
57. Of Bros and Bxxxxxx


Esposito turned their unit around the corner back onto Lexington Avenue, glancing at his new partner one more time, before his eyes landed back on the street and the snow that was dusting it. Due to the weather conditions Manhattan's streets were uncharacteristically free of the usual endless stream of cars and cabs, causing an eerily peaceful quietness around them.

"One more spin around and we'll head back to the precinct," Espo muttered, turning up the heat once more. It was bitter cold outside, the cold creeping into their unit that had seen better days and he hoped that they wouldn't have to get out anymore tonight.

"Yeah sounds good," Ryan nodded, his eyes scanning the deserted sidewalks. No one was out in this weather if they didn't have to, everyone holing up inside and he wished he could do the same right now instead of sitting next to his new partner who obviously wouldn't warm up to him anytime soon.

"Esposito stop!" Ryan suddenly exclaimed, already opening his door and jumping out of the car, as something had caught his attention.

"Ryan? What?" Esposito called after his partner, but the Irish cop didn't stop, kept sprinting further down into the short alley right next to them, "Damn it," Esposito cursed, smashing his fist in to the dashboard, before grabbing the radio to inform dispatch of their location and then hurrying after his partner.

"Yo, Ryan," he hissed when he caught up with him at the end of the alley where his partner was peering around the corner, his Glock ready in his hand. "What's going on?"

"I saw Jimmy Finelli," Ryan whispered, chancing another glance around the corner where he had watched Finelli disappear into a bar.

"Jimmy "The Knife" Finelli. The Mafia killer?" Esposito asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Ryan nodded, his face grim. "I would recognize that bastard anywhere. He's been off the grid for the past year. We almost busted him last November, but he got away."

"And now he's back?" Esposito frowned, still unconvinced that Ryan could have spotted the man in this weather and from that distance.

"He went into the bar. I think it's best we call back-up," Ryan suggested but his partner shook his head.

"And let him get away in the meantime? No way, we're going in." The truth was Esposito didn't want to call attention to this in case it wasn't Jimmy Finelli after all. He could live without the embarrassment.

"Esposito," Ryan called after him, but his partner was already heading for the entrance of the bar.

"Shit," Ryan cursed, he didn't like going in like this but he had no other choice but to follow.

They moved quietly into the almost empty bar, carefully scanning the room until they both laid eyes on their suspect at the same time that Finelli laid his on them. Esposito's doubts vanished. The man sitting at the end of the bar was definitely Jimmy "The Knife" Finelli. Ryan had been right.

Everything happened fast from there on. Finelli dashed toward the back entrance with Esposito hot on his heels while Ryan burst back out through the front door to cut off Finelli from the other side, almost crashing into a brick wall as he slipped on the wet snow.

He moved around the corner slowly, gun pointed ahead and found his new partner on the ground, Finelli leaning over him, knife ready, while Esposito was trying to get away from him. But the Italian was heavy, his knee pressing against the cop's throat and all Esposito could manage was helplessly waving his arms around trying to get a hold of his opponent.

Ryan aimed but couldn't get a clear shot, "Shit," he cursed and quickly but quietly moved further down the alley, hearing his partner's heavy breathing as he struggled for his life.

Finelli never saw it coming, the force that hit him knocked him to the ground, sent his knife flying and he didn't stand a chance when Ryan's fist connected with his face, effectively knocking him out.

"You okay?" Ryan panted, while he cuffed Finelli, glancing over his shoulder at his partner who was struggling back onto his feet.

"Yeah," he nodded slowly, his hand coming to his throat. "I'm good."

Esposito watched his partner fill out the paperwork for their booking of Jimmy Finelli, a success that got them appreciating nods and shoulder claps from everyone in the 54th precinct, but he knew that he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his baby-faced partner. Beckett had been right, he had underestimated the guy.

"Yo Ryan," he said, stepping up to his partner's desk.

"Hey," Ryan smiled up, "almost done here. Boy am I ready to get out of here."

"Yeah," Espo nodded, "listen, what you did in the alley … ."

