
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Hiker and God

"Geuss I'll be going now." The Hiker said. He had just handed the young boy a giant bag filled with gold diamonds and other rare valuables from other worlds. "I travel the world." And with those words the Hiker was gone. The young boy, the archmage that protects the city was flabbergasted. The most imposing presence he ever witnessed had came beat his sister and him easily along with another intruder and left. As he was confused a young man with a small black daikon entered the room a few seconds after the Hiker disappeared. " I have a complaint." the Young man said. The young boy was drained both magically and mentally. as the Hiker had come in and caused a great amount of stress. "Give me a moment." The boy replied. The boy looked in his hand and saw the bag of valuables the Hiker gave him. "here" The boy threw the bag at the young man. "Take it and leave." The boy said. "Sure" the young man replied. Just before the young man could leave he saw Angelica. "Is that Angelica?" asked the young man. "What do you want with my sister?" The boy shouted. He was tired and he was planning to heal his sister when his mana recovered. " I might be able to help her" the young man said.

Place where the Hiker and God meet.

Both God and the Hiker saw each other face to face. " Why are you here?" asked God. "You really don't know?" replied the Hiker. "You tried changing my fate, in order for me to meet someone." God looked at the face of the Hiker, remembering all the old features it used to have. "So you noticed though I should've expected as much." God was remembering the first time he met the Hiker. " You know Jonathan it feels like yesterday that I gave you your wish, the wish to travel anywhere." The Hiker stopped when God brought up his old name. The Hiker then said in the coldest voice he could "Bring up that name again and not even you'll be safe" The tension in the air was high enough to actually create a heat wave around them. But God broke the it by giving a smile and looking at the Hiker straight in the eye. The Hiker then let go of all the solid pressure he had against God. "Alright I'll let you off the hook for that one, but tell me this why did you try to make me meet him? Knowing you, I would've thought that you would have had him meet me at a more important time in his life."

"I'm not the storyteller and despite it being decades for you after you got your wish that man has only got his yesterday, but I wanted to see where you could inspire him to go." God replied. "Nice lie God, but even after all this time even though me and the other wishers may not know what your goal is, we do know when you lie."

" Trust me you don't know when I lie" God said.