
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Before Walpurgis

The time has arrived.

It is time for our next battle, then we can regain the peace we once had.

With Claymans death and the fall of his territory that will be made possible.

Three days have passed since the beastmen arrived here. And during all three of those days, the beastmen trained through them all.

The beastketeers especially wanted to train under some of my people.

Alvis trained under Kiyoko

Suphia trained under Shion

Phobio trained under Benimaru, who occasionally swapped out for Sakame.

To say they were put to the test might be an understatement. Though it was training, the three of them wanted my people to use as much or a littler bit more than the power that the three of them possessed. Each time they had gotten beaten, I healed them, they fight again. Rinse and repeat.

But those days are over now.

Today we claim Claymans life to regain our peaceful lives.

I am standing on a platform with people up here with me.

Those people are Ciel with Shinsha and Shalsha next to her holding her hands.



And Testarossa

Standing in front of me was the entire force going to raid that bastards domain.

With how much strength they have, losing against this foe may prove impossible. Even having a single casualty may prove difficult.

Our forces consist of 10,000 lycanthropes led by the three beastketeers.

The Goblin Riders led by Gobta.

A force of ogres who serve as Benimarus personal guard.

4,000 hobgoblins

5,000 High Orcs led by Geld

And Dragonewts led by Gabiru.

Giving us a total of 20,000 troops.

Since I had introduced both Zegion and Apito to everyone else, it appeared they took a liking to them both. But those two are staying here to protect Tempest. I was going to leave Veldora here, but someone wanted me to bring him to Walpurgis. That someone was Velzard.

Our strategy has already been devised. The main force will decimate claymans army while a group consisting of Shion, Souei, Shuna, and Hakarou will be invading claymans castle. Where do my demons have a part in this?

They dont.

I sent Diablo, Carrera, and Ultima back to the demon world to get more demons so I can have a force that consists of them. Being led by the four of course.

Testarossa is still here because I have a separate job for her. She is going to the kingdom of Farmus to how do I say? Threaten them. She is going there with the hero Youm, the beastman Grucius and Myulan. As I learned from when I first met that woman, both Youm and this Grucius guy are in love with her. My plan of course is to install Youm as the new king of farmus. With Myulan reciprocating his feelings that would make her queen. And thus Grucius guy is in it for the long run.

Youm will become the new king of farmus and be allies with us, from that point going forward. With his agreement to that, I promised him a gift when I get the chance to making it.

But back to the current situation. I am about to transport all of our forces to the battlefield to get ready and ambush Claymans forces. By the time that happens the Walpurgis would have started.

Benimaru will be leading our forces with Sakame as an advisor of sorts. But now it is time to address everyone.

"Ahem! With the amount of you there are with those of exceptional power, I expect complete and utter defeat or annihilation of Claymans army. Now go win!"

"We will bring glory and victory to Rimuru-sama!" My part of the forces all said at once. I could not be any happier that they are by my side. Time to transport them all with my transport magic.

Once used, dozens of complex magical circles appeared over the army. The glow from the magic was so bright, it could have blinded my human self. Then a bright pillar of light cast itself over the army. After that the army was nowhere to be seen, having been transferred to the designated area.

With that finished the next thing I did was see off Testarossa and Youms party as they departed for Farmus.

Now I can prepare myself, for Walpurgis.

'Clayman, I hope your strong enough for me to use my power. Even if only a little.'

Ranga hopped into my shadow, Veldora, my three girls and I teleported back into my office to wait for Walpurgis to start.

We sat there for hours waiting for Walpurgis to start. Ciel and I were playing with Shinsha and Shalsha. Veldora was reading manga on the other couch with a nervous expression. He was sitting like that for a while but all of a sudden...

"Rimuru, why do I have to go?" Veldora asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Whats wrong? You wanted to go earlier." I answered. He proceeded to get more frustrated.

"You know whats wrong! If she is there, I don't wanna be!" He practically screamed in my ears.

"Well, she wanted you to come, so you gotta. And besides, I don't know if she will try to punish me for not listening to her, soooo.... Sorry Brother." I said to him with a devastated and heartbroken face. All as if I felt sorry for his soon to be demise.

He only got even more worried from my reaction.

"Don't worry! Uncle Veldora is strong!"

"Yeah! If a fight arrives, Uncle Veldora can fend off the opponent!"

Both voices of confidence erupted for Veldora. Those were Shinsha and Shalsha giving him some sort of praise.

Now Veldora only got even paler. Shinsha and Shalsha had very high expectations for Veldora. Usually when praised like that, Veldora would start boasting but that is different now. He probably got pale because he didn't want to disappoint his nieces.

"O-Of course! I-I will never l-lose in front of my n-nieces! Kuahahah!"

