again!"

It actually stung a little, but I didn't want Luna to worry. "What went wrong though?" I did exactly what I did before, but nothing happened. "Was it not me back then?" Doubting myself, Luna fired off another small water bullet at me. Trying once more I try to fling it away with my left arm, only leading for it to smash up against my chest. Thank you for not aiming at my head this time, but now my clothes are going to be wet.

Luna: "You okay?"

Ellen: "Yup! Just keep going just like that. Once more time please!"

Luna: "Mmm!"

Closing my eyes, I try and put myself back in the same place as before, imagining Luna in front of me trying to block the water bullet from hitting me. Not wanting her to save me, I try once more, opening my eyes I swipe my arm away, imagining the bullet changing its direction, and to my surprise, It did exactly what I imagined. The water bullet miraculously slipped by me, hitting the ground next to my feet.

Luna: "Ellen!"

While I was still in lost in thought trying to process what had happened, Luna ran up to me, giving me the biggest hug I had received in a long time, like I'm being strangled by a bear.

Luna: "I knew it was you!"

Ellen: "I-"

Luna: "There is no one else around! And I promise I did not make the water bullet do that! It was all you!"

Squeezing me in excitement, she doesn't let go, pressing herself more into me as we hug. My face now filling with embarrassment before she finally let go of me before it got any worse.

Luna: "You have magic!"

Ellen: "But, what is that? If that was me who deflected that fire whip, and also your water bullet. What element do I have? To my knowledge, people can't just take control of other peoples magic."

Luna: "Hmmm, you're right. It is very strange."

We were now trying to figure it out, putting on serious expressions in contrast to the excitement Luna showed earlier.

Ellen: "We'll have to experiment some more. Could you do it again?"

Luna: "Yes!"

She seemed eager to help me continue the experiment as she distanced herself once more before firing off another water bullet. Just like before, I bring myself to the same mindset, but instead of flinging the water bullet, this time I hold out my left hand, trying to stop it in its place, as after a few moments, the water bullet froze in place where my hand was facing, floating in front of me.

Luna: "No way..."

I continued to hold my hand there, focusing all my mind to keep the water ball in the air before trying to move it. To my surprise, I found myself freely moving it around. My eyes lit up at what's happening.

Ellen: "I'm... I'm using magic!"

Luna was cheering away ahead of me, before coming closer to my side, watching me as I maneuver the water.

Luna: "T-this is crazy. This is my magic, yet you're able to control it."

I was actually trying so hard to keep it in control as I was nervous of something bad happening; this was the first time I'm using magic, so of course I'd be scared.

Luna: "Calm down~. Steady your breathing."

She started trying to calm me down, bringing herself closer to my right side as she stops my body from trembling with her hands, trying to do what she is saying; taking steady, deep breaths.

Luna: "There, that's better."

I noticed the water ball in front of me was no longer shaking but instead calm, just like how Luna had calmed me. I felt in control now.

Ellen: "T-thank you"

Luna: "Hehe"

Now that my mind was calm and got control of the water ball, my mind now realized she was very close to me as my face started to feel hot before suddenly, the water ball fell to the ground.

Luna: "That was good! I wonder if you can do it, with other elements too!"

That was the next immediate question. I did it to my brother's fire, and Luna's water. How far does my magic go?

Ellen: "Maybe we could ask someone to help us-"

Luna: "No! This might be dangerous. Maybe keep it a secret for now."

Ellen: "Ah. Yeah you're probably right. This was never taught in school before."

Luna: "Mhmm. People might hear about it, and might even drag you away to study you or something. So your secret is safe with me!"

Clinging to my arm as she said that, trying to remain calm about it as my body refuses to push her away.

Luna: "Oh! speaking of secrets. You promised didn't you?"

Ellen: "Hmm?... Oh."

Luna: "You said that you would tell me more of that secret you talked about on my birthday remember?"

Ellen: "Yes... But can we head back to our room first?"

Luna: "Sure!"

The nerves get hold of me, as we stop our experiment for today. I did promise her, there is no backing out of this now.