
14. Harmonization


Kate had gone to bed early, emotionally drained after too much thinking about the day's events and decided the only way to stop the train of thoughts was to go to bed and try to sleep. But of course sleep wouldn't come easily and she was barely drifting on the edge of it when her phone rang, pulling her back to full consciousness.

"Beckett," she answered groggily, pushing herself up against the headboard.

"Hey Kate, it's Rick. I hope it's not too late." He sounded nervous.

"Castle?" She glanced over at her alarm clock, it was quarter past ten. "I told you I would call as soon as I've checked my shift plan."

He could tell she was slightly annoyed so he was quick to stop her wrong footed assumption, "I know, that's not why I'm calling."

She sat up a bit straighter, pulling the thin blanket further up her body. She felt strangely exposed talking to him while lying in bed in her pj's and she chided herself for that thought, it's not like he hadn't seen it all.

"Why are you calling then?" She asked hesitantly. "Is it about today?"

"No, it's not about today either, not really," he sighed. He didn't know how to get into this, realizing he had no idea what Kate actually knew about him. He had to ask her, there was no other way, "Kate?" He cleared his throat. "What do you know about me?"

"I don't know what you mean." She stated puzzled.

"I mean do you know who I am? What I do for a living?"

She was silent and he didn't know what to make out of it, but before he could ask again she spoke.

"I know you're a novelist. You write mystery novels." She knew it was no use to deny that she indeed knew who Richard Castle really was, but she wouldn't give him anything more than that, instead waited for him to reveal where he was going with this.

"Okay, good." She heard him take a deep breath. "I was out tonight with Alexis," and again he had no idea if Kate knew he had another daughter, "she's my -."

"Your daughter, I know." She filled in before he could finish his sentence and suddenly sensing what this was about. He wanted Alexis to meet Jamie.

She thought she had been clear about the fact it would only be him for a while. So why would he bring it up and why now? This surely could wait until tomorrow. He must know what her answer would be to a proposition like this.

Castle was surprised. She'd obviously done some research on him. But this was actually a good thing, it would make it easier for him to explain.

"Yeah, my daughter," he confirmed nevertheless before he continued, "So Alexis and I were out tonight at the movies. We saw Stuart Little 2, really cute and funny."

"Castle." She cut off his rambling. "Get to the point."

"Ah right, sorry." Gathering his thoughts he started once more, "After the movie we were followed by paparazzi, well paparazzo. It was only one."

Kate frowned, still not understanding why he was telling her this. What did he want from her?

"I keep Alexis out of the media," he continued, "And normally the yellow press is not very interested in me, even less in my daughter, but with the new book out and me making the list -," she interrupted him.

"What list?"

"New York's Most Eligible Bachelors," he said sounding embarrassed.

"Oh, that list," she hadn't seen it and just very briefly wondered which number he made.

"I'm number 5," he answered her unspoken question.

She didn't react to that so he just went on, "Well anyway, things have heated up a bit at the moment and I didn't think about it when we met today and I should have considered the possibility that someone might see us."

She grabbed the phone tighter. What was he saying? "Are you telling me someone took pictures of us today?" She asked sounding frantic.

"No, no." He quickly jumped in. "Not that I know of and I'm sure we would have noticed. I just think you need to know that this is sometimes a part of my life, whether I like it or not." He took a deep breath, considering his next words, "But let me assure you usually it isn't a big deal and they leave me alone unless I'm at a gala or a benefit. It's just that right now everything is coming together and we should be careful." He paused. "I mean I will be more careful from now on. I just wanted you to know, so you can decide how you want to handle this." He finished with a deep sigh, expecting her to be angry. This definitely wouldn't make things easier for him with her. He knew as much, but she had a right to know and he had no other choice but to tell her.

She was silent for a moment, taking in what he had just revealed. And then was surprised by her own reaction, she wasn't angry with him. She respected him for telling her. It would've certainly been easier to keep this to himself and just hoping to be lucky to not run into any paparazzi while they were together. That he actually called her right away built something in her, though she couldn't put her finger on it, but whatever it was it made her chose her next words carefully.

"Okay, let me think about it and then we'll see how we'll deal with it the next time." She said, running a hand through her hair, while she relaxed a bit more into her pillows.

Next time, he was relieved to hear her speak those words. He'd feared she would call everything off, "So you'll still call me to set a new date?" He had to make sure, his voice hopeful.

