

Life is the name of mysteries. Do not know how many secrets are there in this world. Sometimes the events that happen in our fantasies every now and then emerge as concrete on the surface of reality. We get lost in that fantasy world, which we do not consider imaginary, it seems as if all that event is happening in front of our eyes. The same thing happened to me in the story of this mystery adventure, when I saw four camel friends, the imagination started flying and the same flight seemed to me to be real. You are most requested that all of you will also roam in this fantasy world, then you will consider it to be real and forget your intellect as if I have not been able to separate myself from that journey even at this time. ******************* "It was very easy. First, the way you both talk, second, the difference in clothes and third, I had seen that you have a mole on your right cheek and it was on her left." Hearing this, the river was greatly impressed by the camel-prince and, giving way to them, said "Yeah she's my twin sister. These gems are very important for our state, so she wanted to get them." When everyone moves forward, they find a crocodile. he asks them "Did you bring the breath of my ancestors?"

sharmaarunakks · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 3

The camel bid farewell to the demon. The camel kept watching the monster going down. When the monster disappeared from his eyes, the camel quickly reached the lake. On going near the lake, he applied the juice given by the demon on his eyes, due to which he began to see golden lotuses between the pearls and the lotuses. The camel proceeded cautiously. As soon as he stepped into the water of the lake, suddenly he started falling inwards. While falling inside, he was surprised because the water of the lake looked like the sky and there was a big ground and palace below it. He gradually turned into a handsome prince. He started falling very slowly, due to which he did not get hurt when he fell down. When he reached down, he saw that he was in a field. He looked around him but he could not see anything but a palace was seen in the distance. He started moving in that direction.

On reaching the palace, he heard crying and shouting. He went a little closer, then from the conversation of the people there, he came to know that the princess was ill for a long time and now she has gone mad. He slowly, silently avoiding the public eye, reached the roof of the palace, where the bottom of the pond was the sky there. He plucked some golden lotuses from there and filled their juice in the vial he had brought with him. Then slowly coming to the palace, he secretly gave the princess a drink because he remembered that any sick can be cured by this juice. As soon as the juice got into the body of the princess, she started recovering. His condition improved very rapidly. After a while she was completely fine.

The king was very happy to see this. He hugged the camel-prince and said

"Son, you have cured my sick daughter. How long was she sick? From now on it is your dishonor."