Ryan waved him off, "That's what partners do," he shrugged. "Don't sweat it."

"Right," the Latino kept his cool, "wanna grab a beer when we get out of here? I'm buying."

"Sounds good," Ryan said, getting up to file away the paperwork, "give me a minute."

Esposito nodded, "You got it, bro."

Kate blinked one eye open, trying to focus in the darkness of Castle's bedroom when she heard Alexis' whimper, probably what had woken her in the first place.

"Alexis?" She asked into the darkness and reached for the lamp on her side of the bed, seconds later coating the room in a warm light. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Alexis looked at her with a tear-stained face and Kate moved closer, lifting her hand to brush the tears away, "Does it hurt?"

The girl nodded and took in a shuddering breath, "Everything hurts," she got out and Kate saw fresh tears escaping her eyes, having no doubt that every bone and every muscle in Alexis' body must hurt like hell after what she had suffered through. The problem was she couldn't give her any more painkillers, at least not right now. Alexis had already gotten a higher dosage at the hospital than usually advised for children her age and Kate knew that too many painkillers at Alexis' age could also upset her stomach and the last thing the girl needed was another source of pain.

"Okay, I have an idea," Kate squeezed Alexis' good hand and then got out of bed, "can you stay here for a minute?"

Alexis nodded, although she looked as if she would burst into tears again any second.

Kate moved quickly into the bathroom, turning on the water to fill Castle's tremendous bath tub and then went in search of something Alexis could rest her arm on while sitting in the tub. She found a stool and placed it next to the bath tub before she walked back into the bedroom where Alexis lay curled up under the covers.

"Pumpkin?" Kate crouched down next to the bed on the girl's side, "can you come with me?"

She nodded and crawled out of bed, placing her good hand into Kate's and letting the older woman guide her into the bathroom. Kate let Alexis sit down on the warm tiles while she checked the water temperature and added some of the lavender bubble bath Castle had bought for her, before she helped the redhead out of her pj's and into the water. She grabbed the stool and placed it into the tub and made sure Alexis' arm was comfortable before she sat down on the rim, her hand coming to rest on Alexis' head to massage her skull.

"Does it help?" Kate asked after a while and felt Alexis' head bob forward.

"A bit," she mumbled, leaning further into Kate's touch and then asked, "Can you tell me a story? Daddy always tells me a story when I don't feel good."

Kate smiled, it sounded exactly like something Castle would do.

"Okay, let me see," Kate narrowed her eyes, her forehead wrinkling as she thought about a story to tell and, remembering that Alexis and her both loved elephants, an idea formed in her mind.

"In a land far away," she started and then dove into a story about a baby elephant that had lost its parents and had to endure many adventures before it could reunite with its family.

They found their way back into bed at three in the morning with Alexis falling asleep immediately, by now thoroughly exhausted and Kate hoped that the poor girl would be able to catch some hours of uninterrupted sleep until the morning.

When Kate woke the next time it was because of her younger daughter very impatiently waiting for someone to come and get her.

"Moooooommy," Jamie's voice came over the baby phone and Kate knew that she probably was holding it in her hands, using it as a walkie-talkie like her father had showed her. "Mommy! Up, up, up." The words echoed in Kate's ear and with a groan she pushed the covers away and rolled out of bed, careful not to wake Alexis who was still fast asleep.

"Mommy's coming," she muttered to herself and headed for the door, closing it silently behind her before she crossed the living room to walk upstairs.

"Good morning you little Early Bird," Kate greeted her daughter, picking her up into her arms and giving her a kiss. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," Jamie nodded. "Breakfast?" She rubbed her tummy and Kate laughed.

"Are you hungry?"

"Very," the girl nodded, looking serious.

"Okay you little monster, then let's get you something to eat," Kate said and carried her down the stairs, before placing her on the ground and heading for the kitchen.

"Mommy?" Jamie looked up at her mother with big blue eyes, "Lexi? Go Lexi?"

"She's still asleep Baby Bird," Kate told her turning back around to crouch down in front of her daughter. "Let her sleep some more, okay?"

