
A new life in High School DXD

This is a young man of twenty years who was reincarnated in High School DXD carrying with him a system to ascend beyond its limits. The first time I make a fan-fic note is that some characters will not be present. ----- The High School DXD does not belong to me, nor any character. English is not my language

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164 Chs

Let my story begin

Time passed in the twinkling of an eye, now Yukio was seven years old, during all these years he tried in several ways to raise his level and gain new skills in some occasions they worked while in others they were failures

There was a time when he tried to use [Magic Absorption] to break his limits but ended up causing serious injuries to the body due to the strong pressure. It was fortunate that the System could heal the wounds by spending only a hundred chips. Since then he did not try it again and began to train his body with several manual exercises.

It seemed strange to his parents that his son from such a small age was interested in training, sometimes they tried to stop him because it could affect his growth, but he was very stubborn, therefore, they left him, at least they felt somewhat happy because they thought that maybe he wanted to be an athlete. Since he was born, he was never like a child, he was very mature and responsible, so they were happy with him.

Yukio not only did exercises during these years, but he was also training his skills every time his parents went to sleep. He escaped at midnight to train his skills, sometimes he tried to get new skills, but it was difficult because he had to understand them even if it was a little.

Almost always, when he trained, he felt the presence of demons around him with his [Magical Perception]. Sometimes he retired when he noticed that they had strong auras or approached them if he noticed that they were weak at least to satisfy his curiosity. When they were devils of high rank or he thought his aura was too weak, he only watched them.

He continued until one day he saw that they were attacking a civilian, so he got angry and fought against them. At first, he thought that at least he would be hurt, but it turned out that he was wrong. These guys were too weak. so weak that with only his martial arts of rank seven he was able to challenge them

Although he had to escape immediately because it was the first time he killed someone, he felt very bad and had to stay at home for a few days, at least until he accepted that to achieve his goal he would have to do it many more times. Much, much more. To his surprise, when he killed them, they ended up giving him a good amount of experience, in addition to receiving a mysterious bag for having murdered a low rank.

As soon as he learned about this, he quickly opened his inventory and asked the system to use the mysterious bag, he received two silver gauntlets that reached his elbows, they were called [Emperor Gauntlets] that had a rank of B, since then he started to fight against some low range demons.


Name: Yukio Hyoudou

Bloodline: Dragon of the Abyss (7%) Sealed

Species: Human (Possible ???)

Range: Middle Range (Beginner)

Title: Demon Slayer

Level 31

The currency of the system (token) - 4.560

Strength - 37

Resistance - 46

Agility - 30

Intelligence - 30

Good luck - 16

Mana: 4,685

- / -


Presence (He got it from the store)

Evaluation (He tried to decipher a scroll that he stole from a demon and the system gave it as a skill)

Pressure (Obtained upon awakening 5% bloodline)


Advanced learning - MAX 20/20 - Passive

Magical Absorption 36/90 - Active

Light steps - 14/35 - active

Martial arts - 21/50 - Passive

Fencing - 3/50 - Passive

Lightning Verses - 15/100 - Active (Obtained upon awakening a 6% bloodline)

Lightning Bolt - 25/50 - Active (Obtained upon awakening a 4% bloodline)

Magical perception - 15/20 - Passive

[Lightning Verses] Lvl: 15 - Max Lvl: 100

-Art of writing invokes the rays and uses them at will.

[Lightning Bolt] Lvl: 25 - Max Lvl: 50

-From the tip of your fingers comes a beam that crosses the target.

[Presence] Special

-You have erased all your presence in the world - Only cash against weaker targets than the user

[Evaluation] Special

- Can see the information of people or objects, can not access the information of beings by higher ranges than you

[Pressure] Special

-Use your magical power to press your enemies, it will not work on those with a similar or superior magical power.

[Emperor's gauntlets]

Rank (B)

- They are silver gauntlets made of the best metal, able to withstand attacks of magical means, they have the capacity to absorb two attacks and use them in an explosive force towards a target.


*Knock Knock*

It was very early in the morning at Hyoudou's house, in a room, you could see the light coming through the window and someone knocked on the door several times.

"Yukio, are you awake? It's your first day of school, get up." From outside the door was the voice of Mrs. Hyoudou.

Actually, Yukio was awake early because he was training his body as he routinely does.

"Yes, mother, give me a moment" he responded quickly with some emotion, during all these years he could not make friends because all the little children were afraid of him ...

Yukio quickly took a shower and went down to breakfast when he entered the kitchen. He could see his father with his brother by his side while they ate.

"Good morning Yukio, are you ready?" said Mr. Hyoudou, who was always worried about his son's loneliness, but what could he do.

"More than enough," he said with a smile, after all, he was somewhat excited, although it was funny because if you counted his previous age with this life, he would be 27 years old.

"Yukio-onii, what is that hanging from your neck?" Issei asked as he looked at his older brother.

"This?" he pointed with his finger "It's a necklace, I bought it with the pocket money that dad gives us" he lied, but not really, because his parents gave them vacation money, but this necklace that he received from the System store, had a dark chain with a golden dragon that hugged a black diamond, it was quite attractive and he really liked it, also it offered the option to suppress his aura.

Everyone present told them it was a nice pendant, so they talked a little until they finished breakfast, their father would take them to their new school.

Yukio was remembering some things about the events, if he does not remember badly the school they will attend to, will be the place when Issei meets Irina Shidou for the first time.

(I guess if I establish a friendship between the three of us, will the future change?) His plan was to change the story, after all, that's why he was reincarnated in this world.

"Yukio-onii, are you nervous?" Issei asked his brother who was at his side watching through the car window.

"Uh, not really, you should not be either, it's not like you have not made close friends at home, here you will do many more."

"Really? Yukio-onii do you plan to make friends too?" Issei knew that his older brother was bad at making friends besides he did not understand why everyone said they were afraid of him.

"Y-yes, I guess, it's not easy, I think ..."

His father who was listening chuckled as he listened to them in their conversation.

"Yukio, I hope you can make friends, make your father proud!" Winking at Yukio, which was terrifying to him when he saw an older man wink at him, he forced a smile as he lifted his thumb.

"Sure father!"


You could see many students say goodbye to their parents, siblings or grandparents. It was really normal because it was the first day of class for all the children. It is very normal to be accompanied, at this moment at the entrance there was a young man with short black hair. Having three fringes on his forehead and impressive golden eyes that wandered to see the whole place.

"Are you not coming, Yukio-onii?"

"Ah, yes ..."

This young man was our protagonist, he was thinking about the best way to change history.

They walked to the building when he could see all the students in the same direction, he looked up at the sky and clenched his fists.

".... Here begins my story"

Editor: maave