
A Night Change

Rollywrites · Realistic
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3 Chs

The billionaire son.

Part 1:

"The kind of life you're living is

useless. Being a billionaire's child

doesn't mean you should be stupid.

How could a grown-up man have

nothing he's doing for a living?"

Lucas James, a billionaire who dealt

with many businesses, said to his

sOn, Adebayo. "Or have you

forgotten you're the heir of this


He paused, glaring at Adebayo,

who bowed and folded his hands.

"Ehn? Answer me!" Lucas's voice

lashed. He moved closer to him, "If

you keep doing these things, who

would take care of the properties

when I'm gone? Oh! You will share

them with those useless girls you're

Carrying up and down?"

Adebayo trembled. trying not to

show he was sweating inside, and

hoping that an angel would come to

his aid.

Lucas folded his arms, fiery eyes

on his son. "Tomorrow night, there

shall be a meeting between us and the

Williams' family. You'd be getting

married to their daughter. Maybe, if

you get married. you will rethink and

live a better life."

Adebayo raised his head sharply,

breaking out. "Dad! I'm not into


A slap that burnt like fire landed

on his left chin. it tuned red





"I didn't ask for your opinion. you

fool!" Lucas said. "And you must be

present here tomorrow."He left the room.

Adebayo punched the wall and

screamed as he couldn't think of

anything to make him unavoidably

absent the next day. He couldn't stop

muttering the same words: "Getting

married to the Williams family? Hell

no! Not with that girl, not at all!"

Footsteps approached him. Shade,

their maid. "Why all of this?" she

asked, towel in hand. "I honestly

don't see anything wrong with

marrying a

Adebayo cut in. "Get married to a

rich man's daughter and become their

slave? No!" He sank into a chair and

rubbed his chin.

She sat beside him. "You may be

getting it all wrong. Ade.

"How?" He moved closer with curiosity written all over him.

"You're just addicted to the kind of

life you're living. and you don't think

you can stick with one woman

forever. You think you'll cheat

because that's what you know

yourself for." A reflective silence

prevailed. They stared at each other.

"That's true, but.."

Shade cut him off. "But what?

Ehn, but wetin?" She paused. "You

have to think about it. Nothing lasts

forever. AIl these friends are just here

to spend your dad's money with you.

Has anyone of them told you what

you've been doing is wrong?"

He raised his brows and shook his

head. "Never."

"Of course, they wouldn't! Just

think." She gave him a pat and left.