
Chapter 35 The Flight

Rosary hadn't slept for an hour before she felt a warm taps on her arm. She rolls over thinking it might be Jack, what did this boy want again. She need this rest can't he seen that!

She ignored the taps hoping it would stop if she didn't response to it. But then it didn't. The hands keep on hitting softly on her in a gentle way, not to hit her skin too hard.

"Jack leave me alone" she muttered.

"Rose!" She heard a loud voice call to her name. " Wake up!" It's wasn't the voice of Jack but of Lilah. Immediately she snaps her eyes open. It was indeed Lilah, she was standing close to the bed edge.

"It's time to go"

She rolls her hands over her eyes to clear off the little dizziness in and looked around the room. Everything seen packed up and ready to go. Was Lilah really serious with this, she thought to herself as she tried clearing her eyes from the sleep

She looked around again, and saw Jack was fully ready and dressed in new clothes. That's must be Lilah hand work. She really know how to take care of Jack..

"Okay" she said and yawn before getting off the bed. Little Jack was still with the phone again. He didn't care looking at the side of his sister as his eyes were glued to the phone.

"You have to fresh up fast, we have no time to waste" Lilah instructed and leave the room with Jack for Rosary to get herself prepared.

She runs into the bathroom, within five minutes she was out and down to the living room with the packed bags. Lilah assisted her to pack the bags outside into a black Range over.

Rosary was surprised she didn't order a cab to pick, where did this car comes from, she thought to herself before asking her the dying question inside of her.

" Lilah, do you buy a new car?" Rosary asked in a whipped way. But Lilah didn't have time for that.

"Just get in Rose, we have no time to waste" she replies. Putting the bags in the car boot.

When Rosary enter the backseat, she saw a man in black in the front car with drak sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Good day ma'am" he greeted.

Rosary was more frighten with the presence of this unknown man, and Lilah didn't tell her anything about this. That's what bother her the most. What' was Lilah up to. She wondered and waited for her to finish packing before entering the car.

Little Jack was already in the car still operating the phone in his hands. Lilah seated in the front seat and order the man in black to drive.

The man start the engine and drove off. Along the way, Rosary was curious, she wanted to asked her friend where are they heading to and what's country or state.

Before she could come up with the questions, Lilah beat her to it.

"You don't have to worry about father debtors, I have send them their share of the money. Now, you can live as a free bird" she said.

A free bird? She remembers she hadn't told Lilah about her father debtors names except Mr. Ben, how did she send the money to all of them? With curiosity she asked.

"Lilah, how did you send money to them when I hadn't told you their names nor location?"

Lilah turned her gaze backwards and glanced at her worried friend. "You don't have to, I have my own way of doing things. If you think I'm lying you can confirm by calling each one of them"

Rosary stayed slient, isn't that's he didn't believe Lilah, just that she was surprised how the girl find out her father debtors. That's make her worried more. What is more to Lilah life than being a manager in Longing Hotel. That's come to her conclusion, she hadn't known much about Lilah since they have been friends right from high school.

She didn't get to know her parents or relative and they're friends! That's what shocked her, how can she be a friend to someone and know nothing about her family or background. Everything in Lilah life seen bleak to her.......

Who is this girl? She asked herself, staring at the back of Lilah. She had been a good friend to her all these years. And yet she knows nothing about her, is Lilah hiding something about herself?

"I believe you" she said.

Lilah turned to her and smiled. " I tell you, I make sure you're safe. That's what I'm doing"

"What state are we going?"

"You're not going to state but you're going to a country"

"A country!" That comes a shocking words to her. How would she survive in a country she knows no one. " But Lilah, don't you think that too far."

"No, not at all, you're going to Canada. At least, you be saved there"

Canada, they're leaving America to Canada, isn't this too much to handle. First, she slept with a physco rich man who claims her to be his and now, she's forced to leave the country to another she doesn't know how to start living in.

This is hard for her to take in all at once, it's too much for her. She just wished if all the events with night with Mr. X were all a dream. It would be better but it's wasn't a dream. All happened to her in just in three days...

"You don't have to think about the environment, everything is well arrange and packed for you. All you have to do is to move on with life"

" What... about you?" Her voice was shaking, she just can't take in all the collision happening to her.

Lilah turned again. "You don't have to worry about me, I can take good care of myself. I'll call you when you arrive in your new apartment" she said and smiled warmly at her before turning her gaze away..

After that, the rest of the driving was in slient. Rosary wonder in her own fantasy of what really going on in her life. She just stared at the window to review the beauty of all the nature the car passed. She had a lot to asked Lilah, a lot to know about her but she didn't think this was the convince time to do that.

The slience occupied the car as the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of the phone Jack was playing with. He wasn't affect by the moving and wasn't even thinking about it. All his attention was draw to the phone. 


Rosary wishes she could be a child just like Jack who didn't seem affect with everything. Children are always like that. When them seen something that distracted them, they would completely forgotten about their problems.

After some minutes the car stopped.

" We're here" Lilah alarmed and get down from the car. When Rosary looked out, she realized they had reached the airport.

There was lot of people going in and out the airport. Jack was excited of seeing so many crowds in the airport. That's was his first time to be in a airport.

They all get down and man in black helps to pack theirs luggages out of the car boot. Rosay and Jack follow the lead of Lilah. As she seem to know how to did with things like this.

After revealing theirs passport to the air attendance, they were granted the way to their flight. The little boy hugged Lilah before they departed, he even cried in the process but they have to go.

All instructions was already given to Rosary, as she glanced at her friend for the last time.

Rosary hold on to her tears as everything seen unexpected to her but she chose to be strong and face the new life that  await her.

Back in the car, the man in black turned to the direction of the lady who was trying to hold on her tears for seeing her best friend for the last time...

"Milady, was it necessary for her to go another country?"

"Of course, it necessary. Can you please move" she said.....

And the man start the car engine