

Olivia's family business was on the verge of collapse and she was been looked down upon by others Even her fiance had set her up, although they had a good relationship before. On the contrary, he was a well known rich CEO with a handsome face and a wealthy family background. There were countless girls willing to throw themselves at him. Unexpectedly, they had spent a romantic night together. Two people who had no intersection began to fall in love with each other and wanted to spend their lives together.

SilverJade · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


 She leaned against the wall of the quiet corridor, lost in thought. However, the sound of a magnetic voice talking brought her back to reality. 

 ""President Ambrose, it's a rare opportunity for James Morgan to be hospitalized"". A man in a well-tailored suit said in a hushed tone to Alexander.

 Alexander had a cigarette in his mouth and suddenly held it between his fingers, his cold eyes swept across the tiled floor. In the dark shadow, his lips slightly parted as he uttered two words "kill him" and brought the cigarette back to his lips, he took a long drag of the cigarette and let out a puff before saying "make it look like a medical accident."

 Gerrard frowned, ""aren't you going overboard ? He's your uncle"". If he really killed James Morgan, his mother would be devastated.

 ""He embezzled so much money from the company. So he deserves to die. He can't blame anyone else but himself,"" Alexander said coldly, with a dangerous smile.

 Olivia hid in a corner and looked at the dangerous man. She couldn't see his face as he had his back to her. With just a few words, she knew that he was definitely not someone to be messed with. Moreover, his voice and figure were familiar... But who were they talking about killing?

 James Morgan? She seemed to have heard of this name somewhere before. Olivia felt a buzzing in her head as she tried to recall who James Morgan was. A dignified male voice that could not be refused suddenly rang in her ears. The sound was pleasant, like a cello chord, but it was chillingly cold. 

 "Who's there?" There was no emotion in the cold voice.

 It was clearly summer, but Olivia felt cold at that moment. Her four limbs seemed to have been frozen by ice and the blood in her body was flustered to the point that it flowed backwards. Olivia held her breath and raised her head slowly as she came in contact with the man's back. 

 At that moment, the man turned around. The instant their eyes met, Olivia couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear in her entire being. She stared into his deep blue eyes that were cold as the ocean itself and his proud and aloof face seemed to be filled with danger.

 It was Alexander Ambrose! Olivia really wanted to disappear in an instant but knew it was only in her imagination. 

 "I swear I didn't hear anything." Olivia took three deep breaths and pretended to be calm as she spoke without tearing her gaze from the man, but her smile was fluttering.

 The man smiled indifferently, his ocean-like eyes were hiding his shrewdness and his thin lips curled into a mocking smile.

 Looking at Olivia's nervous expression, the smile on Alexander's eyes became even more pronounced. Obviously, Olivia was afraid.

 Didn't hear anything. How did she know they were talking just now? She was a reckless woman who thought she was smart, and just by looking into her eyes he could see the fear in it.

 Olivia felt goosebumps all over her body. This man's aura had a sense of oppression and coldness. It was impossible for her to talk to him without her being agitated. She felt his imposing aura and tried to look normal.

 ""Why are you nervous?"" Alexander suddenly took a step forward and walked towards Olivia with a sneer on his face.

 Nervous, she wasn't nervous, she was scared when she saw him walking towards her. This man just gave orders for someone to be killed. How could she not be scared? "I'm not nervous, why would I be nervous?" Olivia looked around. This was the highest floor and the inpatient department that she was most familiar with. The hospital was still quite safe, she thought to herself.

 Alexander narrowed his eyes and his thin lips moved slightly. His blue eyes scanned her up and down. He was enjoying himself as he thought of what a coincidence that they bumped into each other again.

 "Are you a doctor in this hospital?" Alexander asked playfully, while in fact he had already checked her background.

 ""No, I'm not"" Olivia quickly denied it. How could she admit that she was a doctor here, she was not stupid?

 ""If you're not a doctor, then why are you wearing a white coat?"" A hint of mockery appeared in his eyes as he found her cute.

