
A Somewhat Normal Reincarnation

In the end of the night. At a Red Tree upper-class area, Ba-ao City.

Lucas held a stack of books as he sat silently on his chair. Gazing at the stars through his window, Lucas was filled with both anticipation and excitement.

He was the president of the Supreme Student Council [SSC], he is in one of the most prestigious schools in the country. In the age of 17 he was considered as a hardworking, handsome, intelligent, and talented student admired by everyone. However, nobody knows that this young student yearns for adventure. Since the day he watched One Piece he was always mesmerized by the freedom the characters experience.

Years, spent yearning for a adventure.

Years, he had spent doing his best at everything.

He experienced countless trials and setbacks, still he succeeded.

While thinking this he sighed and jumped to his King sized bed and fall asleep, thinking of the responsibilities he had to face tomorrow.

Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

A sunlight in the window, reach my face and it force me to groan and it made me move to one side of the bed, somehow I see my face on the floor.

Ugh!!! What the hell?

I look at the floor and realized that it's a wood with a unique texture. Nonetheless, I didn't think too much about it and stood up.

Immediately, Lucas inspected his surroundings.

What met his eyes was a messy room filled with papers. No larger than 12 square meters. All around, there were stacks of books. At a corner of the room, above the study table, he saw maps and an old sword that was extremely blunted. Within the wardrobe by the wall, there were clothes messily piled together. At the other side of the wall, he saw a window a wooden window he never had.

Lucas ran and look at the scenery behind the window, there he saw a wide forest filled with vegetation and wooden houses that look like from a time he didn't experience.

There he realized that this is not his home. He slept in his luxurious and spacious bedroom yesterday in his dorm but now he was in a village filled with clean air and buzzing with life.

Lucas then ran outside barefooted and found a pond nearby and examined himself through reflection.

There he saw a young handsome man with blue eyes. Shocked with the unfamiliar face, he sat stumble down and think.

"What happened to me?"

"Where is this place?"

"Who am I?"

Brother Lucas!, Brother Lucas!

Hearing someone calling me, He looked at his back and saw three boys with different heights.

"Brother Lucas what are you doing here early in the morning?"

Looking at the guy that keeps on shouting, he suddenly had a headache then memories flow down rapidly.

He remembers that this people was his friends from his childhood.

"Don't tell me I have been reincarnated?" Lucas face revealed a rare sincere smile.

Lucas shook his head, trying to wake himself up. Yet deep down, he still held onto a thread of hope, wishing that he could be reincarnated, returning to reality.

"Jack, I'm just washing my face no need to fret about it" Lucas then stared at his brother and revealed a smile.

"My brothers, I'll be going home for now, I don't feel well and needed some rest" Lucas lied to his friends and bid goodbye to them.

"It's ok brother, we will just say some excuse to the boss, be careful then," Jack and his friend waved as they walked away.

"I really have been reincarnated! First of all I need to reorganize my thoughts" Lucas then walked back to his home and sat down and hold his sword looking at it.

Lucas Feelings were hard to describe even for himself.

Nonetheless, the chirping of birds and the cold wind blown from the ocean told him otherwise, that everything was real.

Looking at his sword he felt a painful head ached that made him lost his consciousness, in that dream he remembered everything. Who he was and what he do as a citizen of this City of Sorsogon, still he doesn't know what this place was.

He worked as a mercenary looking for odd jobs with his friends.

"Is this a new world, or is this earth in the early years?" he still can't give a definite answer right now so he decided to find clues in his room.

He then finds maps of the islands he doesn't know of and books that contain weird languages.

It's looking like I have a fond of books and maps. Did my past self have a hobby of collecting these materials or is he like me that is looking for adventure and this life.

Looks like we have the same idea, don't worry, I won't give up on your dream.

Feeling somehow elated and light, he walked out of his small house, walked around the city.

"Looks like there is a harbor in the end of the island," he then walked and saw something somewhat familiar a sign that he always known.

"Isn't this the brand of justice?" as he saw officers walking with a logo behind their back in rows in a platoon.

"Wait, don't tell me I'm at..." let me be sure first.

He then followed the officers and the soldiers and saw something that made him believe that this is not a joke anymore.

He saw a row of giant blue ships with MARINE logo on them. This made him say damn those are warships.

"I'm in One Piece!!!" Lucas laughed, thinking that this is a great joke or the greatest blessing he could receive as reincarnated person.

"I should go back first," he thought as he walked away.

Lucas sat down, his study table and thought of the events that has to come in the following years.

Since he had been reincarnated, he had an absolute advantage within this world that others did not.

Naturally, I would need to learn everything before I started my own exploits.

Late at night he walked to a bar filled with people and talked about the events around the world.

"Seems like Luffy is not yet starting his adventure" as I asked and looked for his bounty through the merry men of the seas.

"I want to join Luffy's crew with my own power and dedication on every adventure they will experience" as I thought in my head.

"What should I do? I think I'm in the grandline, but I don't know how I should go to East Blue where Luffy gather most of his crew"

"Should I wait in the Red Line specifically in the Reverse Mountain?" Lucas frowned at his dilemma

"No, I should meet him while he is still searching in the east blue I don't want to miss the adventure with them" thinking about his situation a group of officers walked in the bar.

"Hmmmmm! What should I do?" a tall person then sat beside him and ordered a glass of beer.

"No, it's still too early to think about these things. I need to familiarize myself in this environment first and train my body to some extent"

Lucas then realized a tall person sitting beside him wearing a purple clothing.

"Wait, isn't this guy. What? Why is this guy here? What he is doing here?"

Hi! I'm new here and have a passion for this fan fiction. Support me guys :)

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