
A New Wolf in Twilight

Dying, gaining a few wishes and reincarnating into a world where an Underworld of Vampires pretty much rules the world, watch as Alexander becomes something who makes the Supernatural world know that a single being can become a threat to everything. ( I don't own the cover photo I'm currently using. If the original owner wants me to take it down, then I will. )

CalmBerserker · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Dinner with Leah

Sitting down, I looked around the restaurant seeing that it was nearly full, with only a few chairs empty here and there, and for the most part, they seemed to be in the same situation as me - waiting for someone.

It made sense that the place was nearly full; it was a Friday and today would be the perfect day for a meal with someone or multiple people to kick start a wonderful weekend.

Though I was getting glares from some people in the restaurant. Mainly boys who were giving their date a boring time and their date had taken to looking at me to pass the time. I ignored it, for the most part, it honestly wasn't that bad as long as I didn't look back at either party.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long and endure too much of this staring as a familiar scent wafted into the room with a breeze and I instantly perked up in my seat.

The scent came with some unfamiliar but nice smell, and I guessed it must have been some kind of perfume.

Though the scent would do nothing to prepare me for what I saw next.

Leah was dressed in a white blouse which was a bit unique. Unique because it stopped just above her navel, showing her toned stomach which had the definite showings of a six-pack. It didn't take from her beauty but truly solidified her image as a warrior and only made her more attractive in my eyes.

Below that was a black frilled skirt which stopped around her mid-thigh, while still showing off her long, slender legs which glowed in a coppery light from the surrounding candles and dim lights. Finishing off her look were high-heels which raised her height to around 6ft and made her legs look even more toned and longer*.

(A/N - For those who don't get what this means, High-heels force your feet to be pointed which flexes your calves and gives them a more sleek/toned appearance aka making your legs better looking and longer. I should know, mainly because my sister is always complaining about how wearing high-heels is annoying despite what they do. You haven't suffered until you've had to spend an entire Christmas morning learning about the intricacies of high-heels from your sister and mom...)

But most of all, her face looked the most stunning.

Like usual, her eyelashes looked long and thick but right now they looked...bolder, more full. While the whites of her eyes seemed to pop of out me and because of that, her brown eyes looked even clearer than usual. She'd applied a small amount of eye shadow and this gave her a sexy look, while her lips had a light layer of lip gloss which made her lips shine even under the limited amount of light in the room.

This made her lips look simply...delectable. I can guarantee her lips would definitely be my first pick for my starter, main course, and dessert if they were on the menu.

Standing up from my chair, I felt her eyes wander over me and from the smile on her face - she liked what she saw.

Walking over to meet her, I brought her into a hug which she returned with as much, if not more, enthusiasm as me. Separating from her, I looked down at her and widened my eyes for effect before speaking.

"Just, wow. My God, Leah, you looked amazing," I spoke lost for words, only being able to spit out a generic compliment but Leah didn't seem to mind as she smiled even wider before she cheekily stepped closer and looked up at me with a mock-accusatory look to her eyes.

"I bet you say that to all the girls, biker boy," she whispered 'biker boy' and her voice sent goosebumps down my arms but she carried on, "Though I'll accept it, for now~" she backed away and pointed at the table behind me, "Should we sit down and order?"

"Ah, yeah, of course," I walked over to her chair and pulled it out for her - manners never cost anyone - before smiling at her.

Seeing me do this, I could practically hear the flutters of Leah's heart as she went red before looking at me like a thirsty women in a desert, "Ah, so you're not a total grease monkey - you can show such care for something that doesn't have an engine?" she cheekily said before sitting on the chair.

I pushed it in with ease before walking over to my own seat and sitting down opposite Leah.

When I looked across at her, she was busy trying to distract herself by looking at the menu, and already knowing what I wanted, I just sat and stared at her.

It was rude, and more than a little creepy, but I couldn't help myself. I was just enthralled by her.

Her expression while thinking was especially cute and I couldn't help but smile while looking at it.