 Olivia nervously said ""I only wore it for fun."" Olivia was feeling guilty for denying her profession, but she used her smile to cover up her guilt and nervousness.

 She had just finished speaking when Alexander grabbed her shoulder with one hand, his hold was so strong that Olivia felt her eyes pricked with tears. But she blinked to stop the tears. She was a very resilient person, and even when she got hurt or sometimes injured she wouldn't share a single tear.

 ""I see you are quite the stubborn type. I like it. Now tell me exactly what you heard. Alexander sounded impatient as he stared at her with a cold gaze. He hated it when people played most with his intelligence. 

 ""What do you want me to say? I told you I didn't hear anything."" Olivia's clear eyes met him head on as she denied hearing anything. She would never admit what she heard even if he held a gun pointing at her. 

 "If that's the case, don't blame me for being impolite, Gerrard." Alexander suddenly let go of Olivia's shoulder. She stumbled and almost lost her balance but quickly caught herself thanks to her reflexes. 

 Gerrard also hurriedly walked towards Alexander. His face was even colder as he stood behind Alexander. He wore a black suit and his stiff face made Olivia feel more terrified. 

 ""What do you want? This is a hospital. You can't just do anything you want." Olivia pressed her back against the wall, feeling a slight chill behind her back, as she asked with a frown.

 "Hospital! So what, I could easily shut this place down if I wanted"". Alexander said with a calm expression, as if everything was under his control, his words carried a sense of hostility and dominance, making Olivia unable to breath. 

 "If you're so amazing as you claim, why are you here then?" Olivia stared at Alexander contemptuously. She thought to herself, he really knows how to brag.

 A moment ago, she was really afraid of Alexander, but at this moment, she found his words very funny. He really knows how to threaten people. She had seen this type of person before. Moreover, Alexander's move just now was habitual. Childish! She muse.

 "Are you questioning me". Alexander found it funny when he heard Olivia's provocative tone. No one had ever talked to him boldly and with such a questioning tone.

 Olivia nodded with certainty. ""Yes, and let me remind you, this is a hospital. Every corner is monitored. If you don't believe me, you can take a look yourself. 

 There was a long silence, but Alexander didn't even bother to raise his head, because he believed Olivia's words. Indeed, the hospital was filled with surveillance cameras.

 His expression did not change, and a faint smile hung on his dark face. "Do you think this could threaten me?" He gestured to one of the surveillance cameras. There was a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes, and his thin lips curved into a faint smile.

 The word 'threat' echoed in Olivia's mind. She never thought of threatening Alexander, she just didn't want him to be bothering her. When she had overheard his conversation just now, she didn't even dare to admit that she was a doctor in this hospital because she was afraid that she would be entangled with him in the future if he knew that she worked in the hospital.

 President Ambrose, please forgive me for my earlier impoliteness, but I swear I really didn't listen to anything. I'm quite busy, can I take my leave now?"" Olivia's pleasant voice quivered slightly In the quiet passage, but she tried to maintain a calm smile.

 ""Remember what you said just now, even if you did hear anything, you have to pretend not to. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences "", Alexander calmly finished his words before he walked past Olivia.

 Olivia pursed her lips and her entire body went limp. She blinked her large eyes and felt a little out of breath. She took a deep breath and returned to her office.

 Returning to her office, Olivia sat on her leather chair and quietly looked at her patient's report. However, Alexander's words were still ringing in her ears, especially the name James Morgan.

 Why does this name sound so familiar ? She was certain that she hadn't met this person before. The feeling of having a short circuit pass through her head made her feel uncomfortable. As she flipped through her patient report, she saw the name. James Morgan!

James Morgan was the name of the patient she had operated on this morning. He had a serious myocardial infarction. Olivia recalled Alexander's words. Kill him and make it look like a medical accident. James Morgan was her patient. If anything were to happen to him, she, as his attending physician, would be held responsible!