"I will," she confirmed. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Great." He breathed down the line and she could tell he had feared she would shut him out again, when he'd barely had the chance to get in.

"Thanks for giving me the heads up. I don't like the possibilities that come with it but I do appreciate you telling me."

"Sure," Castle sighed, "Okay, I'll let you be then," he spoke softly. "Good night Kate."

"Night, Castle."

Castle was checking his mobile phone every other minute. He had given Kate both his mobile and his home number, but he had no idea which one she would call and more importantly when. Logic told him, she wouldn't call until later tonight, probably after she had put Jamie to bed but hope was a traitorous little thing nagging at the back of his mind.

He had wanted to talk to her about some other things as well last night, logistics really, but he had been too surprised by her reaction to his revelations about the paparazzi and he hadn't wanted to push his luck. Back out while you're on top, his mother always said. By now he was sure it was better to do it in person anyway. Even if the thought of doing this face to face intimidated him - just a little.

"Richard?" Paula's shrill voice brought him back to the present and he couldn't hide the annoyed look directed at her.

"What?" He muttered. He didn't want to be here in the first place. Normally Paula did these kinds of meetings without him and he still had no clue why she had insisted he should come along this time other than to nag him in person.

He had actually wanted to get some writing done today, but apparently they were still not through with discussing the matter of his next book tour. He had agreed to do a couple of cities, if he could fly home in between, he didn't want to leave Alexis alone for an extended period of time, even though he knew his mother would be more than fine to take care of her while he was out of town. But it wasn't just Alexis anymore he had to take in consideration and the thought of being away for weeks while still getting to know Jamie wasn't something he was willing to do. Of course he couldn't tell them that so he had whined, complained and said 'no' until they had agreed to postpone the book tour until the fall.

"You know that this can cost you a lot of money," Paula sent him a pointed look.

"You mean it could cost Black Pawn a lot of money," he answered sarcastically, glancing over at Gina who followed their dispute with interest, sensing an opportunity to get on Rick's good side.

"That's okay Paula, Black Pawn does understand that Richard's daughter always comes first," she intervened sweetly, sending Rick a broad smile.

It looked faked to him, but he was polite enough to give her grateful nod. "I think we're done here then. After all you want a new Derrick Storm next year and it's not going to write itself," he said, pushing his chair back and getting up.

He didn't make it to the door, Gina's voice calling him back, "Richard could I have a minute in private?"

Castle looked at Paula, who was already gathering her things, a bit too eager to leave the room for his liking. They had set him up, normally he could smell a trap like this a mile away, but he had been preoccupied and now he was stuck, stuck with that dangerous woman and her tempting hips.

He took in a deep breath as Paula hurried past him, leaving him alone with his publisher. Turning around he put on a fake smile, trying to hide his real feelings, "What can I do for you, Gina?" He asked, rising one eyebrow as she crossed the room to stop in front of him.

"You kind of brushed me off last time, when I asked you out for lunch," she pouted in this way woman of her calibre used to do when they tried to get what they wanted. He wouldn't deny it had worked on him before and even now he wasn't totally immune to it. "I thought maybe we could make good for it now, if you're free."

He cleared his throat, taking a step back to get some distance between her and himself trying to think of a way to let her down gently, he had to work with her after all. But he obviously waited too long, because Gina took his silence as agreement.

"There is this lovely restaurant just around the corner," she was already grabbing her purse. "I won't take no for an answer this time."

Castle sighed. She didn't leave him much of a choice, did she?

It hadn't been as awful as he had expected. He had to admit it had actually been kind of nice, his lunch with Gina Cowel. She was an intelligent woman, there was no doubt about that and it was something he liked in a woman and he had to admit he hadn't given her enough credit. But the last thing he needed right now was another distraction. So he had tried to reel in the womanizing, charming beast that he knew lived within him and had left it out of the equation. Gina hadn't seemed to care too much, but he was glad they had parted without making any new plans.

"Dad?" Alexis called from the kitchen, but he was too lazy to get up.

"What?" he called back.

"I'm hungry," she stated now walking towards his office. "What are we having for dinner?"

Rick looked up at her then down at his watch. Alexis was right it was already past their usual dinner time and he hadn't gotten a single paragraph done. Getting up he walked over to her, "What do you feel like?" He asked. "Pasta, Pizza?"

