
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Disaster and Mercy

The Hiker was strong enough to break into the city despite the barrier. He was stronger enough to defeat the archmage and hero if the city all by himself and even continue fighting after that. But the girl that was fighting him didn't know any of that. The girl did understand one thing though. "I made a mistake" She thought. When the Hiker started to get serious, he forcefully stopped all of the girl's slaves with his will alone. "I have traveled the world." The ground started rumbling. "The world travels with me." The surroundings changed to an avalanche trampling down on everyone that were in the room. Despite the the fact that the Hiker had an avalanche coming down at everyone, he didn't stop there. "I have traveled the snowy plains." There Hikers speed was already special when he was fighting Angelica, but now he was softly going slower at the men he had forcefully stopped earlier. The girl's slaves couldn't move, neither could the girl. The Hiker slid by all of them, and all the men collapsed.The girl didn't understand it. She had not come Into one monster today, but 2. While she was lucky on the first one she couldn't imagine that she would die. She waited for it all to end. But the end never came. The Hiker was in front of her. "Leave now." he said. "Why are you letting me go?" The girl asked. To her it was common sense to kill someone if they were defeated. She would've had no regrets if she had died to someone clearly stronger, but the next words of the Hiker surprised her. "I don't kill women or children. I only defeated those men earlier, so they are only unconscious l." The Hiker replied. As they had been talking the surroundings had changed back onto the room they were in. The boy and even Angelica had been caught in the Hikers ability, buy the archmage was able to cast a spell around them to protect them during that time. The Hiker than took his attention off the girl and turned to the young boy and his sister who was laying unconscious beside him. "I'm sorry." As the Hiker apologized, both the girl and the young boy were stunned. The girl who saw him as such an imposing figure was apologizing to someone. As the girl was about to say something the Hiker interrupted her before she could even speak. I thought I told you to leave. The girl swallowed her pride and left using her wish to send them back as she slowly backed away from the Hiker and left the room.

Hikers Pov

As the girl left I could finally clear up the misunderstanding with the young boy and the lady knight."I'm sorry for intruding your city as such, but I thought it would be better to ask for forgiveness than permission seeing as I was turned away the first time. I will pay for the damages I've caused, but I hope you can understand that when someone violently assaults you as you did that I did the best I could to hold back. So I hope you can forgive me." As the Hiker let out a an apology the boy was left stunned a moment.