

Life is the name of mysteries. Do not know how many secrets are there in this world. Sometimes the events that happen in our fantasies every now and then emerge as concrete on the surface of reality. We get lost in that fantasy world, which we do not consider imaginary, it seems as if all that event is happening in front of our eyes. The same thing happened to me in the story of this mystery adventure, when I saw four camel friends, the imagination started flying and the same flight seemed to me to be real. You are most requested that all of you will also roam in this fantasy world, then you will consider it to be real and forget your intellect as if I have not been able to separate myself from that journey even at this time. ******************* "It was very easy. First, the way you both talk, second, the difference in clothes and third, I had seen that you have a mole on your right cheek and it was on her left." Hearing this, the river was greatly impressed by the camel-prince and, giving way to them, said "Yeah she's my twin sister. These gems are very important for our state, so she wanted to get them." When everyone moves forward, they find a crocodile. he asks them "Did you bring the breath of my ancestors?"

sharmaarunakks · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 4

After this the camel-prince got married to that princess. The king took them both out of the pond safely. Even after the camel came out, the camel-prince remained. He was very surprised. Then both of them reached the sea while walking. The camel-prince remembered that the colored fish told him that

"Whenever you want to call him, say thrice, dear fish, come."

He did exactly the same. he spoke three times

"Come sweet fish, come sweet fish, come sweet fish."

Then the colorful fish came there with great decoration. Seeing it, the camel-prince and princess were surprised, then the fish said

"Don't be surprised, camel-prince. I am a princess too. This princess who is with you went mad because of you. Your family is waiting for you."

The camel-prince did not understand anything. Both of them then came back sitting on the back of the same fish. He thanked the fish and went on his way.

Here all three of his friends were very upset because his friend had not met him for a long time. Then he saw two people coming from afar. Being the first camel, the camel-prince talks to all of them and narrates the whole incident that happened to him. The three camels were very happy and taking them both on their backs, they walked towards the house of the owner of the camel-prince who was the first camel of the south.

On reaching the owner's house, the camel-prince left everyone outside and went inside with the juice. There he saw his owner who was earlier only worried about his wife being ill, now he is also upset and sad about the disappearance of his beloved camel. Seeing this the camel got worried about the owner. The owner is surprised to see the camel-prince in his house. The camel-prince takes care of them and asks the reason for the trouble. the owner tells him everything

"What to tell son, at first I was worried only because there is no cure for my wife's illness, but now my beloved camel is also lost somewhere but who are you who come to my house?"

Hearing this the camel-prince said

"I am your camel son and this is your daughter-in-law. I will fix the mistress."

Saying this he told the whole incident to his master and called the princess inside. The princess touched the feet of the owner. The owner blessed him.

After this, he made his mistress smell the juice from his vial, due to which his mistress got cured in a short time. The owner was very happy seeing this and hugged the camel-prince by his neck. The owner sat beside his wife and stared at her because she got up after a long time. After this the camel-prince talked to him a few times, then ate dinner together, after that he left and went to find out about himself because during that journey that colorful fish told him

"Your family is waiting for you in the north."

Leaving his wife, the camel-prince went to find out about himself.