
A New World In Marvel

{Rewrite is up} A teen bored of everything gets a weird game link on his computer. With Just 6 Words Welcome to the Word of Marvel Now he is in a world filled with mad titans desperately simping for the personification of death. At every corner, there's danger and chaos but yet maybe this new world can belong to him.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

One shot

Hey so unfortunately this isn't an actual chapter It's more just a quick little story to keep you happy until I post this weekend.

I just wanna say that I'm sorry for my terrible upload schedule it's just that I don't have time during the week because I go to high school where I'm taking high school and college classes at the same time and because of that I have college classes every day after school and when I'm done I just wanna sleep so I don't get the time to post during the week.

Spring break is coming up so expect a mass release from next week Thursday to maybe the Saturday before school starts up again.


James sits quietly in a cafe a small steaming cup of coffee rests in front of him as he mindlessly scrolls through his phone moving through his feed. He furrows his eyebrows when he sees a strange video, the video doesn't have any sound the screen is completely blank but the words embrace me are in a weird melted font. The text shouldn't have freaked him out it wasn't anything particularly scary and the video itself was extremely low quality but the feeling James felt when he saw it was a petrifying fear that seemed to come from his bones.

Cindy Moon stepped into the coffee shop, dressed in a flowing, knee-length sundress with a colorful floral pattern that complemented her striking beauty. Her dark hair was swept up in a loose bun, and a pair of stylish sunglasses perched on her head, adding a touch of glamour to her already captivating presence.

As she walked towards the table where James was waiting, she caught the eye of several people in the shop who turned to admire her effortless style and confident poise. But Cindy was focused on James, and her eyes lit up with a warm, welcoming smile as she approached.

"Hey there," she said, her voice soft and melodious. "You look like you've been waiting a while. I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

James stood up to greet her, his eyes taking in her beauty and grace. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride to be seen with such a stunning and confident woman.

"It's okay," he said, smiling back at her. "You're worth the wait."

Cindy's cheeks flushed at his compliment, and she sat down across from him, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"So, what brings you here today?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "I just wanted to catch up," James replied, leaning forward slightly. "It feels like we haven't had a chance to talk in forever."

Cindy nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "I know what you mean. It seems like our lives have been so busy lately."

The two chatted easily, their conversation ranging from the mundane details of their everyday lives to more profound topics like some of their most recent hero work. The conversation had made James completely forget about the strange video that was making him feel so unnerved.

James quietly listens to Cindy tell a story from her job at the daily bugle, as he listens he sees a car zoom by at breakneck speeds, while a speeding car would never catch his attention the man with an assault rifle and ski mask sticking out of it most likely would.

He slightly motioned to Cindy to leave which she obliged leaving their half-drunk coffees on the table as they rush into an adjacent alley to suit up and chase the bad guys.

The duo climbed to the top of a building and swung after the crooks. The duo swung as fast as they could to catch up to the speeding vehicle. James takes the lead and lands on the roof of the car.

"Hey, guys sorry for dropping in like this" with a cheeky smile under his face mask he grabs one of the crooks and pulls out the window, and throws him onto the sidewalk.

Silk rolls he eyes with a slight smile at Jame's antics before landing on the roof of the car next to James.

"Y'know Pete is starting to rub off on you"

James doesn't reply as his Cheshire cat grin simply grows larger as he reaches his hand through the roof of the car and pulls out another of the crooks. The remaining two crooks are freaking out as they start emptying their MAGS at the spiders on the roof of the Suv.

The crook in the passenger seat looks to see if he hit them only to have the passenger side door opened before he's dragged from the passenger seat by Silk.

The driver's eyes bulge seeing his friend being so easily dragged from his seat in the car by a girl of all people. He however meets a similar fate as the car completely stops despite the fact that he crushed the gas pedal the Suv seemingly refuses to move. He finally gives up and accepts his fate as the Suv is put back on the ground and the drive is webbed up by James and left on the street as a present for the police.

"James sometimes you just do the most"

"I know" was all he said as he swung away with an extremely cocky grin.


How was the one shot

I hope you liked even though the plot was kinda basic I like the idea of James going with supervillains as it kinda fits the coky personally we all love.

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