"Dad we can't always eat junk food," she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"What? You're calling pasta a la Castle, junk food?" He placed his right hand over his heart, "That hurts."

"Dad," Alexis giggled, "Seriously."

"Okay, okay, party-pooper I'll think of something," he looked down at her extra thoughtful, while walking side by side back into the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, he stuck his head in to see what it had to offer, rummaging through it until he found the ingredients he had been looking for. "Well we have chicken and broccoli," he emerged from the fridge looking at his daughter "and maybe potatoes?"

"Sounds good," Alexis nodded, climbing onto one of the barstools next to the kitchen counter. "How did your meeting go?" She asked, sounding way too grown up for Castle's taste.

"Boring," he sighed dramatically while preparing pans and pots to get their dinner ready.

"I bet Paula was mad at you again," Alexis grinned from ear to ear.

"The question, my dear daughter is, when is Paula not mad at me." He pointed the spatula at her, to emphazise his point. "Sometimes she reminds me of Ursula."

"The sea witch?" his daughter frowned.

"Exactly her," her dad nodded enthusiastically.

"But Paula doesn't look like her at all," she crinkled her nose.

Castle pondered that for a moment, "No, you're right. She's way too skinny to look like Ursula, but," he raised the spatula again, "nevertheless I'm one of her poor unfortunate souls."

"Dad," Alexis laughed and couldn't stop when he actually started to sing and act out the song from The Little Mermaid.

"I admit that in the past I've been a nastyThey weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch"

He gave Alexis a look, throwing the spatula behind himself, singing the next words as he put the chicken into the pan.

"But you'll find that nowadaysI've mended all my waysRepented, seen the light, and made a switchTo thisAnd I fortunately know a little magicIt's a talent that I always have possessed"

He turned the gas on the oven up shortly, causing the flame to shoot up around the pan and into the air. Symbolically presenting his own magical powers.

And dear lady, please don't laughI use it on behalfOf the miserable, the lonely, and depressed, pathetic"

He was getting ready for the grand finale, but the water boiled and he had to turn it down quickly to prevent it from spilling over. Alexis shot him a disapproving look for his clumsiness, but couldn't hide the smile that spread over her face. She had told him a thousand times he should pay more attention.

"If she finds out you think about her that way, she'll be mad at you again." Alexis stated when Castle was done with his performance.

"But who's gonna tell her?" He stepped onto the other side of the counter, levelling his eyes with those of his daughter. "My own flesh and blood? I don't think so."

"Well," she smirked at him, climbing down from the barstool to set the table, "Maybe one day I'll use it against you."

"You wouldn't. You little minx," Castle stared at her, amusement dancing in his eyes.

His daughter just shrugged, leaving him without an answer.

Kate had been home later than she had expected, but Vice had requested her again and it was a good opportunity for her to shine besides her normal duties and so she had willingly agreed to the assignment.

Fortunately Cynthia had been able to stay longer than usual and so Kate hadn't had to worry about a babysitter.

When she walked into the front door Cynthia was on the couch reading, looking up shortly before she put the book away, joining Kate in the hallway.

"She's been fast asleep for the past two hours," Cynthia informed her, smiling gently at Kate.

"Good," Kate smiled back, kicking off her shoes, "How did it go today?"

"Great we've been to the playground," Cynthia gave her a calculating look. "And she went on and on about someone called Rick." She raised her eyebrows in question. "Rick apparently built her a very impressive castle."

"Yeah," Kate's hands ran nervously through her hair.

"Who's Rick?"

She should have known that Cynthia would ask about him once she found out. Chewing on her bottom lip, Kate looked anywhere but Cynthia, "He's just a friend." She finally said, hoping Cynthia would leave it like this but of course she didn't.

"A friend? You never mentioned him."

"An old friend, I haven't seen him in quite some time and -," she didn't get any further.

"Wait a minute," Cynthia eyes widened in shock. "Rick like in Richard Castle?"

Kate just huffed but it was enough of an answer to Cynthia.

"Oh my God, Kate."

"It's nothing, really."

"Nothing? Isn't he like your favorite author?"

This was getting embarrassing.

"I like his books, yes." Kate's voice was firm. She didn't want to be interrogated, especially not about Richard Castle and how much she loved his books and why she was having play dates with him and her daughter.

Cynthia picked up on her mood, showing some mercy she let Kate of the hook, "Okay, you don't want to talk about it. I get it. It's none of my business anyway. But Kate he's really cute and seems to be a fun guy and you could use some fun."

