
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs

The Academy

Today is my first day starting at the academy. I had my 15th birthday party a month ago at the beginning of the year, marking the start of my adult life. Apparently when someone turns 15 they are classed as an adult and are able to attend the Inasdale Academy. Luna turns 15 later in the middle of the year so she will also be joining me today, starting our first year together.

Mom: "You got everything?"

Ellen: "Mhmm"

I was packing my bags in preparation to live in the dormitory, with my mother Iris making sure I packed enough warm clothes, along with my other necessities.

Alice: "We'll miss you Ellen. If there is anything you need, I'll be there for you."

Ellen: "Thank you Alice"

I give both my mom and Alice a hug. I was now the same height as my mom with Alice still a little taller than us. I sure have grown up a lot huh. However, I still can't use magic, even after all these years. It still bothers me, but not as much as before, as my skill with the sword, along with my speed and strength from my daily training, had improved so much that I've gotten to be a formidable opponent for Alice. During the past months when we sparred, we would both be drained from exhaustion instead of only giving Alice a light sweat. She still wasn't using magic during our training which only shows how remarkable she was. I couldn't of asked for a better teacher.

After our long hug, we step apart. Mom and Alice staring at me with smiles on their faces.

Ellen: "It's only for 3 years. And I can always come back throughout the year. I'll miss you guys."

Mom: "And we'll be here when you return."

Ellen: "I'll make you proud."

Mom: "I know you will"

We share in one final hug, before I finish packing up my things, making sure I grab my rapier that Alice gave me. Since I'm now an adult, I'm allowed to open carry weapons, and that goes for anyone else attending the academy, not just for nobles. I make my way to the entrance of the mansion, looking behind me I see the both of them waving me off, before setting off towards Luna's house, carrying with me my large suitcase. Stepping into the carriage, I wave back to Mom and Alice before leaving.

Arriving at Luna's house, I could see her parents pestering her as she tried to leave the house, constantly giving her hugs.

Elira: "You do have everything right?"

Luna: "Yes mom~ I triple checked"

William: "Stay safe! We'll miss you~"

It was funny to see Luna struggling with her bags along with the added care of her parents; but after some time, she makes herself into the carriage by my side.

Luna: "Bye Mom!~ Bye Dad!~"

Elira/William: "Take care!~"

Closing the door, the carriage departs from her house, the image of her parents becoming smaller and smaller as they stayed outside, watching us leave.

Luna: "This is exciting~"

Ellen: "Mhmm. I do hope we end up in the same room."

Luna: "Me too. I think as long as we stay together I'm sure the teachers will know that we want to be together."

Her choice of words doesn't help my mind, as I overthink what she just said. "Together"

Ellen: "Mmm. And if they separate us, we can always ask to be moved to the same room."

Luna: "I wonder what it's like."

Ellen: "We'll see soon hehe"

We continue to idly chat as we continue towards the academy before finally, the entrance was in view. The large walls, accompanied by a strong fancy gate as students in their uniform started coming inside, until finally the carriage stops at the entrance. Our uniforms were all the same this time, with no differences between the nobles or the commoners. Luna, along with most of the other girls wore skirts, with me and a select few girls wore pants; similar to like when we were in school.

Stepping out from the carriage with our bags and suitcases, we make our way to join where the rest of the students were heading.

Ellen: "Thank you for the ride"

Carriage Rider: "Anytime Miss Ellen"

Thanking our driver as they head back, leaving Luna and I on our own.

Ellen: "This is it"

Luna: "Mhmm~"

We walk up a slightly slopped path after we passed the gate, the path evening out after some time as the Academy was in our sights.

*incomprehensible yelling*

Some time passes during our walk when suddenly, I heard someone yelling up ahead, making their way towards us, they seemed awfully familiar. Looking closely I could make out the short red hair. It can't be, what does he want? Then, out of nowhere, a fiery whip, formed before coming our way. I couldn't react in time, as I was dragging along my suitcase, when suddenly, Luna jumped in front of me, as if she was going to take the blow herself, striking her arms as she went to block it, being pushed back into me in the process as I hold her up.

Fabian: "Get out Ellen. You're not welcome here, and take that friend of yours with you."

