
55. The new guy


A week later everything had settled down. The reactions to the article in The Ledger had been fewer than they had feared, also because a major Hollywood star had thankfully chosen to check himself into rehab the same day. Their statement was out and just as Castle had promised everything had gone back to normal after only a couple of days. No one at the precinct had asked her about what was going on and Kate was immensely grateful for it. She suspected that either none of them actually read Page Six or they respected her private life enough not to bother her with questions.

Not even Royce had said anything, though he had shot her a couple of concerned looks whenever he made his way into the Homicide bullpen, which had been more frequently than usual on the day the article was published. In the end she had laughed at him, which Royce apparently had taken as a sign that she had everything under control. He hadn't showed up again.

"Yo Beckett," Kate lifted her head to see Esposito coming toward her through the bullpen.

"Hey Espo," she smiled, getting up from her desk and glancing shortly at the officer who had followed Esposito into the bullpen but stopped at the break room, nervously glancing around. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he shrugged, "after everything that happened over the past week."

"We're fine," she smiled at him, "I already told you."

"Okay," he nodded, "just wanted to make sure."

"Again?" She grinned, cocking her head to look at him.

Esposito shrugged again, but this time with a grin on his face.

"I appreciate it though," Kate replied, looking over his shoulder at the young officer still guarding the entrance to the break room. "Who's your shadow?", she asked with a frown.

"My new partner," Espo rolled his eyes.

"What? You don't like him?"

"Look at him, he's skinny," Espo whined, nodding back over his shoulder.

Now it was Kate's turn to roll her eyes, "Don't be silly. Come on, introduce us," she told him and started for the break room, expecting him to follow.

The young officer glanced from Espo to Beckett, a shy and sympathetic smile appearing on his lips.

"Kate Beckett," Esposito started his introduction, though Kate could tell he wasn't thrilled, "this is my new partner Kevin Ryan. Ryan this is Kate Beckett."

"Nice to meet you," Ryan's smile brightened as he held out his hand to Kate. "Esposito told me you worked undercover together."

"Yeah," Kate nodded, wondering how much Esposito had shared about that not-all-pleasant memory, "and you Ryan? What's your story?"

"Uhm," he scratched his head, "I did the foot work for Narcotics at the 104th in Queens for the past year and a half but I felt like it was time for a change so when the position at the 54th opened up I applied and well here I am."

"Welcome to Manhattan then," Kate smiled warmly. She liked the guy. He seemed to be different from most of the men she worked with, gentler without appearing soft.

"Beckett, we gotta run," Esposito finally said, giving a pointed look to Ryan who took the hint.

"It was nice meeting you Beckett," he tipped his head and started for the elevator.

"You too Ryan," Kate replied before turning to Esposito, "What's wrong with you? He's a totally nice guy."

"Yeah, do you want to go on patrol with a totally nice guy?", he challenged her.

Kate rolled her eyes again, "At least give him a chance," she suggested, raising her eyebrows at him. "He might surprise you."

"Sure," Esposito muttered and then he turned to hurry after Ryan who was holding the elevator for him.

"See you Beckett," he called over his shoulder, before he stepped into the car.

Kate shook her head with a smirk on her lips, watching the two men standing side by side in the elevator and yet miles apart. But somehow she had the feeling that Esposito would change his mind about his new partner.

When Kate came home to the loft that evening, she found the girls in the living room and sat with them for a while before she asked where their father was. When she entered the bedroom where Alexis had pointed her, she found him frantically going through his drawers, his forehead furrowed in concentration.

"What are you doing?" She asked, stopping shortly in the doorway to study him, an amused expression on her face.

"Hey," he looked up before sticking his nose back into the drawer, "I can't find my Batman shirt."

"So?" Kate frowned, making her way over to his walk-in closet, passing his open bag that he was obviously not finished packing for his book-signing trip to D.C..

"I can't go without my Batman shirt," he told her as if the question itself was ridiculous. "I always take it when I'm going away."

"I see," Kate grinned, throwing her uniform shirt onto the bed and disappearing in the closet. "Aren't you running a bit behind schedule?" Kate asked as she emerged from the closet, holding out said Batman shirt to him.

"You found it," he squealed, rushing over and placing a sloppy kiss on her lips. "And yes, I'm running a tiny bit late."

"Dad!" Alexis called out from the living room. "Your car is here."

"I'll be there in a minute Pumpkin," he called back, before returning his attention to Kate, his expression serious. "You sure it won't be too much? I can still cancel."

"Castle," she sighed. "We've been through this. Everything is under control. I'll walk Alexis to school tomorrow, drop Jamie off at Cynthia's and she'll pick Alexis up from school again and spend the afternoon with the girls until I get home. We will manage a night and a day without you just fine. You go to D.C. and promote your book."

"Okay," he took a deep breath. "I put the telephone number of the Spa mother's staying at on the fridge in case -," she cut him off.

"I got it Castle," she reached for his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "I promise."

"You're right," he nodded. "You're absolutely right. So I'll be home around 8 tomorrow night."

"I know," she smiled, "and now tell your daughters goodbye and get moving or you'll miss your flight."

It felt a bit strange to be in his bed without him, his side empty and cold and Kate had trouble falling asleep. Castle had called an hour ago, telling her that he had landed safely in D.C. and was now on his way to the hotel.

He had been reluctant at first to go to the book signing Paula had set up and it had taken Kate some effort to convince him that everything would be fine without him for a day and that she could manage work and both girls. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, but he knew with her job there was never a guarantee she wouldn't end up at the precinct all night long and his mother was on a romantic trip with Stewart and therefore wouldn't be able to step in. But in the end he had given in and Kate was more than grateful that he for once concentrated on his own career instead of trying to organize everything around hers.

