
A Night Change

Rollywrites · Realistic
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3 Chs

Hidden truth.

Part 3:

Time flew fast.

Debbie gave birth to Adebayo's

child, believing he'd take proper


But this was not the case for Adebayo.

"How do I tell my dad that

someone has a child for me outside, a

stripper at that?" he asked Shade one


"He has to know. Or, how long do

you want to keep this secret from

him?" she asked. "It's not gonna be a

secret forever." She paused. "Have

you told the girl that your father is

planning to get you two married?"


Debbie flew from her seat. "What?

What did you just say "

"I'm telling you the truth." Kate,

Debbie's friend. said. "I overheard

their conversation while | was

passing by the window, His wedding

is in weeks, woman."

"This cannot be true," Debbie

shouted. "I mean, we meet every day,

and he's never said anything related to that."

"It's clear he's going to abandon

you and your child," Kate said,

"Oh. please. mind your freaking

tongues," Debbie barked and

stamped away.


Debbie's life took a turn for the

worse. That same day, she was sent

out of the hotel with her child. Her

manager said she could not longer

keep a child and a mother in a room

that was supposed to be rented to her

customers, and that Debbie brought

her bad luck by staying there.

This was when Debbie decided to

meet Adebayo's family.

She went to his wedding putting

on black trousers, and a black. long-

sleeved body hug, with a fez cap.

She knew she had to give this her all. She went there early and was

patient till the right time came. Then

it came -the perfect moment.

"is there anyone against this

marriage?" the priest bellowed.

"Yes!" Debbie called out and got

to her feet.

Like pots with no Covers,

everyone's mouths fell open.

"Why, and who are you. madam?"

the pastor asked as Debbie had not

removed her fez cap.

"I am..." She paused and remove

her cap. Seeing her. Adebayo took

steps backward until he got to the


"How__ how did she know?" he

stammered, and the pastor looked

straight into his eyes.

"Can you explain what's

happening?" he asked him.


Debbie said, "I will. becaUse he can't." She walked to the altar, cap in

hand. "I have a child for him." She paused. Letting the rising murmur die down.

"We meet every day, and he never

told me he was getting married. I was

thrown out of where I live with his

child, and now I can't take it

anymore. And I'm ready to drive this

matter to the ends of the carth."

Lucas stepped forward, slowly. "IS

this true, Adebayo?"

Adebayo couldn't speak. His chest

rose and fell heavily.

Lucas shook his head. "This is the

biggest shame I've had in my life,

Bayo. But I can't let my reputation be

dragged into the mud. You shall get

married to this woman who has your child."

He paused. swallowing the tears that rushed and turned to the


" I'm sorry for the inconveniences we have caused you,people. This wedding is dissolved."

The crowd dispersed.

°°°°°Lucas lost he contract he was

getting his son married for. There

Was a proper introduction between

the two families (Debbie's and the

Lucas' families). They got married.

Later it was known to the Lucas'

family that Ava, the heiress of the

Williams family. lost her womb as a

result of abortions she had when she

was seventeen. That was why her

father, Mr. Williams, desperately

wanted to get her married in

exchange for a contract.