'Yeah, that didn't assure me of anything you liar.' I thought to myself. I heard snicker come from Ciel. I presume she heard my thoughts and couldn't hold her laughter.

The atmosphere in the room was light. No nervousness, no anxiety other than that of Veldora. But that only lasted for a few seconds.

"Rimuru!" All of a sudden a tiny fairy burst into my office with the help of Beretta and Treyni. I left out an exhausted sigh as she burst in very loudly.

"What is it?" I said while letting out another sigh.

"Guy said he is coming here again. He said we would enter Walpurgis with him!"

As I was processing this info, I still had one question on mind.

"What are you still doing here?"


"You heard me."

"Fine. I'll tell you after Walpurgis."

"Thats much more like it. Now what is this about Guy coming to get us?"

"Oh right! He said that he personally would like to welcome you into the demon lords. After that you can do whatever you like to that weirdo Clayman. He's sending Rain and Misery to escort us to the Frozen Continent."

Frozen Continent? That sounds like a horrible place to live. And we are being brought there.

"He also said due to your 'Chaotic' nature you can bring as many attendants as you want."

'Is that so?' I already thought of bringing both Shinsha and Shalsha along, but keeping them in my [Imaginary Space] and letting them see their papa's awesomeness. Ahem! Getting off track. But I guess since he gave me the okay, they don't have to stay in the [Imaginary Space].

As I was thinking how lucky I was that Guy gave me special permission, the ground started glowing purple and a massive and ominous gate appeared from that glow.

I turned to look at Veldora and his face was pale yet again. He had already made it abundantly clear that he did not wish to participate anymore.

Out of nowhere, there was a creaking sound. I turned my attention back to the gate and it was opening. In the doorway I saw two figures. As the kept walking forward their figures became more clear.

There were two women, both of which are wearing maid outfits. One had long green hair and green eyes, the other had short blue hair and blue eyes.

As I observed them further, their presence was just as great Diablo before I named him. Based off that alone it must mean they are demons and old ones at that. I presume that they are more of these Primordial Demons I've heard about.

{That observation would be correct.}

Ciel confirmed my suspicions.

"Ramiris-sama, we have come to collect you." The green haired one spoke up.

"Hey Misery! Hey Rain! How are both of you?" Ramiris perked up upon seeing them. Is she perhaps friends with them?

"We have been fine, Ramiris-sama." The next one to speak was the blue haired maid.

"I presume you are Lord Rimuru." Misery asked while looking at me. To her question, I simply nodded.

"My master, Guy Crimson-sama has told us much about you. If you will, please follow me." Both Misery and Rain stepped off to the side, motioning for us to enter.

"We will head in first." Ramiris said as she, Beretta and Treyni headed off inside the portal.

'Today is the day when I meet those who control this world. My goal ever since my reincarnation is in my grasp. After that, I shall have to find a new goal to obtain.'

"Alright, lets head in." I said to my family. Although Veldora really didn't want to enter, I had no choice but to grab him by force.

Ciel, Shinsha, Shalsha, Veldora and I headed off inside the portal. Once we entered, both of the maids followed and the door closed upon their entry.

The space inside the door was pure black, illuminated by nothing but a path made of bricks. There were numerous doors off to the side, I assume they were connected to other spaces and locations.

The maids took their place at the front of us to lead us to where we go. The doors off to the side were not where we supposed to go, but curiosity made me want to go inside and see where they led. Luckily, I'm not childish enough for me to do that.

We kept walking for awhile until we ended up at a door just like the others but bigger.

'I assume this is where we go.' The door was far bigger than the others and it was at the supposed end of this corridor.

Once we were directly in front of it, the gate opened immediately.

On the other side of this gate was pure white, resembling that of snow. The walls were high and there were giant pillars of ice. But most noticeable was a red haired man sitting on a frozen throne with a white haired beauty beside him.

"Yo, Rimuru. Great to see you. Care for a drink?" The crimson demon asked.

"Nah, I'm good." I responded. I turned to look at Veldora and I think I could see buckets worth of sweat on his face alone.

"Ara Ara, both of my dear brothers haven't greeted me yet." Said Velzard with a slightly irritated tone. Uh oh, I think I feel sweat forming on me now.

""I-It's great to see y-you too, dear sister!"" Both Veldora and I said in a panic.

""Auntie!"" In contrast to Veldora and I being panicked, Shinsha and Shalsha were happy to see their first aunt and ran over to her.

'God, I hope the other one isn't as threatening as she is.' I thought to myself.

"Then take a seat my good friend." Guy offered. I responded by taking the seat in front of him.

"Ciel do you mind if we talk in the kitchen? And bring the girls along, I believe I have some things they will like."  Velzard asked while looking towards Ciel.

