
A New Sentry

A druggie was running away from his debtors when he found this abandoned secret facility. He hid inside and as he looked for somewhere to hide, he found something unbelievable, a vial written the Golden Sentry underneath an old machine. Thinking this would make him a super soldier like Steve, he drank it, not knowing it would make him one of the powerhouses of the universe.

Steamed_Buns_0919 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Taking The Serum

Brian has always had one hero all his life and that was Captain America. He wore the American Flag as his suit and fought Nazis with nothing but a Shield! Who else can be so badass! When in high school, he had read all the comics there were about him till he knew them off head. He always boasted to his parents he would join the army and become like Captain America.

But, reality is often cruel. One party made his life turn around. He was introduced to a hard drug, Cocaine and he loved the feeling it gave him. He always went for more, stealing from his parents till they kicked him out then he went to robbing stores. Turns out it was difficult as the cashiers always have guns! He was once very close to having his head blown off by an angry Chinese woman with a shotgun.

He had promised himself to go straight that day but the shivers and delusions brought h back to the world he was already familiar with. He was more high that day than any other day. His phobia for robbing stores rose from that day so he went to alleyway robbery. This went on for an year but then he tried to rob an assassin and he ended up with two broken legs! By then, Brian had started to believe his life was cursed but this incident just confirmed it.

He started doing something that disgusted him, he started giving the guys blowjobs just to get a few grams of coke. Two months later, they stopped asking him because he was terrible and had a terrible gag reflex. They decided to give him the drugs with a tab. Brian agreed to this wholeheartedly and an year passed like that. Right now, he was running away from his debtors who were out for blood, his blood.

"Run faster, little rabbit, or the wolf will gobble you up!" a man shouted as he banged his machete on the roof of the pickup truck. Brian did not dare to look behind in fear his body would stop moving and he would be captured.

Brian had been taunted countless other times but he never gave them heed. He had been looking for somewhere to hide since they started issuing him threats and he had been pleased to find a building that fit the criteria.

"One more block," he screamt inside his mind as he tried to keep his malnourished body from collapsing. He had asked his parents for some money to finish paying his debt off but they put it clearly that they did not want anything to do with him. His brother was a lawyer now and he was sure he would afford the twenty grand he owed the gang.

The chasers seemed to get bored by the monotonous chase for they started shooting at him, making Brian almost fall because of fear and shock. Luckily, he had arrived at the building and he dove inside, making his chasers screech to a stop. They got off their trucks and ran for the door only to find it unmoving like a boulder.

"Fucker must have used something to block it from inside. Go bring a chainsaw, he's not getting away this time," a man shouted and another quickly ran to the truck.

Inside the building, Brian's heart was threat bing to tear out of his chest for it wasn't used to this kind of strenuous exercise. When he heard the order, he quickly ran to a room filled with broken down machines and hid under one of them. He could hear the chainsaw fired alive and the blades sawing on the metal door.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" Brian chanted as he pushed himself to the wall. His heard hit on the machine and something fell to the ground. He looked at it and saw a vial with a golden fluid, the label read Golden Sentry Serum.

"What's this? A serum? Like the one that created Captain America?" he asked himself as he picked it up. He looked at it from all sides, his eyes sparkling. "Will this make me into a super soldier like him too? It will make me a superhero! I will finally laugh at everyone who called me a loser and probably not save them." He then heard the sound of something crashing and knew the debtors had come in. With no second thought, he pulled out the stopper from the vial and chugged down the fluid.

Almost immediately, he felt his body heat up followed by by his heart pumping even faster. He felt as if his insides were being burnt to ashes at the same time being cooled, it was extremely painful. He clutched his chest as he thrashed around, not even noticing he had thrown the 1.3 tonne heavy machine away while doing this. The debtors found him in this position and started laughing as they surrounded him.

"Looks like the addiction finally got to him,"

"Seems like it, told you he wouldn't get away as long as he didn't get his usual dose of the whites,"

"He looks like he is in pain instead of being in withdrawal, should we help him?"

"Nah. Have seen people who had it worse than him, he's gonna be fine when he's done,"

Brian suddenly started glowing, making everyone there to frown as they started edging away from him. He then got up almost robotically, his face still projecting the anguish he was feeling. He looked at the debtors and his eyes radiated fury that was then masked by how much his whol body was glowing.

"Let's die together then!" Brian suddenly said then his body burst apart, sending a golden wave from his body that turned everything but the ground to nothing but ashes. That was how a whole town, not city, vanished from the face of Earth, everyone turned to ashes and at the middle of it all lay a twenty two years old young man who was naked, well built, blonde and 6'2 tall lay unconscious