So she had talked to Montgomery the other day to make sure she wouldn't be stuck at the precinct until late at night and he had agreed to put her on desk duty for the day so she could leave on time. Everything was worked out and yet she was nervous, knowing she was the only one putting pressure on herself.

When Kate arrived at the precinct the next morning she was covered in a thick layer of snow which had started to fall heavily after she had dropped Jamie off at Cynthia's, her daughter happy to spend time with her nanny whom she didn't get to see as much as she used to. Shaking off the white powder, she wondered if this might be the herald of the announced blizzard that was supposed to hit the East Coast later this week.

Glad when she finally sank down at her desk, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand that would hopefully warm her up from the inside, she got started on the pile of paperwork placed on her desk.

Clasterfield and Cramer were called to a crime scene around lunch and Kate took the opportunity to step outside where the snow was still falling heavily to grab something for lunch. She was just returning to her desk when her phone rang.

"Beckett?" she answered, unwrapping her sandwich as she sat down on her chair.

"Kate? Thank God Kate," she heard Castle on the other end of the line, sounding agitated and shaken.

"Castle, what's wrong?" she immediately dropped the sandwich sitting up a bit straighter.

"Alexis," he stuttered, "she's been in an accident."

"What?" Kate shot up, throwing her barely started sandwich on the desk and heading to get her coat. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure," he rasped and Kate could tell he was close to losing it. "The school called. She was hit by a car. Apparently they were on their way to a nearby playground. I don't know," he tried to take in a deep breath, "she's on her way to the hospital. Kate," he pleaded.

"I'm on my way Castle. Which hospital?" she was already slipping into her coat, heading for Montgomery's office.

"Presbyterian," he told her weakly. "I don't know when I will be able to come back. Flights are getting cancelled because of the blizzard. God, I just want to see my baby."

"I know," she spoke softly, trying to soothe him and trying not to let her own worry show. "I got this until you can."

He didn't answer.

"I'll call you as soon as I get to her, okay?" She added as calmly as she managed.

"Okay," his voice quivered and she could tell he was close to tears, "Thank you."

"Rick, she'll be fine," Kate spoke softly and she prayed she was right. "I'll call you as soon as I can. I promise."

"Okay, I'll let you go," he sighed and before she could reply the line went dead.

She had no time to dwell on it, instead she dashed into her Captain's office, causing Montgomery to raise questioning eyes at her, as he was obviously surprised by Beckett's unusual approach.

"I need to go," she got out, only half way into Montgomery's office.

"Is there a problem?" her Captain asked, placing his glasses on the desk and giving her his undivided attention.

"Alexis, Castle's daughter, she's been in an accident and her father in stuck in D.C.," she took a deep breath. "I'm the only one who can go."

He nodded slowly, "Okay, go," he gave her permission and added, "let me know if you need more time than today."

"Thanks you, Sir," she was so relieved she could have kiss him, but instead she stormed out and ran toward the elevator.

The taxi took forever in the bad weather and she already regretted not taking the subway when they finally reached the Presbyterian. Kate dashed inside, leaving the cabbie way too much tip.

"Alexis Castle?" She asked when she came to a stop at the reception, "8-year old girl, admitted after car accident." Kate gave the information she had and received a stoic look from the nurse on the other side of the counter.

"I already told your colleagues ten minutes ago, the girl is in no state to be questioned and until her parents arrive I can't let you see her," she was about to turn around but Kate stopped her.

"No wait, I'm not here as a cop, I know Alexis," Kate quickly added.

"Are you her mother?" The nurse asked, her expression just as unfriendly as it had been.

"No," Kate shook her head, "I'm -," but the woman didn't let her finish.

"Any other kind of relative?"

"No, I'm her father's girlfriend," Kate said, getting impatient. She just wanted to see Alexis.

"Then I'm sorry, but I can't let you see her either. Only family members," she said.

"Her father is stuck in D.C., I'm the only one she has," Kate pleaded, feeling panic rising up.

"I'm sorry but there's really nothing I can do," the nurse shrugged and once more turned to leave but Kate snatched her sleeve.

"She's an eight-year old girl, alone, injured and most certainly very scared, you can't seriously expect me to accept what you just said."

"Ma'am, I'll tell you one last time. You can't see her and now let go of me or I'll call security," the woman growled and Kate let go.

"What's going on here?" A male voice demanded to know, causing both women to turn around and Kate found herself confronted with a familiar face.

"Officer Beckett," Dr. Davidson said surprised when he recognized her and then looked at the nurse, "Sandra what's going on?"

"She wants to see Alexis Castle, but the girl's parents aren't here and -," the nurse started but Kate cut her off.

"Castle, her father is stuck in D.C. due to the blizzard, she has no one but me. Please let me see her," she begged and didn't care.

Dr. Davidson shot Nurse Sandra a disapproving look and then placed his hand on the small of Kate's back, "Of course. I'll show you to her room."

The nurse took her cue, with a disapproving look on her face, "She's in 105."

"How bad is it?" Kate asked, before the doctor could lead her away, glancing from him to the nurse and when Dr. Davidson shot Sandra another look, she reluctantly pulled up Alexis' medical record on the computer.

"A broken arm and a couple of bruises," she stated with a sigh, "other than that she's fine."

"Thank you, Sandra," Dr. Davidson nodded and started for the door to his left, returning his attention to Kate, "I'll make sure that the colleague who treated her will be with you shortly to explain everything else."

"Thank you," Kate smiled weakly and let him guide her down a long corridor.

"Here we are," he finally said, stopping in front of room 105. "If you need anything let me know. I'll be around."

Kate watched him disappearing through the door at the end of the corridor and taking a deep breath to brace herself she pushed open the door and entered the room.