"Sure thing." Ciel said as she and our girls went off to their kitchen. Meanwhile Ramiris with Treyni and Beretta was in another room doing what I believe to be reading manga. Leaving Guy, Veldora and I, but then I received a [Thought Communication] from her.

{I will do my best to learn more about her abilities and implement them to 'Darlings' use.} She said as casually as ever. But wait...

'Darling?' As I questioned her she ended up disconnecting. I'll tease her about this later.

"So exactly what is your plan?" Guy asked a question, but as to what I am clueless.

"Plan of what?"

"Your plan to deal with Clayman. I am sure the others you have yet to meet won't mind what you do with him. After all he is quite weak as well as annoying."

"So I guess that means you won't mind if I play with him before killing him?"

"You can do that, but it's not like he would be strong enough to be a playmate for you. He isn't even an awakened one."

'Damnit! He is that weak. Why didn't Ciel tell me this? Ugh! Guess I can humiliate him in front of the others to show off my power.'

"Ugh fine, but I still plan to humiliate him." I said with a devious smile. My act had caused the demon to burst with laughter.

"Hahahaha! Well said, he does deserve it. After all with your power I would say your up there with Milim and I."

"Well I take that as a compliment. I have wanted to be at the top of this world in power since I reincarnated. Guess I have achieved that." I said as I proceeded to let out a hearty laugh.

"Well your not top of the world in power yet." Out of nowhere Veldora interjected.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked peaked by his statement.

"You don't remember? I told you about Veldanava right?" Veldora asked me.

"Oh, I think you have told me about him already."

"Exactly. As much as I hate to admit it, I am not the strongest in the world. That title goes to Veldanava." Guy added on.

"How strong would he be exactly?" I further questioned.

"Rimuru, you don't seriously think you can surpass Veldanava right?" Veldora questioned.

"For once I agree with that idiot. Veldanava created an infinite amount of universes making what we inhabit a singular multiverse. The cardinal world which we inhabit acts as the core of the multiverse. Do you know what happens if that core falls?"

"I take it that means the entire multiverse would fall." I answered.

"Correct. If we were to fail in protecting this world, the entire multiverse would come crashing down."

"And what if we ran into someone who is capable of such things?" I questioned even further.

"Thinking about such things makes me laugh. But I guess if we did, it would be over for us." Guy answered.

"But that is impossible, Veldanava is the strongest, no-one else." Guy added onto his previous statement.

From that point forward the three of us would continue talking for hours more until Walpurgis starts. 

"Misery, Rain go obtain the others. Once everyone is there come back to notify me."

""Understood Lord Guy."" Both Misery and Rain responded while taking a bow. Soon after they left through the gate to obtain the other demon lords. I turned back to Guy to ask him a question.

"Why do you want them to notify you once everyone is there? I thought we would be going in first."

"Well, Clayman is using this announcement of a new demon lord to try and blame you for doing such absurd things that mocks us demon lords. Since the VOTW announced you as a demon lord, he cant make absurd claims that involves that. But things like self serving behavior and you trying to kill him." Guy was spewing a lot but I decided to keep listening.

"This Walpurgis is for you to join us and Clayman is still trying to have you killed by us. But he doesn't know that it's you. So far no one but Milim and I do. But I am sure the others put two and two together. Your appearance here will put further pressure onto Clayman and I wish to see his response the moment he sees me enter with you."

Ahh. So he is in this only for entertainment. I can understand that, after all I myself am pretty lacking in the entertainment department. I may have to try to reinvent video games here.

A few more minutes passed and thats when Guys maids returned.

"Lord Guy, everyone is in attendance." Rain said.

"But we have some absurd news." Misery added.

"What would that be?" Guy questioned.

"Milim-sama was not in her territory but rather at Claymans when Rain arrived. Upon their entrance at the venue, Clayman slapped Milim-sama in front of everyone else."


What did she say?

He slapped Milim in front of everyone.

A weakling like him did so and got away with it.

Just thinking about that makes my blood boil.


I have a reason to torture him as much as I like.

Your death was not going to be easy in the beginning. But it looks like you made your fate even worse.

"Well nothing can be done about it now. So lets enter shall we." Guy turned to me. Motioning for us to enter. I broke free from my thoughts and followed next to him. But I almost forgot one thing.


"Dont worry, they will enter soon after us. She always whenever she came in the past." I was about to call for Ciel but Guy stopped me. I guess they can come in after.

"Oh, by the way I gave Clayman control of Walpurgis. Making his reason priority. Make this entertaining for me okay?"

"No problem. I will be entertaining myself as well."

Like that Guy and I along with Veldora catching up to us walked through the gate leading us to the meeting.

'Today is the day we regain our peace.'