
A Pervert's Dream (DISCONTINUED Until REWRITE)

Brian is a simple guy. When he dies and gets reincarnated...he suddenly finds himself with options. He could do... anything and be anyone. Pursue greatness rather than being contented with what society offered him. So he latches on to what was his most unattainable desire from before. To bang the Black Widow. Make her shout his name in euphoria and a plethora of other Perverted things. But to get there he needs to be strong enough. Let's start the Grind.

Saintbarbido · Movies
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63 Chs

The Final Chance.

This is the end of this Volume. Next Volume follows the MC in the MCU with some changes.

15 chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

33 chapters of my new book there as well.


(Brian's P.O.V)

"So I die?"

My tone was calm despite the grave words given to me by my second clone.

"Yes. I recreated the same skill done by Dr. Strange in the fight against Thanos. I viewed over a billion possible futures and in all of them you die."

"It was never going to be easy was it?"

"No. No it wasn't." The clone got up and looked around.

"I cannot believe that it only took us 23 years to get to the point we have."

"Yeah. All things considered, it was fun."

I responded.

"What now? What are you going to do?"

His question made me interlock my fingers together in thought. 2 hours later and I breathed out and smiled. The clone's eyebrows rose up in question.

"Well, don't keep me waiting. What's the newest plan, scheme or trick to get out of this?"

During my 2 hours of deep thinking, the clone had manifested a bottle of a weird brand of alcohol that he threw to me.

"It's Viltrumite shit. It will have your mind spinning in ways you never thought possible. I tweaked it to influence your consciousness despite the lack of a biological shell."

I rolled my eyes.

"Just call it a body, you weirdo."

"You do know, you just insulted yourself right?"

Nothing as off-putting as hearing you own clone call you out on your bullshit.

"Anyway thanks for the beer and to answer your question…" I was silent for a while. "…There is no plan or scheme or trick to avoid my death."

I replied and chugged down the beer. Instantly, I felt it kick in. 

"Wow. You weren't kidding."

Receiving no response, I looked up and came face to face with the Clones' hard eyes.

"Really? You're giving up now? At this point?"

"You said it yourself. It's hopeless. I am going to die."

I got up and walked over to him.

"Unless you have a different alternative?"

He looked away, silent.

"That's what I thought."

I turned back but he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What's the deal? You're too calm about this. Calmer than you have any right to be."

I smiled and turned to him.

"I'm sick of letting Asuma dictate how my life should be. My mission for true freedom turned into a mad rush for power, power and more power. So that's what I am going to give him."

"But… haven't you been listening to what I have been saying? You die!"

I looked at him over my shoulder.

"Exactly. I don't intend to change any of that. But, I am curious about one thing. You said that something was off. That he has his own agenda. Did you see more into that?"

The clone frowned. 

"Not exactly. It's hard to explain. Like…my mind couldn't comprehend or understand the rest of it." His facial expression changed to one of resolve.

"Dispell me. Maybe with us back to one whole again, we might figure out his plan."

I nodded.


His body changed to light particles that flowed into me. My mind opened up. My soul hummed and my body flexed. The energy shaping my body got riled up as inclusion of my physical, mental and soul energies gave rise to something else. 

The space inside the Interface's matrix shook. My senses spread out uncontrollably as I started feeling the pouring of details and information I had no need for enter my mind. I clammed hard on that. Omniscience wasn't something I was ready for just yet.

I turned my mental faculties to something else. Realization dawned in my eyes upon reviewing The Traveler's memories of the future he had seen.

"So that's why…"

I smiled sadly.

"I really am going to die. No way to avoid it."

Well, if I'm going down… I'm taking Asuma with me. The Wishing bead appeared in the palm of my hand. The power to do anything…in the palm of my hands. Wait…the power to do Anything. I reviewed The Traveler's memories once more and slammed my hand on the ground in frustration.

"Dammit. Even in the instances I use the Wishing Bead he still triumphs over me because of that damn skill."