After a while, Leah looked up at me and saw me smile which caused her to smile slightly in confusion, "What?" she thought for a moment before a look of horror flashed over her face, "Did I mess up my make-up or something? Oh god, I knew I should've just came with no make-up on--!"

Seeing her overreacting, I placed a hand on hers while shaking my head with a mirthful smile, "Nothing like that, no. I was just thinking about how cute you look when you're trying to decide on something to eat," I laughed, my smile splitting my face even further, "Sorry if that's creepy or something but I thought I'd tell you the truth before you have a mental breakdown."

Laughing, even more now, I didn't realize that Leah had turned her hand over and entwined her fingers with mine. Quickly, with a relieved face, Leah joined in on my laughter before replying to me.

"It's not creepy...well, not too much anyway," she playfully teased with a wink before carrying on, "Definitely better than the alternative of my make-up being fucked--oh, my bad, sorry, I meant messed up," she hurried corrected herself, probably afraid of seeming unladylike.

"Hey, don't think you have to censor yourself around me, Leah. Speak how you want, act how you want - as long as it isn't malicious or overly offensive and aimed at me, feel free to be yourself," I smiled while squeezing her hand, reassuring her that I wouldn't automatically hate her just because she swore.

Hearing me, she let out a sigh of relief, "Well, that's a hell of a relief. Nothing much has changed since we were kids, I guess, Alex - I'm still that tomboy who's not very ladylike," she joked but I could tell this was a real sore spot for her, so I decided to tread carefully.

"That's not true, Leah," I started, getting her attention, "You were a little brat who looked exactly like a boy back then, now, however," I motioned at her with my free hand, "You're definitely feminine. I could tell you're a woman, and a beautiful one at that, even if I had both my eyes closed," I laughed, getting an embarrassed giggle from Leah before carrying on, "What I'm trying to say is: Don't get caught up in social stigmas, Leah. Be how you want to be, but just remember that no matter how vulgar you get, there's always someone who still thinks of you as a lady," winking at her, I gave her a final playful smile before leaning back, still keeping my hand in hers.

Leah seemed a bit stunned by what I said and looked between me, her menu, and the table multiple times, seemingly thinking about something.

Her face was blushed and from the twitching muscles on her face, I could see she was fighting the urge to smile which caused me to fondly look over at her; just like always she has her shell up, trying to not show her emotions on her face. But as always, she's failing terribly.

After about a minute of silence, Leah finally replied to me.

"Thank you, Alex...That means a lot. Especially from you," her behavior was meek and unlike the girl who was just teasing me. She finally let herself smile and coupled with the blush on her face, she looked absolutely dazzling. But she didn't seem finished as she decided to carry on, "I was really worried I'd ruin dinner with some stupid comment or by being too...coarse or something. So to know that I can be myself around you...it's relaxing, you know? Like a whole bunch of weight was just taken off my shoulders," for added effect, she took in a big breath before blowing it out slowly and calmly, her mouth split into a smile aimed toward me after doing so.

Shrugging my shoulders with a small grin, "Ah, it's nothing too big. You're one of my closest friends, Leah - if you can't be yourself around me, then no one can," I chuckled, knowing what I said was the truth.

Hearing me, Leah had a look of disappointment flash over her face before she lifted the menu and put her face on the side of it. She quirked her eyebrows up and down before looking at me with questioningly, "Should we order then? I'm starving."

Nodding, I called out to a waiter who was walking past our table and called him over to our table.

He walked over with a notepad in hand and looked at me and Leah before speaking, "Hello, sir, madam, I hope you're enjoying your evening with us," he did a small smile before a look of concentration came over him, "Now, may I ask what you're ordering?"

Smiling back at the polite guy, I started relaying my order, "I'll have a lasagna, a large portion, and extra cheese, crab and creamy vino ravioli, another large portion, please, and I'll haveee, uhh, the creamy Tagliatelle with bacon and mushrooms," I went to place an order for a drink but when I looked up, all I saw was Leah and the waiter looking at me weird, "What? I eat a lot. It's not that big a deal...can I order my drink now?"

Nodding rapidly and probably hoping I don't get him fired because of his unprofessional-ism, the waiter awaited my drink order.

