
Chapter 34 What going on

Rosary walks into the room and noticed the boy didn't notify that someone walks into the room. He was so engrossed in the phone place on his face.

He was watching and laughing along the way, Rosary wonder what's so interesting about the cartoon channel that makes him this serious, not to notice the arrival of his sister .

"Really, Jack. You don't missed me?" She asked, holding her both hands on her waist. Immediately, Jack heard her voice, he jumped off the bed and ran to her.

He gave her a tight hug. " You stay too long, I and aunty Lilah was worried about you. Why didn't you come home early?" The little boy asked, looking up to his sister. Jack sometimes can be a troublesome, he love asking questions and when he does, he demanded the correct answer with no lies link on it but Rosary had gotten to understand the little boy behavior and had learned how to deal with him.

"Well, the client needed more of my service" she simply answered and drop off her handle bag on the bed. She was really tired after the sex she had with Mr. X. Right now, she needs rest and not questions.........

"Why would the client demand more, don't he or she knows that you have a brother at home that needs you?" The little boy scolded. Truly he was just like her mother, . He really took after the woman, that the way her mother always love questions too. The boy was just a copy of her in a male, so consign and caring but too questioning, that's what get Rosary tired of the boy.

Rosary ignored and slumped on the bed tiredly, "you haven't told me why the client demand more service and what type of service did he or she demands" the boy still insist to know. Sure this boy was more troublesome than she thinks. She needs to rest before them starts packing to head to the airport. Why can't this boy just understand a simple English and let's her be.....

"Jack, why don't you just continue playing with your phone and let me have my peace" Rosary said softly, she was really exhausted from the urge sex of Mr. X and needed some rest before Lilah comes in. But this boy wouldn't let her be.

"Do you know that aunty Lilah had decided we move out?" The boy asked curiously.

"Yes, but she's not chasing us out but taking us to a better place" Rosary explained,  that didn't change the little boy expression.

He seem sad and pale, he had learned to love this villa and now they're moving out all of a sudden.

He wished to live here more and also being around Lilah, he had gotten too attached to her and loves her company. Rosary understand the boy mood, but it's already done and nothing can't change that. They had to leave that what Lilah wants............

"If she isn't chasing us out, why did she said we're leaving soon?"

Well, this boy mouth was full of words, despite his little age he speaks more like an adult. Rosary rolls her eyes, she was getting frustrating with the way Jack was demanding more than he should asked.

"Jack, just spear me five minutes to shut my eyes then when I wake up, I'll give you all the answers you want" she said and close her eyes.

Jack wanted to pleasure her more but seen his sister was tired and needed some rest, it's would be rude to disturb her peace. So, he let his questions slide. Went back to the phone and replay the cartoon channel.

In the living room,

Lilah eyes were engrossed in the huge clock on the milky wall, watch the moving arrows clicking on all the numbers and moving over them all over again.

She had been waiting for him to called her back since four hours now, why haven't he called back. Can't he just get the little preparation done before the middle of the day. She shifted her gaze to her phone and yet no sign of calls showed. What must have happened that was taking him this long to call back... She wants to know about the current situation, then, she can find another way out of this mess.

She bit on her lips frustrating, she had made a big deal by taking Rosary in for a client without the knowledge of her boss. She had her own reasons, if she should had introduced Rosary to her Boss. That greedy man would make sure to keep her under his custody in case her market sell a lot. She knows the hell people she was working for. If you're not wise enough to deal with them, they'll roll you like a ball place on an abandoned field.

She had grown up in the world of brutality and nothing seen new to her, men behavior of both good and bad have be regular to her since the beginning of her life. She had never trust anyone in her life except Rosary. They had been close friends since high school but never had Rosary know the background and family line of Lilah. She had keep herself and her true identity as a secret away from everyone. It for her own safety.

Just that moment, her phone rings breaking her from her deep thoughts about life.

She picked it up immediately,

"Black, had everything be set?"

"Yes Young Miss, all things you need are done" the voice on the line replied.

"Good, thank you Black"

"Anything for you milady"

After the call ended, a warmth smile curled up on her lips. "Rosary had to leave this instantly" she said to herself. Just then, her phone rings again, she checked the caller it was someone from the Longing hotel...

"Hello Bet, why are you calling?" She asked, she wasn't expecting any caller from Longing hotel but since Bet called, she bet it would be emergency because she never call her except she needs something.

"It's about the girl" she said quietly like she was whispering.

"About the girl? What girl are you talking about?"

"The girl you bought in for the job, Rosary" her voice was still slow and quiet but was enough for Lilah to hear. If Bet was speaking this way to her that means, it would have be serious.

"What about the girl. Who knows?"

"No one yet but a strange man comes in this morning  demanding for the girl Rosary. Making the Boss to question all mangers if they had bought any girl in without his notice"

A strange man came to the hotel, would that be Mr. X? She thought to herself. If it Mr. X then they're in more trouble. She needs to get Rosary out of the state as soon as possible.

She can't allowed her friend to be taken away and hold captive by some rich bastard. Not in her life would she let that happen. She's the one who referred Rosary to Mr. X and she's ready to make things right by sending her friend away, as far from the hands of this unknown man. She doesn't need to wait for the man attack. The way he speaks to her on the phone, she concluded this man might be dangerous and from a high society....

Someone she couldn't stands up to, the only best way to win against such person was to run away as far as you can.

She sighed tirelessly after listening carefully to Bet explanation. She wasn't sure if the man Bet was referring to would be Mr. X . But no matter what the outermost might be, she still needs to attacks faster...

There's always a way to win a killer...... She isn't giving up yet not now or forever. First, Rosary needs to move out of the state to keep her safe....

She smiled and said "I have heard all you said Bet. Thank you so much but keep in touch with me when anything suspiciously happened. I would like to know. Promise to pay you back the favor"

"Sure Lilah"