
40. Mother!


Castle stared at his mother, then back at Kate who stoically kept picking at a speck on the kitchen counter, refusing to look at any of them.

"Mother, it's not," he stuttered, stopped, "You shouldn't - I mean we didn't -," he was panicking, yes, panicking like a teenager who's been caught by his mother, "this is not - ," but he was a grown man and he shouldn't be intimidated by his own mother. Only he was. "I - we - ."

"You didn't what? I shouldn't what? Find out about it?" Martha asked, and he could see she was enjoying this, loved giving them a hard time, "I mean seriously, what was your plan? Hide in the closet?"

"No," he yelped, "but," he looked at Kate for support but she was still ignoring him. He was obviously on his own.

"Look," Castle took a deep breath, his hand running over his face before he continued, "this is rather new." He finally managed a sentence that actually made sense and his mother finally seemed to take mercy on him.

She crossed the living room to meet them in the kitchen, her features softening as she moved toward them, "I figured as much, though I'd like to point out, long overdue."

At this even Kate lifted her head to look at Martha, wide-eyed, her mouth opening, but now words came out.

"Oh come on," she shot them both a pointed look then waved a finger between the two of them, "you two were inevitable."

"Mother," Castle groaled at her, he didn't need her to spook Kate, he was so glad things were going so well today, that she really seemed to be in this but his mother made it sound as if they were going to get married tomorrow and that couldn't bode well with Kate.

"What?" Martha raised innocent eyes at him, "I'm just happy for you." And then she stepped forward, placing a soft kiss on her son's cheek, "Seriously, I'm very happy for both of you."

Martha moved to Kate's side and the younger woman lifted her eyes, surprised by the soft touch of the redhead's fingers around hers and managed to offer something like a smile in return. This was certainly not how she had planned to spring the news on Castle's mother. She had actually hoped they could sort things out between the two of them, settle into this new stage of their relationship before they had to tell anyone, but Martha seemed to be oblivious to the younger woman's worries.

"So, where are my lovely granddaughters," she asked, already turning and starting for the stairs.

"Castle," Kate gasped, her eyes widening with panic and he knew immediately what she meant.

"Mother," he called her back.

"Yes Richard?" she stepped back lifting her brows questioningly at her son.

"They don't know," he spoke firmly, leaving no doubt that he was dead serious about what was to come, "and we want to keep it that way for a while, until we're comfortable that things will work out between us."

Martha looked from Kate to her son, noticing how they had moved to stand next to each other to defend their point together and she had no doubt they would make an excellent team. That things would work out between them.

"We don't want them to get hurt," Kate added, "And I know you don't want that either."

Martha raised her hands in surrender, "Alright, alright. I get it."

"So you'll support us on this?" Castle asked, just wanting to make sure his mother really got the point.

"Richard," she scolded him, "of course I will. I just think your two girls would be thrilled, but I get it. My lips are sealed until you tell me otherwise."

"Thank you," he nodded relieved, reaching for Kate's hand to give it a squeeze, and she gave him a relieved smile in return, squeezing back.

Martha sighed heavily, "So do I have permission to go upstairs?"

"You do," Castle rolled his eyes, a gesture he seemed to have adopted from Kate, and then watched his mother bow dramatically and turn towards the stairs, calling over her shoulder once she reached the first step while her eyes sparkled with mischief, "You know I'd be more than happy to baby-sit if you two need some time alone to -."


His mother had returned after barely fifteen minutes, Jamie and Alexis in tow and leaving Castle and Kate with no real time to talk about these new developments.

Three hours later Castle was climbing up the stairs to go and find Kate who had left him 30 minutes earlier to get the girls ready for bed. His mother had left right after dinner, kissing everyone goodbye and shooting him and Kate a pointed look. "The offer still holds," she had told them, making it sound like a big conspiracy, before letting the door fall shut behind her.

Castle, Kate and the girls had spent the rest of the evening playing board games, Rick teaming up with Jamie and Kate with Alexis and even though Jamie hadn't really understood what the games were about, she still had been having a ball rolling the dice and cheering along with her dad whenever they made a good move.

When it had been time for bed, Kate had offered to get the girls ready so Castle could finish up the kitchen.

Now that he was done and walking up the stairs to join his family for a goodnight story he realized how much he had longed for this, an everyday family life. Not that he and Alexis weren't a family, but it was different now with Jamie and Kate.

Sure he had gotten an idea how things could be when they were in the Hamptons but this, today was more and not just because they were together now, after all what difference could a day make?

They had established a new rhythm when it came to working together as parents. He didn't feel the need to ask her permission about every little thing and Kate didn't seem to mind that he took the lead more often now and it had all started right after they had returned from the Hamptons. Because while she had refused to talk about their kiss and what it meant for them, she had never been so open before when it came to Jamie. And today, today had been a dream come true.

They had never had something like this, he and Alexis. Meredith had hardly ever spent a whole day with them like this, and even when she did, she made it clear that she would have preferred to do other things. Everything Castle and Alexis liked had been boring for her and while Castle loved being home with his daughter, spending time with her, his ex-wife rather wanted to show him off at parties and celebrity events.

But Kate - Kate wanted the same things as he and if it wasn't way too soon, way too soon, he would ask her to move in with them right now so he could have this everyday. But that thought was insane, nothing good could come out of it, so he quickly pushed it away, knowing how carried away he could get. He didn't want to risk pushing her away because he wanted too much too soon. Step by step he had promised her and he would keep his promise. He had rushed into a relationship once before and it had left him and his daughter with broken hearts, he couldn't risk that again. He had to do it right this time.