While I told him I'd have a large lemonade, I could still see Leah staring at me from the corner of my eye - she was both wide-eyed and joyfully smiling. It was a weird combination. But on her face, it just worked.

When it came to Leah's order she ordered some spaghetti which she also had in a large portion. She just stuck to water for her drink.

Once that was over, the flustered waiter, still probably shocked by my large order, walked away. As soon as it was just the two of us, Leah looked over at me with a smile of disbelief.

"Will you really eat all of that?" she shook her head, still smiling, before carrying on, "Because if so - are you sure you don't have a tapeworm or something? Your appetites massive!" she laughed, it sounding like the mixture of a chortle and a giggle - a unique combination but from Leah, it seemed oddly fitting.

Rolling my eyes, I replied to her with a sarcastic glint in my eye, "Sure, I have a whole family of tapeworms in me, Leah," mimicking her laughter like some kind of ventriloquist puppet, mocking her, Leah picked up a napkin and threw it at me with a mock-offended look on her face.

Naturally, I grabbed the napkin before it even got close to my face and threw it back in front of her before smiling smugly at Leah.

She grunted in frustration but it didn't have any real power behind it, so I could tell it was just for show, and that Leah was probably enjoying my company and was just...flirting.


Clearing my mind, I became unnaturally focused on Leah's hand holding mine. Her skin was soft - incredibly soft - it felt nice to hold and even better to squeeze. Squeezing her hand, I saw her mouth form into a smile as she squeezed back. It was nice.

We continued to talk, tease and joke with one another.

I learned that Leah also wanted to go out exploring the world after she graduated and both of us were shocked but overall very happy, that the other had the same goal/aspiration in life. We talked about where we'd want to go, how we'd get there, and even what we'd do there. Leah wanted to go to most of Asia while I was more set on Europe more but we could both see why the other wanted to go to the places they did.

Before long, our food arrived and I quickly started devouring my food, knowing Leah wouldn't mind my, quite frankly, terrible table manner.

...I can't help it! I'm really hungry, okay?!

Luckily she only laughed at it with a fond look in her eye before digging into her own meal.

The food was delicious. Not world-class but definitely nice enough for the food to sate my need for food and then some.

Once the two of us finished (around the same time, to the shock and disbelief of Leah) we started talking on what we were going to do now.

"Well, we can either get dessert and then go somewhere, or we can go somewhere now," I shrugged my shoulders before smiling at Leah, "It's up to you."

Leah raised an eyebrow at me, "We're going somewhere after this?" her face looked a bit confused.

"Well, we can. If you want to, that is," thinking I'd said something wrong, I stiffly said this before looking at Leah's face more closely, looking for any hints on what was wrong.

Seeing my stiffness and hearing what I said, Leah pursed her lips before looking at me with a look that said 'are you an idiot?'.

"Of course I want to, Alex. I was just wondering where we could go?" she shook her head in a teasing manner, "If I knew I made you this anxious, I'd have tried to dumb down my appearance a bit~" she winked over at me before excusing herself saying she needed to go the restroom, telling me to think of where we could go after this.

Mentally slapping myself for being such a nervous wreck, I wondered how the thought of fighting Vampires or going to a house full of them tomorrow, didn't scare me even as little as messing up on this dinner date with Leah. Are all teenagers this bad with priorities?

Sighing, I called over for the bill and got it.

Slapping down the money needed, plus a 5 dollar tip, I slipped into my leather jacket before waiting for Leah.

She soon came back, and after enjoying the sight of me in a leather jacket, she spoke up, "So, decide on what we're doing yet?" she curled her mouth in a questioning smile which paired with the hand on her curvy hip, made for a seductive look which took my breathe away.

Knocking myself out of that state as quickly as I possibly could, I looked back at Leah and simpered* at her.

"Would you like to go and watch a movie with me, Ms. Clearwater?" I put on a fake southern drawl, putting my hand out for Leah to grab.

Smiling delightful, Leah grabbed my hand before doing a small curtsy, "Oh, of course, fine sir," she returned with her own accent before giggling and turning around an dragging me to the door.

This was going to be fun.