I was now holding onto Luna from behind to keep her steady as Fabian looked displeased from my presence, readying his whip once more.

Fabian: "I won't let you make a fool of us, not here"

Seeing him bring down his whip, I push Luna to the side, away from Fabian and I before swiping my hand up to block the whip. However, as I was expecting pain, there was none. Instead the fiery whip had changed, as it morphs into a ball before smashing to the ground to the side, away from Luna.

The shock on Fabians face, matched mine as we both stayed there speechless. What just happened?

?: "Enough! What's going on here?"

What appeared to be another student came into view, yelling out towards us.

Fabian: "Ah! Leon! Sorry my sister is making a fuss."

Looking at his figure, he resembled the boy I met back when I first started school. His short golden blonde hair flowing in the wind accompanied with his green eyes. I didn't talk to him much after that.

Leon: "That's not what it looked like to me. A third year picking on first years, how disappointing"

Fabian: "I-I'm sorry! It wont happen again!"

To my surprise, my arrogant, idiot brother was obeying this persons word like he was his father. Fabian then returned back to the academy, leaving Luna and I with this Leon person.

Ellen: "Thanks for the backup there"

Leon: "It's alright. I'm the first year's representative, so I'd like to make sure everyone is safe and can enjoy there stay along with me."

He stretches his hand out to Luna who was still stunned on the ground before helping her stand.

Luna: "T-thank you P-Prince-"

Leon: "Please, Just Leon is fine"

This guy is a prince? Well judging from his looks and how my brother obediently did what he said, it would make sense for this person to be someone of an even higher status than him.

Ellen: "Right, well we'll be on our way. Do you know when we will be assigned our rooms?"

Leon: "Yes, we'll know our rooms after the entrance ceremony. I'll meet you guys inside"

Ellen: "I see. See you later"

Leon walks off ahead, heading inside as Luna and I gathered our things together. Luckily none of our stuff managed to fall out from the suitcases and bags.

Luna: "The way you talked with the prince just now was so casual. Are you two friends?"

Ellen: "Nah, We met just before school started, before I met you. But after the first day we never talked again. I just don't feel the need to be all formal around him."

Luna: "Hey and also... What happened back there? That fire whip just... flew off away from you."

Ellen: "I'm... Not sure. Maybe it was Leon who did that?"

Luna: "I don't think there is magic that can change magic like that. Plus he didn't come running until after it happened."

Did I do that? Or was it because of my brother messing up his spell. However he looked just as shocked as me when it happened, plus he is at the top of his class, he wouldn't of messed something simple like that up. I look at my left palm that I had swiped away the fire whip, before trying to conjure up something. Nothing happened.

Ellen: "Hey, Uhm. Also thank you saving me."

Luna: "Silly. You also saved me so we're even!"

Ellen: "Is your arm okay?"

Luna: "It's still a little hot but it's not painful."

I grab hold of Luna's arm that was hurt, mimicking what she would normally do to me as our arms intertwine.

Ellen: "Good. And about what happened before, would you like to help me with an experiment after the ceremony? I want to test something."

Luna: "Mhmm!"

She seemed pleased with my arm wrapped around hers as she tightens around mine as we walk further into the assembly hall. Taking our seats together with our bags at our feet as we wait for the hall to fill up with the rest of the students.

After some time after all the students were here, someone walked out on stage to the microphone.

Headmaster: "Good morning everyone. I am Headmaster Lucien, and I welcome all of our new students at Inasdale Academy. I hope you all enjoy your stay here for the next few years, and hope everyone here can flourish into what they want to become. We train our students to become what they want to become, whether that be knights, mages, spellswords, technicians, alchemists, anything that you would like to become. We also have a dormitory as you all might know. It is split into 2 areas, 1 for the men, and 1 for the ladies. The teachers at the entrance will guide you throughout the academy to the dorms. Please enjoy your stay, thank you.

The students clap as the headmaster leaves the stage, as more teachers proceed to talk to us, telling us in detail of what each of the classes will be. However I already knew what classes I was going to take.

Development Wooo! Thank you all for reading this far. Lova you all

<3 Much Love <3

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