Asuma had a skill that negated everything inside his area of influence. His domain was way more developed and intricate than anything I could cook up in the short amount of time left.

Anything in my hands, no matter how fate defying or powerful, was worthless against him. My fate was to die while fighting him. That much was certain, but…what if I wasn't the one using the Wishing bead? My clones were out because they came from me. Anyone weaker couldn't hope to bear the power and right now, I could say that the only one more powerful than me without the three O's was Asuma.

So how should I play this. My gaze landed onto the core of the Interface. The Interface was something I had created but it wasn't exactly a part of me…

(Interface, is it possible to produce wish energy based on the results you have analysed from the scans of Powerful objects the clones sent over?)

[Negative. The Infinity stones are crucial to the process.]


I wish The Traveler could have scanned the stones before coming here but due to the instructions I had given him upon his creation to avoid the MCU because of Dormammu, he had overlooked that. 

I had also felt The Watcher's call a while ago but in the current situation, he couldn't reach me. I couldn't be stuck like this though. If my clones could enter my current space, maybe the opposite was possible. 

I crossed my legs and cast out my senses. My body was still undergoing a metamorphosis. I had 3 months left to Asuma's deadline and I needed to scan the Infinity stones within that timeline, begin the process to replicate more of the wish energy and then get into a fight with an OP motherfucker. A fight I would surely die in. 

Asuma had no idea who he was fucking with though.

The only thing I could feel was the gray unlivable dimension, spreading out almost infinitely. I drew back my senses and focused on any spatial rifts or cracks of any kind. However, I didn't find any. Probably because of the recent destruction of the whole dimension. That said, I came across something else. 

There were faint traces of connections to other realms from the dark dimension. I sifted through the connections and found out that they had the flavor of universal energies which meant… Sorcerers. The marvel kind. 

I focused my attention on the recent of those failed connections and felt a tingle through one of them. My consciousness dived inside and I found myself staring down at none other than Kaecilious.

His body was shaking. Not out of fear but something else. He looked up at me and my sight made contact with a shrivelled pale face. His eyes unfocused as he stared up at my form.

"My lord…I have been trying to contact you for the past week."

My senses informed I had manifested as a pitch black cloud. I hovered above him looking menacing. My body couldn't cross the summoning circle line however. Kaecilious meanwhile had lowered his head in supplication. I sifted through his mind to acquire knowledge on this particular universe.

Some things were similar to the prime M.C.U timeline although there were changes in their history. For instance, Captain America had survived World war two and was hailed as a national figure. He married Peggy Carter and his family was practically royalty due to the attention and adoration they received. 

Cap's first son was also a veteran army general. The youngest of the three kids had taken up the Mantle of Captain America in the early 90's and was the leader of this world's Avengers. It was currently 2016 and the Chitauri invasion had happened already. 


I begun, only for a wave of power to reduce the Dormammu acolyte to nothing but ash drifting in the wind. That was despite actively suppressing my full power. Without an anchor, the integrity of the summoning circle was compromised and I started feeling a force pushing me out of the universe.

An eldritch portal opened and out came a sorcerer dressed in a hood that covered her head.

The Sorcerer Supreme. She stopped in surprise and eldritch Tao Mandalas manifested in her hands.

"Who are you? And for what business do you have with the Mortal World?"

Wary of my voice reducing her to dust, I connected with her mind.

"I mean no harm to this world, Ancient One."

"You know of me. How?"

She asked, stunned.

"You have been siphoning energy from the dark dimension to keep yourself alive for centuries."

Her posture stiffened.

"How do you know of that?"

She asked out aloud.

"Your soul bears traces of the Dark dimension. Due to Dormammu's death by my hands…"

"Dormammu is dead?"

"You must have felt it. Time works differently in the Dark Dimension but I'm sure that you of all people would have detected the change in the dark dimension."

The eldritch energy in her hands fizzled out. She pulled her hood back, revealing he pale expression. Looking closely at her, although she was better than Kaecilious, it was clear that her body was shutting down due to the loss of the dark dimension's energy.