"Lexi still hurt?" Jamie asked, her brow furrowed with worry.

"Yes, she will be for a while," Kate nodded, watching Jamie as she took that in.

"Super careful," her daughter then repeated the words she had been told the day before, "wanna see Lexi."

Kate sighed, "Okay, but you have to be quiet, can you do that?"

Jamie nodded and put her index fingers against her lips, causing Kate to chuckle. She led her daughter into the bedroom before carefully placing her down on her side of the bed and pulling the covers over her. She watched her daughter carefully crawl closer to her big sister and Kate studied them for a moment, Jamie's eyes falling shut again, obviously not as awake or hungry as she had thought and then left them to catch some more sleep.

She walked back into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for the three of them when she remembered she had promised Castle to call her colleagues at the 5th to hear what they had on the driver. What she learned was reassuring, the officer who had been at the scene assured her that the driver had neither been drunk or drugged nor had he speeded. What happened had simply been an unfortunate series of events due to the bad weather and the slippery road. In fact the young man had called the precinct about five times to ask about Alexis, worried sick for the little girl he had injured. Kate asked the officer for the driver's number to give him a call and after thanking her colleague she hung up to call Castle.

They spent the day inside, the snow eventually falling lighter and only in the afternoon Castle called to tell them that he might actually be able to get home later in the evening. Martha had called after lunch talking to Alexis for almost an hour, cheering the girl up with funny stories, while Kate and Jamie had built a pillow fort in which they ended up having dinner on the floor before Kate put both girls to bed.

Alexis was staying in her own room again, saying she felt much better, giving Kate a tight hug when she kissed her goodnight.

"You come and wake me if you need anything, alright?" Kate told Alexis, making sure the girl wouldn't shy away from calling for her in the middle of the night. "I don't want you awake all night because you can't sleep."

Alexis nodded and then snuggled into her pillow, her stuffed monkey securely tucked into her side.

"Night Kate," she smiled and then closed her eyes.

"Night Pumpkin," Kate whispered, turning off the lights and leaving the room, checking one more time on Jamie before she made her way downstairs to clean up the living room.

When Kate heard the knock on the front door she looked up surprised, she didn't expect Castle to be back until midnight, his flight having been delayed again and again and checking the time she saw it was only a quarter past nine.

Throwing the pillow she had picked up off the floor onto the couch, she headed for the door and was met with a redheaded force who simply stormed past her without as much as a hello.

"Where's Richard?", the woman asked and Kate knew who was standing in front of her without having ever met the woman before: Meredith, Castle's ex-wife.

Meredith regarded Kate with a derogative look, "Oh, you are her." She stated after a moment, her eyes never leaving Kate who felt strangely exposed.

Kate was confused. Had Castle reached his ex-wife after all, telling her what had happened to Alexis? But if so, why hadn't he told her? Hadn't he expected Meredith to get onto the next flight to see her daughter? Well, when she thought about it – probably not.

She felt Meredith's piercing eyes studying her and was brought back to the present, remembering the redhead's statement, "I'm who?"

"The woman in the newspaper, the one who's playing house with my husband and daughter," Meredith snarled and Kate was taken aback by the course of events and Meredith's word choice regarding Castle.

"I had to see it for myself you know," Meredith left her standing in the middle of the living room, sitting down on the couch, acting as if she owned the place.

"Aren't you here because of Alexis?" Kate finally got out, for now deciding to ignore Meredith's hostile behavior and doing what she thought was right for Alexis.

"What about Alexis?" Meredith raised one eyebrow.

"She was in an accident," Kate told her, "she broke her arm. Castle tried to reach you."

"Castle? What a strange way to call him," Meredith looked amused, "and yes I know. He left me a voicemail. So where is he anyway?"

"On his way back from D.C.," Kate said, not believing that Meredith wasn't even asking how her daughter was and she suddenly felt anger boiling up in her.

"You knew?" Kate huffed. "You knew and didn't bother to call him back?"

Meredith shrugged, "I didn't want him to know what I was up to. He probably would have sent me home, but I needed to see this," she gestured at Kate, "with my own eyes. And Richard said she had a broken arm and some bruises, so nothing to worry about. Children break their arms all the time."