"Cynthia." Kate glared at her.

"Okay, okay. I'm gone," the elder woman grinned at her before quickly walking over to the front door, "See you tomorrow, Kate."

The door closed behind her and Kate just stared at it. He was cute, she knew that herself. She let out a frustrated growl, silently cursing Cynthia for putting that thought into her head when she still had to call him.

Castle's phone rang at 10:40pm while he dozed on the couch and he needed a few seconds to realize what had pulled him from the comfortable state he had been in. He practically leaped at the receiver lying on the coffee table when he realized it was the phone and it had to be Kate.

"Castle," he sounded breathless and she wondered what he had been doing. Maybe he was with someone?

"Am I interrupting?" She asked a bit too snappy and without a greeting as if she expected him to know it was her.

"No, why?" He sounded confused, his hand running through his hair to rearrange his messy bangs.

"You sound breathless," she stated without thinking.

"Oh, yeah. I fell asleep on the couch and I have to admit the phone startled me a little, that's all." He explained and Kate could hear his breathing was already calming down again.

"Oh, okay," she muttered and yet she couldn't stop the next words that escaped her lips, "So you're alone tonight?" Why was she asking him this? She bit down on her bottom lip. Damn Cynthia and her wicked mind, putting these pictures in her head, pleasant pictures, because, yes he was cute, but now she was angry with herself to think about him in that way at all. And she obviously had nothing better to do than to take it out on him.

"Opposed to when?" He still hadn't caught up with her train of thoughts but Kate was silent on the other end of the line, relieved he couldn't see her and the nice shade of red, spreading all over her face. But then it dawned on him. "You mean my mother?" He asked.

His mother?

"Your mother?" She coaxed out.

"You talked to her on the phone the last time you called," he explained easily, if he was irritated by her behavior he didn't let it show.

His mother? It had been his mother who had picked up the phone when she had called two nights ago? This whole thing got more embarrassing by the minute, what was wrong with her tonight?

"Did you check your schedule?" Castle asked and she was immensely grateful he didn't question her strange interrogation about things that really weren't any of her business. It was a good thing Kate couldn't see the big grin plastered all over Castle's face.

"I did, yes," she hesitated, knowing he wouldn't like what she would tell him next, "Saturday is the earliest possible day for us to make it."

"Saturday?" Kate could hear the disappointment in his voice. "That's four days from now."

"I know. I'm sorry," she meant it. "I have this special assignment with Vice and it means longer hours than usual." She didn't know why she felt the need to explain it to him.

"It's okay," he sighed. "I'd just hoped that -," he left the sentence unfinished.

They were silent while Castle tried to get a hold of his disappointment, "Will you tell her I said 'hi'?

"Of course," Kate's voice came soft over the line, "and I'll call you to clear the details."

She sounded as if she wanted to end the call, but there was something else on his mind, "Kate, we need to talk about," he paused, "things. I mean like child support and –." She cut him off.

"Castle," her tone was warning. "Not now. You agreed we would take it slow."

"I know, but I want you to know that- ." Again she didn't let him finish.

"I know and I appreciate it, but now is not the time to talk about it, okay?" He could tell she didn't like that he brought it up and he feared she still hadn't fully decided to let him into his daughter's life.

"Kate," he sounded almost heart broken and for a second she didn't know why, but then she quickly put it together.

"Castle, this is not about you being a part of her life, okay? I meant it when I said I'm willing to give this, you a chance and I'm not changing my mind." Kate sighed, trying to gather her thoughts. "You were great with her. She likes you and I don't want to get in the way of that."

He was stunned into silence and so was Kate she hadn't meant to reveal any of this, hadn't even realized it was the way she obviously felt, but there was no way back. The words were out there.

"So let's concentrate on one thing at the time and right now that is you and Jamie getting to know each other." She waited for him to say something and when he finally did, she could hear he'd been touched by her words.

"Okay, I get it. You're right, so Saturday?"

"Saturday it is and I'll tell her you said "hi"." He could hear she was smiling.

"Night, Kate."

They hung up and Castle dropped the phone on the couch next to him. Four days. He sighed as he got up from the couch, making his way over to his bedroom. He had hoped to be able to see Jamie sooner, but on the other hand Kate's words had reassured him and for the first time he went to bed and didn't fear it would all be taken away from him again.