"Perhaps, we can come to an agreement, Sorcerer Supreme."

She barked out a laugh.

"I have accepted my fate. Another shall soon take my place. Someone who will not repeat the same mistakes I did."

"Things don't have to be that way. The power I offer is different from Dormammu's. It will not corrupt you or cause pain. The only thing I want from you is a vessel."

"That will not happen. The only reason we have not come to blows is because of your surprising cordiality."

We stared at each other. Her eyes were burning with a resolve that made me respect her for turning down my offer despite her state.

"I see I cannot change your mind. Farewell."

I pulled back my consciousness. The spell weaved across the planet placed restrictions upon me like any other Realm lord. 

I could brute force it but that would end with the destruction of the planet and the wrath of The Vishanti falling down upon me. Although I doubt they could do anything to me. With a suitable vessel however, I could access the earth and go around collecting the stones. It wouldn't even be hard. Just joining The Watcher's team would ensure I would come across the stones much easily. 

However, finding a vessel strong enough to bear even a sliver of my power not to mention the whole of it was the main challenge. So based on where I was going, I needed a body that was durable enough to channel huge amounts of energy and not get destroyed in the process.

Fortunately there were a few options. First up was The Eternals. Only problem with that is Arishem would probably find out quickly that I was possessing an Eternal. Second option was The Asgardians. The problem with that option, is that the only Asgardians strong enough to bear my presence were Thor, Hela and Odin. All of whom were too high profile or complicated for several reasons. 

The next option was Vision. Only problem was, I had no idea how my soul would interact with his unique biology. That only left the last option, the child of a celestial and a human…Peter Quill. 

It would have been easier to just create a body inside my new dimension and be done with it, but it would still be denied entry to earth due to my energy signature. That left me no choice but to take over Starlord's body. 

The unfortunate thing was that I liked Starlord. Despite his incompetence at times, he was a laid back sort of guy. Maybe instead of taking him over, I could create another body with Ego's essence when Starlord was conceived  inside his mother's womb. That would effectively make us twins. 

Argh! This thing would be easier if I could just create another clone and send it to earth. I was finally seeing the drawbacks of my situation. I had full control of what was happening inside the realm but as long as my main body was stuck inside the dimension, what I could do was limited. 

Childhood was also going to be a bitch. One might wonder, why not just take over a fully grown body. The answer? Eradication of the soul. The minute my presence settled on a new body, the soul of the body's owner would cease to exist. Why not solve everything with the Wishing bead though? The answer? Such a huge discharge of energy would no doubt alert any of the strong presences in the M.C.U. 

Then how would I get to Starlord's mother from my realm without letting the Ancient One find out? Easy. The Acolytes. I could still feel many trying to contact me from the different timelines of the M.C.U and alternate marvel universes. Using my superior mystical knowledge, I would provide the Acolyte with a little bit of power and conceal them while they apply my unique spell to transfer a sliver of my consciousness into Starlord's mother. 

Final question. What about the time difference? The answer was easy, after The traveler ascended to a Magic God, he could just barely manipulate the time while hiding from Asuma's gaze to enable me to send a sliver of my consciousness back in time discreetly and without jeopardizing the countdown. 

Basically, I could get away with time shenanigans to give myself an advantage and Asuma wouldn't notice it. As long as it wasn't anything drastic that would mess with the countdown.

One might wonder why I was going through all this trouble. I could simply supercharge an Acolyte and have them collect the stones for me instead of doing it myself. The real reason for all this was simple. This was my last chance. My last chance to meet Natasha. And I wasn't going to waste it.

Next is the Final Volume of A Pervert's Dream. And it's a volume that will create a lot of complaints, discontent and admonishment from all of you. Like always, keep an open mind and remember something, Enjoy.

For those who enjoy my book and wait for everything to play out instead of jumping to conclusions, The final parts of it will be EPIIIIICCC. I think the volume will be significantly longer than the others.

15 chapters in my pat.reon.

Saintbarbidocreators' thoughts