"How would you know?" Kate hissed, apparently taking Meredith by surprise, judging by the way the woman's wide eyes moved back up to hers.

"Excuse me?" Meredith stood, slowly approaching Kate, her eyes glimmering dangerously, without question, trying to intimidate Kate. "Playing house with my husband doesn't make you my daughter's mother or caretaker. Don't forget your place in this. You're just the girl he -," she had the decency not to finish her sentence.

"Ex-husband," Kate growled back, ignoring the rest of Meredith's statement and the woman actually had the nerve to laugh.

"Semantics," she shrugged, "you know I've seen a lot of women come and go in Richard's life and you'll be just as passing as the rest of them or do you think, just because he knocked you up three years ago he'll stay?"

Kate stared at her.

"You have to face it, Kate," Meredith smirk was ice cold, "Richard is a man who would do anything for his children, but it won't be enough for you to keep him. Eventually this, the little happy family you're trying to create, it won't be enough. Not for him. He will get tired of you and the sooner you accept this, the better for all of us."

Kate swallowed, watching Meredith bathe in her own sense of victory and something clicked. She wouldn't let this woman fool her. A week ago she might have been tempted to believe Meredith, to at least be unsettled by her words, but not anymore. Not after what Castle had shared with her a week ago, about what he had always wanted, had always looked for. She knew what they had, she was certain of it and no way in hell would she let his ex-wife take it away from her.

So putting on a confident smile of her own, she fought back.

"You're wrong," Kate stated calmly. "I know what you're trying to do and let me tell you, it won't work. What Castle and I have might not be conventional and certainly not easy, but it's real. I doubt you even know what that is."

"Richard, doesn't want real," Meredith hissed.

"If you really believe that you don't know him at all," Kate replied, feeling more confident with every passing second.

"We'll see about that," Meredith growled, but Kate wouldn't be tempted.

"Yes, we will," she smiled. "And now I think it's best for you to go."

"Who do you think you are?" Meredith barked, totally losing her temper since she wasn't used to people talking to her like this but before she could continue her outburst another voice rang through the apartment.

"Enough," Castle's baritone voice caused both women to swirl around. "It's enough Meredith."

"Richard?" his ex-wife was obviously shocked by his sudden appearance. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough and now I want you to leave," he said, walking over to come to stand beside Kate.

"I haven't even seen Alexis," Meredith suddenly whined, putting on a show to sound all innocent and caring.

"It's late," Castle simply dismissed her, starting to walk her to the door. "And just so we're clear. Don't ever talk to Kate like this again." His eyes bored into Meredith, making sure she heard him loud and clear before he went on, "I expect you to be here tomorrow to spend some time with your daughter. Good night Meredith."

He didn't wait for her reply, simply closed the door behind her to turn back around to Kate.

"Hey," she smiled, watching him make her way over to her.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, but Kate shook her head.

"It's not your fault. I'm okay."

"Are we okay?" He asked tentatively.

She leant up and kissed him, letting her actions speak for her, his ex-wife wouldn't come between them, Kate wouldn't let her, "You're home early," she muttered against his lips, feeling his arms at her back, pulling her closer. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I charmed myself onto an earlier flight, kid's emergency you know," he mumbled back, kissing her again before stepping back, without breaking their connection.

"Excellent," she smiled, the tip of her tongue sticking out between her teeth, obviously very pleased with his antics.

"I'll head up and check on the girls real quick," he said, giving her another peck on the lips.

"Take your time," she told him, affectionately patting his backside and causing a grin to split his face from ear to ear.

He glanced back at Kate form the top of the stairs, watching her rummage through the kitchen with a smile on her face and he felt immensely proud for how she had handled his ex-wife, how sure she was about them and apparently about herself. It made him confident that she was ready for what he had secretly been working on.


AN: This is probably the last update for the next two and a half weeks. This story is officially on a mini hiatus.

Thanks for your amazing support so far on this one. I never imagined it would get this big ... Thank you!