He found them in Alexis' room, on top of the covers, Kate in the middle, Jamie tucked into her left side, Alexis into her right, all three beaming up at him as he entered the room.

"Daddy," the girls exclaimed simultaneously and he had to laugh at their excitement.

"Wow," he smirked, "Impatient?"

"What can I say Castle, your girls want their story," Kate smirked right back at him. It could have been an innocent remark about their daughters if she wasn't looking at him with this mischievous sparkle in her eyes. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was including herself as one of his girls and Castle had to swallow, had trouble believing that this was the same woman who only last night had sat on his bed, insecure and unsure if they should really give this a try.

"What's the matter Castle? Cat caught your tongue," she kept teasing him and he finally set into motion, letting himself plop down onto the end of the bed.

"Nope, I'm good," he found his voice, satisfied that he sounded unaffected by her words when nothing could have been further from the truth, "what story do you want to hear?"

Alexis handed him the book they had chosen, The Little Prince and Castle made himself comfortable, lying on his back, holding the book up over his head and then started to read. His baritone voice filled the room and Kate closed her eyes, feeling the girls snuggled closer as they all got lost in the world he created for them.

Kate let her mind drift, the past 24 hours had been crazy, to say the least. Last night she had been a mess, sitting in his bed determined to tell him that they could not give in to the attraction between them and now she was spending the second night in a row in his home and she didn't even mind. Today had been, well if she was honest it had been a dream come true. Deep down inside she had always wanted this for Jamie and yes, maybe she had wanted it for herself as well. Yet she was afraid that everything was going too smoothly and she wasn't used for things to be smooth. But there was no turning back now, she had told him she was in and she had to prove it.

She was pulled back to reality when Castle closed the book, looking at her, "They fell asleep," he whispered and only now Kate realized that the two bodies to her sides had turned limp.

Castle shuffled off the bed and took Jamie out of her arms so Kate could carefully make her way off the bed as well to tuck Alexis in, but the redhead opened her eyes once more not as fast asleep as they had thought.

"Thanks for the story Dad," she mumbled before looking at Kate, "Thanks for the great day Kate."

"You're welcome, Pumpkin," Kate smiled warmly at Alexis before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on top of her head. Yes, Castle's daughter had stolen her heart, there was no way to deny it, "Sleep tight." Kate mumbled before she stepped aside to allow Castle to say goodnight as well.

"Night, Pumpkin," he whispered, after kissing her just the way Kate had done only a minute agon before straightening again. Jamie had been in his arms all the while, but she didn't wake, just turned into her father's chest and kept on dreaming, while he carried her into the hallway.

They put Jamie to bed and made their way down the stairs and into the living room, finally alone and hopefully able to talk. Castle knew that the incident with his mother would be still on Kate's mind, but he hoped they could enjoy themselves for a moment before they had to get serious again.

"Wine?" Castle asked as he stepped into the kitchen, watching Kate slump down into his black leather couch.

Kate shook her head, "Thanks but I took a painkiller after dinner."

Immediately worried, Castle came rushing to her side, hovering over her, his eyes running up and down her body to assess the possible damage, "Are you okay?"

"I'm good," she reassured him, "the stitches just hurt a bit."

He could sense there was more, could see it in the way she chewed on her bottom lip and he had a pretty good idea what bothered her.

"Kate," he sat down next to her, reaching for her hand, "don't start to over-think everything. It has been a great day."

"I know," she sighed. "I know. I'm being stupid."

"No," he shook his head, "You're not being stupid. You're just trying to find a problem where there is none to find. Today has been great. Don't try to ruin it by questioning every second. Just relax and enjoy the rest of it. It will not always be like this."

He waited for her to look at him before he added with a smirk, "I promise."

That earned him a chuckle and a nudge to the ribs, but he was fine with that, as long as that troubled expression left her face.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's all going so well," she finally sighed, surrendering to the truth, "we've been good together before, if you'll ignore our more than rocky start."

He laughed, "See, that's my girl."

She quirked one eyebrow at him, "You heard that, huh?"

"You bet I did," he grinned, "and don't think I will forget about it."

"Well I hope you won't," she purred and he knew they were back on track, had successfully handled that little bump in the road.

"Well in that case, I will have you informed that I'm going to kiss my girl now," he moved closer, his hand sneaking around her waist.

"Stop talking, Castle."

Their lips met and Castle wasted no time, pushing her down into the cushions, covering her body with his and from the way she groaned into his mouth she wasn't objecting. And then he felt her hand tugging on his Button-down, pulling it out of his jeans and only seconds later her hands sneaked under it, moving up his back.

"Kate," he panted, kissing his way down her neck to trail his mouth along her collarbone and she arched into him and he could feel her breasts push against his chest and he was about to screw taking it slow, rather taking her, because the sounds she was making should be forbidden.

He started to unbutton her shirt and she hissed his name and for a moment he thought she wanted him to stop, but when he took his hands off her she pushed her hips up into his and moaned, "Don't stop Castle, don't stop."

He groaned, his hands flying back to work on her buttons and he had just revealed the peek of her silk bra, the swell of her breasts calling to him as he leant down, to let his mouth travel over the newly exposed skin when Jamie's cry sounded through the loft.



AN: Sorry it took me so long. This one just didn't want to come out.